"The Terminal" Talkback (Spoilers)


Everypony's Starry-Eyed
Jul 23, 2003
It matters not.

Release Date: June 18th, 2004
Studio: Dreamworks SKG
Director: Steven Spielberg
Starring: Tom Hanks, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Stanley Tucci

Plot Summary: Tom Hanks is Viktor Navorski, a man from Krakosia whom arrives at one of New York's airports. However, during the flight his country becomes embroiled in a civil war, and because of that it negates his passport and right to enter the United States. The head of airport security (Tucci), allows him however to stay in the airport, but wishes that this 'glitch' in the governmental system becomes someone else's problem. Viktor however decides to stay in the airport, and in turn makes friends, inspires people, and even catches the eyes of a flight attendant (Zeta-Jones).

Visit the Official Website here.


Active Member
Aug 29, 2002
that sounds pretty cool..

why i saw around the world and not this.. is beyond me. but i guess being put through a traumatic internal a/c fire and a modem's death in the computer i use, that didn't survive when i evacuated my computer from the house.. really got me down.

i'd probably see it when it's at the discount cinema, or i get to run some errands later today. sounds like an intriguing movie for tom hanks, who is a legend not even that fed-ex-orama of his movie on that island.. could break down.


Everypony's Starry-Eyed
Jul 23, 2003
It matters not.
GMahler said:
Too bad they didn't actually make the guy in the movie Iranian. Because this movie is based on an IRANIAN man who lived in an airport for 9 years. Not Tom Hanks with a fake accent who falls in love with a woman who is married to a man twice her age.
Things that are based on a true story instead of being a true story sometimes is much more interesting.

For all I care, it was a great movie. A nice, uplifting movie that manages to be entertaining as well as touching. Tom Hanks really gets my respect for being so unique in this role he's new to playing. Yeah, maybe they should have made Stan Tucci's character more sympathetic, but in the end, The Terminal gets my nod for being one of the best summer movies.


[Insert title]
Dec 30, 2002
In your imagination
Great movie glad I picked this over dodgeball. Man still they could have just said Iran.. orwould that get people mad over the war right now? Anyways it's a great movie kinda short though.


The Genuine Article
Jun 5, 2001
This movie is one of the better movies I've had the pleasure of seeing in a looooong time. The writing was phenomenal. Period. Tom Hanks is genius. Period. Steven Speilberg is great. Period.

The movie was fantastic. Period.

I was so surprised last night at how empty the theater was for an 8:30 showing. I really didn't see a lot of advertising for this movie so hopefully it'll pick up by word of mouth. It really was up there as far as movies go. I loved it enough that I would go see it again. So far this year the only movies I thought were worth the 9 dollars I shelled out to see were this and Eternal Sunshine. Though Day After Tomorrow and Van Helsing were OKAY...DAT was a good take a large group of friend movie. ANYWAY, go see this movie, it's definitely worth it.


Just singin' the blues
Mar 19, 2004
In the mountains
I saw the movie last night at a 10:05 showing with a friend, it did not end until about 12:30, I was not expecting it to be that long.

Any way I thought this movie was great. Tom Hanks did a great job with the accent, and acted like he was a real forenger. I liked how the the guy who gave him food would only give it to him if he talked to the officer at the front desk about herself and I liked the mispronouncation of "He cheats".
I liked it also when he gets money by putting the carts back in their orginal state causing a few quarters to jump out and hit him in the face.
Other scenes I liked was when he wanted a job at the Discovery Channel store and was waiting by the phone booth for the manager to call him and he really needed to go to the bathroom.
The other scene I liked was when he was actually able to get a job in construction and it turned out he was making more than the manager (was he a manager?) of the airport.
Any way I could talk all day about this movie, but I don't want to spoil anything else.

I give it four stars.

Caffeine King

what are you running from?
Nov 16, 2002
:p I thought this sucked...

It was stupid and boring.....and I think I lost a few brain cells after watching this. :sweat:

I'm surprised at Stephen Speilberg for making such a crappy movie...I usually love his movies.



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Almost forgot to listen to this before the day was up.
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Happy 4th of July, Light Lucario. I really hope you get to enjoy the fireworks tonight. Have a wonderful evening.
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Thanks for the following days ago. :)
Your avatar looks interesting.

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