Grounded for does this show survive?

Dark Spider

Moderator of Kiyone Love
Jan 6, 2002
The Yagami
Why hasn't "Grounded for Life" been cancelled yet? Don't get me wrong, I find the show enjoyable sometimes, but in comparison to the other shows out now, its just mediocre.

The main character Sean is the most confusing person on television. He knows what's right and what's wrong, but he still does stupid things. I can't believe the stupid things he does, but yet he still he still has that aura of having common sense. Its confusing.

They really need to get rid of the two sons. They are not funny at all. Its so obvious that the show has a laugh track because I can't imagine someone laughing at the jokes these kids tell. If they must keep one though, I would keep the older one because the younger one is just a small ****** bag.

The teenage daughter (I think her name is Lily) is annoying. She complains about everything!!!(and I really stress this)!!! She complains and complains and the show's writers are supposed to think this is funny.

Lily's nerdy friend (I think his name is Matt) is just plain annoying. I really don't like him.

Lily's boyfriend (forgot his name) is also just as equally annoying.

Sean's wife (I think her name is Paula or something like that) complains about stuff too....but she's kinda cool about it though.

You know what I just realized? THE WHOLE FAMILY COMPLAINS!!! And they all do stupid things, its just that THE stupidest acts all come from Sean basically.

The coolest person on the show is Eddie. I just like his attitude and his outlook on various situations. He's just plain cool.

Now that I got the character complaints aside, I will now complain about the show itself. Basically, the writers give the show's characters some pretty stupid, crazy, and pointless situations. Its kinda entertaining to see how Sean gets himself in/out of these situations...but on the grand scheme of things, its just really stupid. And not only that, but the whole show revolves around the family's complaining about things or each other. Ugh, the show's concept is just stupid.

But despite the show's idiosyncrasies, its kinda a fun show to watch....kinda anyway. The only thing entertaining about this show is Eddie and seeing how much stupider Sean gets.

Now that I got all of these complaints off my chest, I want to here your comments. What do you all think of this show? And do you have an answer as to why this show is still on and going on its 3rd season?

Word Count from this post:
Complain (and its derivatives): 8
Stupid (and its derivatives): 6

(You get my point? :) )


Badass Cyborg
Nov 19, 2001
It's on because it's non-threatening. Fox cancelled "Titus" because it was too risque, even though "Titus" had higher ratings than "Grounded For Life".

Sometimes networks use the old "never found an audience" excuse when they cancel something good. But here we have a show without a strong audience, and it's still breathing. Basically, the networks are trying to tell us what we should like.

Probably the best thing we can do is complain.


Cyber E.

Active Member
Jun 23, 2002
Frankly I havn't a clue why it isn't cancelled. I find it stupid most of the time andthe rest of the time it is a commercial (In other words to me it is always stupid). But then again the opinion of many overpowers the opinion of the few.


Cogito Ergo Sum
Jan 6, 2002
I thought it was made clear last year that Fox is run by a bunch of crazed apes. They kept X-Files and Ally McBeal on for WAY longer than they should have. They eliminated kids afteroon blocks, they cancelled(or at least stopped showing for a long time) Futurama, Titus, The Tick, and That 70s show. They created unfunny sitcoms like That 80s show, Grounded for Life, and Undeclared(I never liked that show).

Grounded for life is clearly written by idiots. The only line in that show that made me laugh was the one about nuns on donkeys playing basketball. The mother and daughter never cease complaining. I think at least one of the writers REALLY hates his family life. From what I've seen, both of the parents are idiots, and are always complaining that they don't know what the right thing to do is (or complaining about money).

Fox had their chance with Titus, it could have been the next Married with Children, but they ditched it because 2001 was very much NOT the year to be politically incorrect, just ask Bill Maher. Its really weird though, Fox took a lot of flack for keeping Married with Children on the air, but still kept it on for a decade. I don't remember Titus bothering that many people.


Badass Cyborg
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by Jedigreedo
Until you mentioned the daughter it sounded like Malcolm in the Middle. :rolleyes: ;)
"Malcolm in the Middle" is genius.


Dark Spider

Moderator of Kiyone Love
Jan 6, 2002
The Yagami
Originally posted by Jedigreedo
Until you mentioned the daughter it sounded like Malcolm in the Middle. :rolleyes: ;)

LOL! And the scary thing fits. But I don't agree with you though, I love Malcolm in the Middle. Their plots are refreshing in the face of current sitcoms and its just plain funny. I hope this series lasts for a long time to come.

If Fox has one brain amongst its writing team, Grounded for Life will not live past its third season.


