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  1. Spawn

    YTV to air "Epilogue"? (Edit: Aired, SPOILERS)

    Phantasm is still an assassin for hire. If Waller was going to hire someone to kill someone(s), then it'd make sense for her to go for her. How many other assassins do we know in the DC universe. It'd be a shame to not use her. It was a perfect opportunity to just bring more stuff full-circle.
  2. Spawn

    Is Green Arrow ambedextrous?

    I don't think it's a nitpick. It's just a question. I don't think anyone could really complain about a character having the ability to use both of their hands.
  3. Spawn

    I give up.

    Having just watched the episode in question, I honestly don't know what you found wrong, DisneyBoy. If anything, this episode just added more depth to her lifeless character . I'm not sure exactly what you found wrong with any of that, but quite honestly--that's the most we've seen happen with...
  4. Spawn

    The Official DC Animated Universe DVD Talkback, Part 3

    They could quickly finish off JL Season 1 in just a matter of a couple more discs. If the next consists of 6 (which I doubt--they'll probably continue the 4-eps a disc only), then it'll only be another two or three after that. Definitely would be great if they finish it off though... And the...
  5. Spawn

    Full Prisoner of Azkaban Trailer is here!

    Anyone who is really that excited about this movie will have already, undoubtedly, read the book. I'm sure they consider spoilers moot by now...if you hadn't heard about this character and what he can do already, then you should carve some windows in that rock... On the trailer topic: very...
  6. Spawn

    First PSP Footage: Death Jr.

    This game actually looks pretty fun. Can't say I'm that amazed at what it can do...things so small can do just as much as the big boys can anymore. Great games, cool look, and name recognition aside, the deciding factor about this system is going to be the price.
  7. Spawn

    The Official DC Animated Universe DVD Talkback, Part 3

    A commentary on "Heart of Ice" would make make me positively flip out. To hear what they have to say went on behind it...hell, just to hear them talk about it would be awesome. We never got an specific's on who's included on the commentaries, did we? I imagine Timm, but that's somewhat of a...
  8. Spawn

    Do you want Justice League Four Packs?

    They really should just stick to two-packs. They're cheaper and they always contain Batman or Superman anyway, so what's it really matter? In all honesty, aside from the first four 10" (the recent 3 have been impossible to find), I haven't bought any JL toys. The smaller stuff just doesn't...
  9. Spawn

    The Official DC Animated Universe DVD Talkback, Part 3

    Excellent news. As appealing as those CH DVDs were, I'm glad I held out for these--they sound like a real treat--especially the commentaries. I wonder what episodes they're on...
  10. Spawn

    Batman - the different costume designs

    There was alot more than just art-styles that changed between BTAS/TNBA--Gotham changed, characters changed, vehicles changed...of course that's all natural progression. But, unless we get an episode/movie/something where we find out how/why for the costume switch, I don't think it'll ever...
  11. Spawn

    The Official DC Animated Universe DVD Talkback, Part 3

    The box set can have no special features for all I care--just as long as, somewhere down the road, we get a disc with all the little things (any TV spots, maybe galleries of all the Kenner/Hasbro toys, movie posters, etc. etc.) on it...that'd be great. That way those who have committed to the CH...
  12. Spawn

    Batman Beyond...will it return?

    I never see BB returning as a regular series. Maybe a DTV here and there (similar to Sub-Zero and MOTB), but never a series again. I just hope if/when they do DTV's, they give us really good, emotion-driven stories. If you're going to produce 70 minutes of new Batman animation, at least make...
  13. Spawn

    Star Trek: Enterprise in Danger of Being Cancelled

    So the worst Star Trek series ever might be cancelled. I don't know what else to say other than "good"--enough with the prequel crap. Give me post-TNG/VOY/DS9 Star Trek and I'll watch.
  14. Spawn

    "Nintendo DS"

    Interesting. So in order to fit in with GBA and GCN, this would have to have N64-ish graphics, right? Otherwise I'd have no reason to buy another unit that plays games similar to whats already on GBA/GCN...
  15. Spawn

    Static Premieres at what time?

