Voice work by Tedd Pierce in "Major Lied 'Til Dawn"?


Nutzi Duck
Dec 30, 2002
While watching this cartoon, it sounded like Tedd Pierce did the voice work for the Major character. Is this true and if not, who was it?
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Sophmoric Member ;o)
Apr 27, 2001
A very hot place
cabe624 said:
While watching this cartoon, it sounded like Tedd Pierce did the voice work for the Major character. Is this true, and if not, who was it?


I started to create a new thread on my little analysis of Warner (and other studios) use of various talents, but this touches on it (cool!). And the answer is YES it is most definitely Tedd Pierce (along with Tommy Bond and Mel Blanc). In STRANGE point of fact it would appear that our Edward Stacey Pierce was the most fertile of moonlighing artists/voice artists to work in cartoons....



Nutzi Duck
Dec 30, 2002
Thanks, Sogturtle. From all of the cartoons I've seen with his voice work in it (Wholly Smoke (his voice for Porky's mother is hilarious
) , A Tale of Two Kitties, A Tale of Two Mice) it seems as if he could have gone professional in the voice acting business. He does a particularly good job in this one... his British accent sounds dead on, although you can't help but notice the "rasp" in his voice.

J Lee

Active Member
Apr 26, 2001
cabe624 said:
Thanks, Sogturtle. From all of the cartoons I've seen with his voice work in it (Wholly Smoke (his voice for Porky's mother is hilarious
) , A Tale of Two Kitties, A Tale of Two Mice) it seems as if he could have gone professional in the voice acting business. He does a particularly good job in this one... his British accent sounds dead on, although you can't help but notice the "rasp" in his voice.

If you want to have more fun, try spotting Pierce's voice on The Popeye Show, in the cartoons the Fleischers made while Tedd was working down in Miami...


Sophmoric Member ;o)
Apr 27, 2001
A very hot place
J Lee said:
If you want to have more fun, try spotting Pierce's voice on The Popeye Show, in the cartoons the Fleischers made while Tedd was working down in Miami...


I'll eventually be getting to that (at present have about 6 Fleischer/Famous Popeye, Superman toons down for him). On his Schlesinger/Warner voice-work though as of this moment I have a list of over 35 cartoons, which means he was in as many Warner cartoons as some of the "major" voice artists!! Kinda weird when you think about it that way...


Steve Carras

Mar 11, 2002
The good ol' USA
Sogturtle said:


I'll eventually be getting to that (at present have about 6 Fleischer/Famous Popeye, Superman toons down for him). On his Schlesinger/Warner voice-work though as of this moment I have a list of over 35 cartoons, which means he was in as many Warner cartoons as some of the "major" voice artists!! Kinda weird when you think about it that way...

Interestring that Peirce did the WHOLLY SMOKE mama-pig (Jewish/Germanic accent). I wonder if cabe624 has the Graham Webb book for that info.I always thought that was a gal doiung the voice

J Lee

Active Member
Apr 26, 2001
Steve Carras said:
Interestring that Peirce did the WHOLLY SMOKE mama-pig (Jewish/Germanic accent). I wonder if cabe624 has the Graham Webb book for that info.I always thought that was a gal doiung the voice

You can tell it's Pierce, because the rasping female sound -- minus the German accent -- is the same one he used doing the wolf doing grandma in "Little Red Walking Hood."

Also, they dubbed Tedd's voice in as well in "Wholly Smoke" when Nock O'Teen presents his card to Porky, borrowing the line from Freleng's "A Star Is Hatched," which Pierce had story credit on.


Sophmoric Member ;o)
Apr 27, 2001
A very hot place
J Lee said:
You can tell it's Pierce, because the rasping female sound -- minus the German accent -- is the same one he used doing the wolf doing grandma in "Little Red Walking Hood."

Also, they dubbed Tedd's voice in as well in "Wholly Smoke" when Nock O'Teen presents his card to Porky, borrowing the line from Freleng's "A Star Is Hatched," which Pierce had story credit on.

John and Steve~

For whatever it's worth this is what Graham Webb lists for the voice credits for "Wholly Smoke" (are ya ready?!?! ;)) "voices: Mel Blanc, Cliff Nazarro, The Basin Street Boys"... On most all of Graham's VOICE credits I tend to agree (c'mon he is a WORLD EXPERT, buuuuuut I have found a FEW credits which I have to respectfully disagree with (some on historical grounds).