Teacher's Pet Fangirl
Jul 31, 2002
I hate Grounded for Life. I find the characters to be very annoying and the writing to be below par even for a sitcom. Titus was a much better show. It had more creativity.


Future writer, Current Slacker
Jan 25, 2002
Not England
I dunno, the epsode where Lilly gets a karioke machine is pretty funny. (Its the only one I've seen though.)
But Malcome in the middle was funny the first 2 seasons. Now its un-watchable.


It's Me
May 3, 2001
While there were a few good shows, I also agree this show jumped the shark a long, long time ago. The only regular Fox sitcom I enjoy is That 70's Show. Fox axed the best of all the rest.

My dream Fox prime time line up would be Action, Andy Richter Controls the Universe, the Tick, and Family Guy. But they got rid of every single one of those and did not allow them the time to grow.


Active Member
Mar 8, 2002
I think it can be pretty funny sometimes. But that can be said for just about any show, no matter how bad it is... not being a TV buff, I'm not sure how I feel about this show, but I wouldn't really be traumatized if it were cancelled.



mortal kombat imo
Apr 21, 2002
this show is never funny, the characters are stupid, and the plot is predictable...


It's Me
May 3, 2001
Sorry for resurrecting such an old thread, but I was searching for something else when I came upon it.

I was wondering if anybody's opinions have changed? I have to say since this show made the move to WB, I like it A LOT more. After they got away from that "flashback" formula that seemed to dominate all the stories, I really started to like it more, and am now wondering if we will ever see season sets of this show. This is one series that I think has gotten better since it premiered.

Caffeine King

what are you running from?
Nov 16, 2002
Terminatah said:
"Malcolm in the Middle" is genius.

I liked it up intill that family reunion episode, after that I stopped.

I thoguht it was stupid of Lois to just cry, where as I figured she would of torn their heads off. :shrug:

I did Grounded For Life when it was FOX, it was an alright show...not my favorite just one I watched every once and a while but The WB episodes are boring. :rolleyes:

Someone said they use a laugh track, you're right. I think ALL of The WB's sitcoms use a laugh track. :shrug:

The Penguin

Mod of Fowl Play
Staff member
Dec 20, 2001
South Dakota
I have no problem with this thread returning, but please think before directly replying to responses other than Cal's. The rest are from a while ago and were said in different times.


Never go see Dr. Acula
Dec 27, 2003
It was ok on FOX, I likes the flashback formula it had going. I find it horrendous on WB.

Big surprise.

Also, I miss Titus dearly.

Classic Speedy

Boogie oogie oogie
Staff member
May 13, 2003
I know I'm in the minority here, but I found Grounded For Life hilarious. I like the way the stories were told in flashbacks with bits and pieces revealed by different family member's point of views. And the predicaments that Sean would get himself into were great, like when he built his kid's Battlebot and then tried to lead a parent's revolt when the teacher accused him of doing all the work. Or when he was driving a "mob member's" car and was paranoid there was a body in the trunk, so he and Eddie tore apart the car while a cop looked at them in confusion. Or when he blackmailed the nun when he heard her swear. And as for Lily being annoying, that's her character. Would you rather she be dull and uninteresting? Plus, it makes any time she is happy to be an accomplishment. And I can't believe nobody's mentioned the grandfather, who has some of the funniest lines in the show. I never saw a WB episode, but the whole thing with Sean opening up his own bar sounds a little Jump The Shark-ish... still, this was a funny show that I enjoyed watching.

Look at it this way- would you rather have GFL or yet another reality show that will last 2 months?

The Landstander

Thanks ants. Thants.
Oct 30, 2002
Titus r0x =(

Terminatah made me miss Titus. =(

Beyond that, I think he hit the nail on the head. It's generic programming with a generic cast and generic script without anything too different or too "risky" that probably gets enough viewers to turn in a profit (...which makes me guess it's relatively cheap to produce). I wouldn't say its the worst show out there, but its really nothing special...

I'm sure this thread could easily apply to many other shows out there.


It's just us
May 17, 2002
US Midwest
Why do I LOVE Grounded for Life and watch it everytime I catch it?

A little because Megyn Price is hot...

...but especially because Lynsey Bartilson is such an incredible undescribable HOTTIE!! Now many may throw up their hands and ignore this post, but you have to conceed I am not the only one who feels like that... Oh yeah, a friend of mine loved Titus and never missed a show, I personally thought it was amusing sometimes (like when David Hyde Pierce guest starred, or Jay Leno) but I don't care for their type of humor.


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