    Static Shock- "Future Shock" Sat Jan 17 11:30am EST Though, does Canada get Kids WB! ? Or does Static air through YTV? I only ask because times may be different. (though a quick look at doesn't show that they even air it...).
  16. Spawn

    "Justice League" opening titles - "Twins of Evil" ripoff??

    If everyone was credited and paid for music that sounds similar to somebody elses, there wouldn't be that many "new" musicians in the world. There's only so much music you can make sound different (look at John William's and Danny Elfman's scores--I thought I was watching Batman when I walked...
  17. Spawn

    Columbia House "Batman: TAS" DVD Collection Talkback Part 1

    The video parts is just WB releasing their VHS catalog on DVD...(speaking of which--somebody said they contained only 2 episodes. Which isn't true, they contain whatever episodes the VHS's contained--and since the DVDs are basically two of the VHS's in one, they contain 4 episodes each...still...
  18. Spawn

    Columbia House "Batman: TAS" DVD Collection Talkback Part 1

    I mean no disrespect by this...but it sounds like you're grasping at straws now. I realize those who have already bought the 10 volumes of the CH releases will want to just go ahead and buy the rest, but anyone who hasn't already done it probably won't want to--now, more than ever, the rumors...
  19. Spawn

    RPGers Wanted

    I haven't RP'd in awhile, but I'd like to give it a go again. If Beast Boy is still free in the Teen Titans RPG, I'd like to give it a whirl.
  20. Spawn

    The Official DC Animated Universe DVD Thread, Part 2

    The day to us finally getting a season set of DVDs seems to be, finally, getting closer--and I just hope that they give the set some decent treatment. No constant halo-ing like their JL DVDs do and some good, special features. Maybe the original BTAS intro that Timm sent to WB/Fox for...
  21. Spawn

    Welcome X-Men: Beyond Evolution to TZ!

    Glad to see the site found a new home! Looking forward to future updates and all around good Evolution fun.
  22. Spawn

    Smallville "Asylum" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I guess I was the only one here who thought this sucked? The episode felt too much like a Season 2 episode, with extra Lex and Lionel (the only decent things of this episode) bits thrown here and there. The rest (the Clark, the Lana, the...everything) of the episode was boring and dragged on...
  23. Spawn

    Delaney Poll Hiatus

    As long as this threads been stickied, isn't it about time that maybe it...went away? I'm not saying bring the poll back, because it obviously would have already if Mr. Delaney was ready, but this thread has been up for over 5 months now...I think the masses pretty much know it's on a hiatus...
  24. Spawn

    Top Ten Selling Games of 2003.

    I guess there is a reason for the 50 thousand sports games on the shelves--they do sell... I was hoping that Knights of the Old Republic would be on the list...and I really can't believe it isn't. It was one of the highlights of 2003, for me...
  25. Spawn

    Favorite videogame music?

    I'm loving the music in Beyond Good and Evil. Alot of variety, and it's all extremely well done. Zelda music has always been a high spot for me, and the F-Zero GX soundtrack was great as well. But, one of my favorite scores would have to be Rayman 2's--the music in it (Dreamcast version anyway)...
  26. Spawn

    BTAS "Best of" Poll Winner Gets Spotlighted on World's Finest

    While I wasn't here for the polls, I just lurked (should've registered, I guess), I was happy to see that Heart of Ice one--it's just a true classic, in both animation, dialogue and story. This section seems to capture all of that. That interview seems to me like an easter egg in...
  27. Spawn

    I AM Batgirl

    Could you look anymore like her, Barb? You put Dina Meyer to shame... Really like the oufits blend of styles as well--and the Batman guy looks ALOT like Keaton--it's uncanny.
  28. Spawn

    Teen Titans "Final Exam" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I really hate to see people trying to tie this into continuity with other shows. Is there a reason everything HAS to be related to one another? Can't it just sit on it's own, without any relation to the other DC shows of past or present? And do we even WANT TT in relation to those other shows...
  29. Spawn

    I demand a 2hour DC BLOCK!!! Help Me Get CN To Do it!!!

