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  • Today marks the 10th Year Anniversary of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012), if one were to count the "sneak peek" airing. This was the first entry from the TMNT Franchise that I saw all the way through from beginning to end.
    Today marks the 10th Year Anniversary of the "formal" premiere of Ben 10: Omniverse. If one were to count the "sneak peek" airing, then the 10th Year Anniversary would have been on August 1st.
    Today marks the 30th Year Anniversary of Batman: The Animated Series and the DCAU, by extension. The DCAU was my introduction to the characters from DC Comics and I remain grateful for that particular introduction.
    Happy 60th birthday to James Marsters. His performance as Zamasu was one of the big highlights of DBS for me.
    Today marks the 5th Year Anniversary of Sonic Mania. As someone who had their introduction to video games through the Sega Genesis Days of Sega's mascot, this game was a dream come true for me and I am hopeful it will receive a sequel some day in the future.
    Today marks the 5th Year Anniversary of when DuckTales (2017) premiered. I found this reboot to be an entertaining watch and was impressed by how it incorporated aspects of other Disney cartoons (such as Darkwing Duck). Likewise, I appreciated getting to know Della Duck.
    Overs the years, I have come to understand how tone & attitude is something that isn't easy to convey in a typed/written format like the Internet.
    I'm one of those DBZ fans that never saw (Non-Canon) Broly's hatred towards Goku as "because Goku cried a lot as a baby". I saw (Non-Canon) Broly's hatred towards Goku as him associating Goku's crying with the near death trauma endured at the time.
    One of my favorite analogies is the analogy George R. R. Martin came up with in regards too the different approaches to writing: the "gardener approach" and the "architect approach".
    One of the biggest debates I tend to see is where exactly does on draw the line between someone being very passionate about a work of fiction vs taking a work of fiction far too seriously for their own good.
    Today marks the 10th Year Anniversary of when the ThunderCats (2011) episode, "What Lies Above: Part II", premiered. While I remain disappointed that the series was not able to finish the story it wished to tell, I am grateful that fans received closure via the podcast interview.
    Today marks the 10th Year Anniversary of when the ThunderCats (2011) episode, "What Lies Above: Part I", premiered. I liked how this show gave Vultureman a more unique/distinct name ("Vultaire") and a proper introduction.
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    @DBTrilogy100 Forget ThunderCats 2011. The original 1985 show is better than that.
    @Vuxovich While I have no issue with those prefer the 1985 Series (or even Roar) even if I disagree with those preferences, I very much prefer the 2011 Series and I stand by that preference no matter who may give me grief over it.
    Today marks the 10th Year Anniversary of when the ThunderCats (2011) episode, "Curse of Ratilla", premiered. This ended up becoming one of (if not) my favorite episode(s) from the show and Ratar-O ended up becoming my favorite villain from the show.
    Some Star Wars fans suggest newcomers watch the first 6 movies in "Production Order" while others suggest "Chronological Order". My suggestion is different from either of those suggestions: I, IV, II, V, III, VI.
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I'd like to hear your thoughts on these proposals:

Has anyone seen PSI Cops last night?

(cricket noises)

Yeah, I still can't believe that was a thing.
Paramount and Skydance have officially merged. Does this mean that Brian Robbins got the boot?
Season 6 of Total Drama (production code-wise), Pahkitew Island, made its American debut a decade ago.

It's my favorite season of the show (behind all 3 of Total Dramarama's) and has the best cast of the series, which includes the 2 best characters of the franchise, Leonard and Max (who should've been the finalists).

Happy 10 year anniversary to The 7D.

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