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  • We get it. You're upset that Disney+ only seems to care about the American market, but don't take your frustration out on the American viewers. We're not the ones keeping Jetix and Fox Kids shows off of D+. Your beef is with Disney, not us. Complain to them about it.
    Fox Kids/Jetix just isn't that big a deal in the US; they're a niche nostalgia thing here. Not our fault, just how it is. What I don't get is if those shows are/were so huge overseas then why are they not streaming there already?
    Besides, after the failure of Fox Family, Disney uses Fox Kids and Jetix IPs as portfolio filler; showing off how many IPs they owns, but not really their huge priority. Once the Mouse got their hands on Marvel and Star Wars, their priority for Jetix/Fox Kids went out the window. That's the unfortunate fact.
    Personally, I don't understand why Disney sat on the Fox Kids/Jetix shows for so long and not stream them onto Disney Plus internationally? You own those shows, why can't you just use them?
    I wish that YouTube would let us block people in the comments section. When you're watching videos about cartoons, you're inevitably forced to read comments from dumb kids farting around on their mom's computers spouting out nonsense.
    Toon Guy
    Toon Guy
    As if YouTube disabling comments on videos marked "for kids" wasn't enough. However, I, the eccentric I am, watch my videos zoomed in so I don't have to deal with them.
    You can actually hide comments from everyone's view just by reporting them. It's a very exploitable system, and I wish it wasn't so easy to censor actual criticism with it.
    It's ironic that both Boomerang and Discovery Family have gotten better now that I no longer receive either channel.
    People keep complaining that "We could have had a villainous couple in Wish, but that didn't happen!" Well, so what? Sure a villainous married couple would've been kind of different, but evil queens in Disney movies are a dime a dozen, so I'm not mad that we didn't yet another one.
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    Besides, that alone wouldn't have fixed the other problems that movie had.
    Classic Speedy
    Classic Speedy
    I must frequent different social media circles than you because I've literally never seen this complaint. I agree it's a pretty weird one though.
    Honestly there's no telling if it would've been executed well but I think it definitely would've helped the film stand out more and be better than what they ended up with...but that's also just down to the general flaws of their handling of Magnifico.
    Can we please stop with the "If this new animated movie flops, the studio will either give up on animations or shut down entirely" talk? Often times, movies that don't do well at the box office do better on home video and streaming. It would take more than 1 mediocre film to tank a billion dollar studio.
    I read somewhere that Hanna-Barbera's Fonz and the Happy Days Gang was originally planned as a Doctor Who SatAM cartoon. I don't know if that's true or not, but I kind of see it.
    Hey, @GoldStar, are you by any chance, related to @Silverstar? Your names are similar to each other.
    So, it looks like Tiny Toons Looniversity hasn't set the world on fire. There's been very little buzz about this show after it premiered. For me, TTL is "eh". I don't love it , but I don't hate it either. Warner Bros./Amblin will likely just fulfill its commitment for 2 seasons and then the show will just quietly go away afterwards.
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    I think just leaving the show with 10 episodes and nothing else to show isn't helping it. I don't know how long they'll take for season 2. If it's anything close to a year or more that's just not good enough.
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    Well, there was .a writers strike that only ended recently. This likely has backed up all production considerably. Also, animated series take longer to produce than live action shows . More episodes of TTL are coming, we just don't know when.
    The lukewarm reception of Tiny Toons Looniversity could be a good thing. Perhaps Millennials are finally getting tired of seeing shows from their childhoods get rebooted and Hollywood studios will finally back off from making them. We can only hope.
    I have a feeling that one night David Zaslav will be visited by three ghosts. :)
    and this is the strike I wanted to see it happen, this is a complete revenge as disney close down blue sky studios, Netflix Animation laying off its staff & cancelling its film & Warner bros discovery tax write offs they did
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    Fone Bone
    Fone Bone
    Him being visited by three ghosts suggests he could be redeemed. Nah. The ghosts wouldn't bother.
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    @JMTV Yes, yes, yes, please.

    Coyote is going to team with Roadrunner to take David Zaslav from Discovery World and take back to WB World to face the court with full of animated WB characters.
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    I want to tell you that your thread was awesome and while I do think wording could have been better the premise WAS sound and solid. Shows that are lighthearted wholeheartedly are VERY rare these days and that's sad to see. You dont have to come back to the thread but I wanted you to know your thread was awesome and there was nothing wrong about it.
    Fone Bone
    Fone Bone
    I love forum members supporting each other.
    Thanks, @aegisrawks. I was worried that my thread just came off sounding like either a jumble of rambling thoughts or a grumpy old whining that "Cartoons were better in my day!", which is the sort of person that I hope to never become. I was worried that the post too unfocused, but if a decent discussion can come from, then it was worth it to create it. Thanks again. :)
    Can we get an independent cartoon series on the internet that's not dark, gritty edge lord stuff? Something that's just funny, has likable characters and there's no point to it other than to have fun watching it? Is that even a remote possibility?

    #Make Cartoons Fun Again
    My guess is that the independent artists that make these pilots and other online content, many of whom are newcomers, are trying to take advantage of having less restrictions compared to regular television, and thus want to push dark content further. I'd recommend watching a fun show like Ollie And Scoops, though episodes are released sporadically.
    I mean, I could also make the argument that there was a real dearth and rejection of more serious, serialized, shows for a while but I understand where you're coming from.
    The only independent cartoon that was light-hearted was Ollie and Scoops, and that's about it.