    I hate to be negative, but there's no way in heck this is gonna happen. DC shows are popular, sure, but a two hour block? I could never see this happening. It'd be cool and all, but it'd push alot of their other shows out of the way--just cause you don't watch them, doesn't mean others don't...
  30. Spawn

    'The Tick' Announced! (With Cover Art & Info)

    I actually didn't think this would happen--glad I was proven wrong. For the special features, I really couldn't care less. If I get all the eps (all nine) on a 2-disc DVD (or one disc, if they can swing it), then I'll be happy with just that. Would be nice if they threw some behind the...
  31. Spawn

    Robin Comic Strip

    I'm no art critic, but... I think you're using too many round edges on these characters. If you're trying to copy Timm's style, it's not coming out very well--his style is ALOT of sharp lines/edges. These are much too rounded, and some of the arms look very out-of-proportion. Sorry if it...
  32. Spawn

    Unconfirmed X2 DVD Details

    That's for X-MEN: 2.5 Not a bad list of extras--glad they're making this a 2-disc the first time. I got suckererd into buying both releases...never again.
  33. Spawn

    Has anybody seen this?

    Interesting. Looks like more promo images, although these look more like Season 1 promo images for "Injustice For All"--maybe they're old, lost, promos that were never used.. ...they must be, because, as you pointed out, Superman has lines on his face...
  34. Spawn

    'Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman' Street Date & DVD Information

    About $300 out of Ontario, Canada... Nice special features list there. I like the commentaries, and the other extras (particularly the Batman animated short) sound extremely interesting. Hey WB, how can you put these awesome special features on this DVD, but shaft us so on the other releases?
  35. Spawn

    "Arkham Asylum: Living Hell" Mini-Series Talkback (Spoilers)

    I'm absolutely loving this series. It's a shame this talkback doesn't have more replies--as well as I've heard it's selling, you think more of the forum goers here would post more about it. Humpty Dumpty is definitely one of the more interesting villains to come out of comic books, and I'm...
  36. Spawn

    Hulk Doll Shows off his "Manhood"

    haha....that's great. I'm amazed somebody had the balls to do this though. Must be weird to make those "accessories"...
  37. Spawn

    Justice League "Twilight, Parts 1 & 2" Talkback (Spoilers)

    **** 1/2 Perhaps the coolest part about the episode for me was the part where Darkseid put his boot right into Superman's face. I know it's probably been said, but if this was on Kids WB!, that wouldn't have been shown. Despite CN's delay in airing this season, I have to thank them for being...
  38. Spawn

    Possible Images of Doc Oct's Claws Online

    Don't know if anyones posted this here yet, sorry if you have--but I did a quick forum scan and saw nothing. So here goes: That was posted at Superhero Hype! but was taken down. Link was circulating in their forums though. So what does everyone think? I like the look of it, can't...
  39. Spawn

    Justice League Adventures #19 Talkback (Spoilers)

    As with most of the issues in JLA, I can't help but feel it was a "filler" issue. Most of these issues never hold anything after you read them. It seems to be the same thing lately: You close the issue, say something along the lines of "good read", "cool", or whatnot, but after you file it away...
  40. Spawn

    May 14th, 2003: What Did You Get This Week?

    Just Spawn #125 and last weeks JLA for me. JLA was enjoyable, rather liked it. Spawn though..that was awesome. I can't put my finger on it, but the opening pages, all retro and goofy, were cool to read to me. And then that shot of Spawn..on..well, there's no page numbers in this comic so I...

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