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  • Does anyone have a day when you're treated as the villain for posting something without trying to be mean?
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    Reactions: Fone Bone
    Hope things go better for you uh today!
    Fone Bone
    Fone Bone
    It happens. Whenever it does, I apologize. No shame in that.
    That last post was a bit too preachy, so here's another one:

    I swear, Warner Bros, should have never merged with Discovery if this sort of thing keeps happening.
    Hello, there.

    My name is Angus Tinubu, I am a lover of animation and final year college student. This site will be my new online home. I used to be more active on Twitter, but a lot has since changed since I left. On Twitter, I had at least six different aliases, and two of them are now deactivated because of recent allegations against me.

    I hate how black and white this world is, especially on social media.
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