[This is totally apart from the numerous NON-voice credits which he lists which are totally fallacious, a darned pity]



Nutzi Duck
Dec 30, 2002
I was wondering, what exactly is this book called? I've never heard of it...


Sophmoric Member ;o)
Apr 27, 2001
A very hot place
cabe624 said:
I was wondering, what exactly is this book called? I've never heard of it...


It's called "The Animated Film Encyclopedia" by Graham Webb, published by McFarland and Co., (c) 2000 by Graham Webb. It sells for $125... How many copies you want to order??? ;) :p :bosko:



Sophmoric Member ;o)
Apr 27, 2001
A very hot place
Sogturtle said:

John and Steve~

For whatever it's worth this is what Graham Webb lists for the voice credits for "Wholly Smoke" (are ya ready?!?! ;)) "voices: Mel Blanc, Cliff Nazarro, The Basin Street Boys"... On most all of Graham's VOICE credits I tend to agree (c'mon he is a WORLD EXPERT, buuuuuut I have found a FEW credits which I have to respectfully disagree with (some on historical grounds).

[This is totally apart from the numerous NON-voice credits which he lists which are totally fallacious, a darned pity]


I should add that Graham Webb's friend and fellow voice expert Keith Scott does state emphatically that Tedd Pierce did indeed voice those two characters in "Wholly Smoke" (so it's not just a sound-alike on the lines of the pseudo-Goofy voice). Which leads me to think it was an accidental omission on Webb's part...

(Pretty pathetic answering your own post huh ;) :p . I could have easily edited it in but knowing how people don't always notice such things thought this better as a new post).


J Lee

Active Member
Apr 26, 2001
Sogturtle said:


I should add that Graham Webb's friend and fellow voice expert Keith Scott does state emphatically that Tedd Pierce did indeed voice those two characters in "Wholly Smoke" (so it's not just a sound-alike on the lines of the pseudo-Goofy voice). Which leads me to think it was an accidental omission on Webb's part...

(Pretty pathetic answering your own post huh ;) :p . I could have easily edited it in but knowing how people don't always notice such things thought this better as a new post).


Tim --

Webb could be partially right, at least on the Nick O' Teen voice -- Pierce's line of "Here's my card" sounds completely different from the character's other lines, and sounds like Treg Browd did some post-editing to put in there because someone (Tedd, Frank -- certainly not Friz at the time) thought J Megga Phone's line to Emily would work just as well in this case.

The other lines definitely aren't Blanc's voice, but it could be Nazzaro (and it it was Tedd, he never used a voice like that again).


Nutzi Duck
Dec 30, 2002
J Lee said:
The other lines definitely aren't Blanc's voice, but it could be Nazzaro (and it it was Tedd, he never used a voice like that again).
I know Blanc did one other line in the cartoon during the "Mysterious Mose" sequence (maybe more, I'll have to check my redrawn copy
). The line that Blanc did in that sequence that I remember is a corn cob-like pipe saying, "Little kids shouldn't smoke 'tabaccy'". He obviously also voiced the bully that bet's Porky a nickle.

Steve Carras

Mar 11, 2002
The good ol' USA
cabe624 said:
I know Blanc did one other line in the cartoon during the "Mysterious Mose" sequence (maybe more, I'll have to check my redrawn copy
). The line that Blanc did in that sequence that I remember is a corn cob-like pipe saying, "Little kids shouldn't smoke 'tabaccy'". He obviously also voiced the bully that bet's Porky a nickle.
And the Bull..

It's been said that Tedd Pierce voiced the Sterling Holloway-sounding CHOW HOUND [1951] zookeeper ("Here Sabah-tooh")..that (to me) vaguely Pooh-sounding guy (NOT Bea Benadaret or any other female despite what someone ehre said-it's a guy) under music by Carl Stalling intended for Blanc (and his costars here, Bea Benaderet, and CH's actual star John T.Smith), sounded odd..

I bet Mel Blanc did the falsetto mouse (Smith did the dog, Bea Benaderet the mistress and Blanc mostothers) in CHOW HOUND


Sophmoric Member ;o)
Apr 27, 2001
A very hot place
J Lee said:
Tim --

Webb could be partially right, at least on the Nick O' Teen voice -- Pierce's line of "Here's my card" sounds completely different from the character's other lines, and sounds like Treg Browd did some post-editing to put in there because someone (Tedd, Frank -- certainly not Friz at the time) thought J Megga Phone's line to Emily would work just as well in this case.