    And yeah, I do agree we need more light-hearted cartoons in this day in age. I don't mind edgy cartoons existed, but I don't wanna watch preschool stuff either (TBF, Bluey was pretty cute, for what I'd seen). Why can't we had stuff that was in-between?
    It's one thing of you have a generally pessimistic view of things, but just whining and moaning about how bad everything is while being grumpy and rude to other people for being positive or cautiously optimistic basically amounts to being a troll. Being a downer is no excuse for being a jerk.
    It's become apparent to me that one aforementioned member here (I'm not saying names, but I think y'all know who I mean) is an obvious troll who clearly posts for the sole purpose of getting a rise out of people, and therefore, there's no reason whatsoever to engage with this person. That's what the Ignore List is for. I use it and I suggest that you do the same.
    People like User X are precisely why the Internet Gods gave us the Ignore button. I don't come here for whiny internet drama, so I just hit that bad boy and problem solved. Ignore and Report, folks. It works.
    @Goldstar! Yeah, I know who is that person you're talking about. I already ignore his ass anyway, so it doesn't really bother me.
    Modern day Disney's problem isn't that the studio has "gone woke", it's that they're stuck in a rut. Disney's keep recycling the same types of stories and ideas. I want Wish to succeed, but the film looks so basic. How many Frozens and Encantos can you have?
    @TheMisterManGuy Disney's only problem with so-called wokeness is when they try to remake something old while crapping on it for being outdated. If that's the case then why not make a new original project and leave the old one alone?
    Mickey Mouse must be deaf enough to not take feedbacks from us to improve the Disney.

    and yeah, Disney is extremely depends on magical prince/princess films nowadays.

    My most favorite Disney film is Zootopia and it is very diverse film.

    Disney should try something with storyline, not prince/princess, so it can be young boy from North Alabama find a buddy with bear cub. Any storylines work well.
    @Moe, with the addition of sweet home alabama & freebird by lynyrd skynyrd in the film & the end credits

    ok, in all serious, I think I blame the Florida man for all of this
    A YouTuber called DC Network says that he would like to see Adult Swim's Checkered Past expanded from 2 hours a night to 5. Five hours is too long for a reruns block. If Cartoon Network were to expand CP to 5 hours a night, they might as well just call it Boomerang.
    I think Teennick's retro blocks were longer than that. They did get stale, but that could also happen to Checkered Past if they don't try to shake things up. That being said, I don't see it expanding to five hours. That would involve expanding into hours Adult Swim has had for years. They didn't use them for CN reruns then and I don't see why they would now.
    Oh god, I’ve heard of DC Network. I haven’t watched their videos but I have seen their white background black text boring font thumbnails and titles complaining about everything. Good to know where their loyalties lie… in the trash
    Could everyone please stop with all the "2D animation is dead/dying", "Theatrical animation is dying", WB is dying" doomsaying? Seriously, guys. It's getting old. Every medium goes through a dark phase. It's not The End every time that something bad happens.
    We should do a reversal on 3d animation.
    3D animation isn't the enemy. People think that CG animation is killing hand drawn animation and that simply isn't true. It's only the majority of animated features that are rendered in CGI. TV cartoons are still mostly hand drawn. This isn't about 2D versus 3D. There's enough room in the world of animation for both styles. That's not the issue here.
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    The issue is that folks are too quick to hold up signs that read "The End is near" when something in the industry goes slightly askew. It's not always smooth sailing. There are going to be some rough patches here and there. We need to just ride it out and see how things develop before we declare that things are hopeless.
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    I unironically love the theme song and intro for the Disney Channel's "Donald Duck Presents". TDC later changed the show's title to "Quack Attack!" with a new theme and intro, but the first will always be the best to me. That theme song is an earworm!
    I never heard of this version I only knew it as Quack Attack. Seems like it had original bumpers too, rather than the awkward "clips with trendy graphics" interstitials of Quack Attack. Shame they changed it really.
    You can find the original Donald Duck Presents intro on YouTube. There's no new animation, just clips from the theatrical shorts, but the theme song is really catchy.

    If Warner Bros. Discovery doesn't want a bunch of cartoons on HBO Max, the studio should create a separate streaming service especially for the cartoons.
    I don't get how Warner Bros. has full access to the Looney Tunes and Hanna-Barbera libraries, but barely utilizes them, even for Boomerang. I don't get it.
    What with everything that's been going with Cartoon Network, Adult Swim and HBO Max and WB's merger with Discovery, I definitely feel like we're on the precipice of something, although it's not exactly clear what.
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Has anyone seen PSI Cops last night?

(cricket noises)

Yeah, I still can't believe that was a thing.
Paramount and Skydance have officially merged. Does this mean that Brian Robbins got the boot?
Season 6 of Total Drama (production code-wise), Pahkitew Island, made its American debut a decade ago.

It's my favorite season of the show (behind all 3 of Total Dramarama's) and has the best cast of the series, which includes the 2 best characters of the franchise, Leonard and Max (who should've been the finalists).

Happy 10 year anniversary to The 7D.

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