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  • At which point is it considered creepy for a young boy like Arnold to be so forward towards Lila despite her numerous refusals? Hey Arnold didn't really age well in some parts, especially with Arnold's unwelcomed advances.
    Looking back, I think it's kind of weird the fact that the kid characters are in the 4th grade. It makes all the romantic drama in that show feel strange in context.
    Lots of celebrity deaths this year that I know of.
    • Kevin Conroy
    • Jason David Frank
    • Aaron Carter
    • Angela Lansbury
    • Coolio
    • Queen Elizabeth II
    • Anne Heche
    • Olivia Newton-John
    • Ray Liotta
    • Bob Saget

    Not all of these were natural deaths either, ranging from car crash to suicide. It's a pretty screwed up year.
    I only saw Bob in a clip for AFV, but I thought he was incredibly hilarious and witty just in that short segment itself. His quips were fast, yet clever. Such a great talent that we lost too early.
    As for Aaron, I rewatched that I Want Candy performance yesterday that he did in Lizzie McGuire, practically my only real memory of him, but I remember thinking he was so cool as a kid. Such a shame that he died so young. It's a real tragedy, and I could only imagine the struggle he had as a child star.
    Gilbert Gottfried was this year
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BlooCNBoy02 wrote on 2 quid is good's profile.
Thanks for the following days ago. :)
Your avatar looks interesting.
Happy 4th of July!
Oh, it's my birthday!
The New Woody Woodpecker Show was just removed from Peacock... Can this show just take a break from being screwed over?

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