The other lines definitely aren't Blanc's voice, but it could be Nazzaro (and it it was Tedd, he never used a voice like that again).


I'd suspect that your analysis is essentially right... And that Tedd took off for Fleischer-dom shortly after recording on "Wholly Smoke" and "Cracked Ice", whether they were finished or not, and forcing Nazarro to be brought in.

Also according to Graham Webb, Cliff Nazarro can be heard in some ten other Warner cartoons, ranging from "Billboard Frolics" on through "The Penguin Parade" and concluding in the early Forties... OHHHHH John...!! Nazarro was also in your MOST favorite MGM cartoon of all time "Abdul The Bulbul Ameer" ;) :eek: [Just thought you'd like to know :D ]

J Lee

Active Member
Apr 26, 2001
Sogturtle said:

OHHHHH John...!! Nazarro was also in your MOST favorite MGM cartoon of all time "Abdul The Bulbul Ameer" ;) :eek: [Just thought you'd like to know :D ]

A Hugh Harman comedy classic! {/sarcasm}

I suppose I could go over to the "Worst MGM Cartoon" thread and vent on this one, but it's more inept (apparently deliberately so, going by Barrier's comments) than anything else. "The Field Mouse" is way more irritating, with Hugh getting Mel Blanc to deliver his all-time most annoying vocal performance as Grandpa... :mad:

Steve Carras

Mar 11, 2002
The good ol' USA
Sogturtle said:


I'd suspect that your analysis is essentially right... And that Tedd took off for Fleischer-dom shortly after recording on "Wholly Smoke" and "Cracked Ice", whether they were finished or not, and forcing Nazarro to be brought in.

Also according to Graham Webb, Cliff Nazarro can be heard in some ten other Warner cartoons, ranging from "Billboard Frolics" on through "The Penguin Parade" and concluding in the early Forties... OHHHHH John...!! Nazarro was also in your MOST favorite MGM cartoon of all time "Abdul The Bulbul Ameer" ;) :eek: [Just thought you'd like to know :D ]
One thing Soggy...Nazzaro (despite previous credits to the contrary) NEVER did the voice of Egghead--that was Mel Blanc at least one (the 1937 debut EGGHEAD RIDES AGAIN) and maybe in COUNT ME OUT, one of the first uses of AMCE along with PORKY'S POPPA (1937) and an earlier short with Buddy alreayd disccused here. Usually Dave Weber aka Danny Webb (as Ha,mes Ware, Keith Scott and Graham Webb himself cite in ANIMATO in 1995) was the voice of Eggy. Nazzaoo DOES do the MC from PENGUIN PARADE (1938).

Steve Carras

Mar 11, 2002
The good ol' USA
Sogturtle said:


I started to create a new thread on my little analysis of Warner (and other studios) use of various talents, but this touches on it (cool!). And the answer is YES it is most definitely Tedd Pierce (along with Tommy Bond and Mel Blanc). In STRANGE point of fact it would appear that our Edward Stacey Pierce was the most fertile of moonlighing artists/voice artists to work in cartoons....

Today, forget Bugs's crossdressing! Pierce's middl;e name Stacey would have made him a laughstock since that's a GIRL's name now...(like.....Kelly, and Kim outside the Orient). (Off topic but Courtney, the name of some major actresses-Love, Cox, and Thorne-Smith, is also a male name--cf.Vance, the African AMerican actor yet it's basically a feminine name...Just departed Johnny Cash's biggest crossover deaalt with a boy named Sue.We now bring you back to our topic..and Soggy, howzabout your once-planned SEPARATE TOPIC of various talents at various studios?


Sophmoric Member ;o)
Apr 27, 2001
A very hot place
Steve Carras said:
One thing Soggy...Nazzaro (despite previous credits to the contrary) NEVER did the voice of Egghead--that was Mel Blanc at least one (the 1937 debut EGGHEAD RIDES AGAIN) and maybe in COUNT ME OUT, one of the first uses of AMCE along with PORKY'S POPPA (1937) and an earlier short with Buddy already discussed here. Usually Dave Weber aka Danny Webb (as Hames Ware, Keith Scott and Graham Webb himself cite in ANIMATO in 1995) was the voice of Eggy. Nazzaro DOES do the MC from PENGUIN PARADE (1938).


I personally never said that Cliff Nazarro did Egghead's voice... I think Graham Webb, Ware and Scott have proved conclusively that Mr. Danny Webb/Dave Weber was Egghead's usual voice (though Ware and Webb are to blame for the widespread notion of Nazarro as Egghead, thanks to an ancient Funnyworld article). On "Count Me Out", Graham Webb credits Dave Weber, Mel Blanc and Tex Avery(!) for voices... (Since Egghead was Tex's character why not moonlight as a voice to oversee their use of the character...)

At this juncture I should probably mention that Dave Weber worked alongside Cliff Nazarro on AT LEAST 6 different cartoons at 4 different cartoon studios... With that in mind it brings up the question... Could they possibly imitate each other...?!?! (perspiring minds want to know ;) ) Lastly on Dave/Danny, as a voice artist he was EXTREMELY PROLIFIC... For the 1938 release year he seems to have all but abandoned radio, the guy turned up in OVER 35 cartoons that year alone at 6 different cartoon studios!!! :eek: :eek: [Great-horny-toadies!!! the guy must've been living in the cartoon studios (ala John McLeish?? :p ]

Since you've brought up the subject of "Egghead Rides Again"... Ever notice how the one cowboy sounds very suspiciously like character actor Dub Taylor?? I've always discounted that possibility buuuuuuut since Taylor's film work seems to have commenced about 1937-38 it would indeed be very possible... (And NO, Graham Webb does not list Dub Taylor in the voice credits).

Steve Carras said:
Today, forget Bugs's crossdressing! Pierce's middle name Stacey would have made him a laughstock since that's a GIRL's name now...(like.....Kelly, and Kim outside the Orient). (Off topic but Courtney, the name of some major actresses-Love, Cox, and Thorne-Smith, is also a male name--cf.Vance, the African AMerican actor yet it's basically a feminine name...Just departed Johnny Cash's biggest crossover deaalt with a boy named Sue. We now bring you back to our topic..and Soggy, howzabout your once-planned SEPARATE TOPIC of various talents at various studios?)

Tedd's middle name was actually part of his wealthy family's last name heritage, but whether he ever got kidded about it is open to question (maybe actor Stacy Keach could be asked ;) ). Fellow Warner writer (and Jay Ward writer/voice) Bill Scott recalled Tedd (on at least one occasion) coming in to work showing signs of having had the bejeebers beat out of him (as my memory serves)... Was Tedd caught in flagrant delecto by an angry boyfriend??? Was Tedd teased about the "Stacy" in his name???

As to the beloved Johnny Cash's (God rest his soul) twisted song "A Boy Named Sue", it even has cartoon/comic connections... It was written by (the late) Shel(by) Silverstein, cartoonist, beloved children's author, pal of Hugh Hefner and country music writer(!!) (he also wrote "Harper Valley P.T.A." and my ultimate crackup song "Put Another Log On The Fire".). As well as the funniest satire ever of a children's book... "Uncle Shelby's A To Z Book" (at the time he was a very young, warped man :p ). Most men that I've ever known with girls names (like the subject of the Cash song) are pretty darn rough and macho (I've known/or known of guys named "Vivian", "Cleo", "Lois" "Vestel" (occupations... Marines, oil-field workers, construction workers etc.) [Of course despite his occasional cross-disguising, Bugs is a pretty macho little gray rabbit].

As to my "once-planned SEPARATE TOPIC of various talents at various studios", I've given serious consideration of that or even creating a little web-site of such... Not sure which is the best way to go... I've thus far assembled very lengthy filmographies of a LOT of the cartoon voice-folk (of course based/extracted from the research of Ware, Webb, Scott as well as our various board members here and what my own ears tell me...) "Suggestions Mr. Spock?" ;)


Nutzi Duck
Dec 30, 2002
Sogturtle said:


I'd suspect that your analysis is essentially right... And that Tedd took off for Fleischer-dom shortly after recording on "Wholly Smoke" and "Cracked Ice", whether they were finished or not, and forcing Nazarro to be brought in.
Tedd Pierce did work on "Cracked Ice"? Or were his lines redubbed after he left... the only character that he could have voiced is the W.C. Fields pig, and that characters voice doesn't sound like Pierce. Who is it?


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