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  1. Awest66

    Wish a Member a Happy Birthday

    Thank you very much
  2. Awest66

    "The Spectacular Spider-Man" News & Discussion Thread, Part 11 (Spoilers)

    I never said you had to do anything like that to criticize anything. I was just asking this as a point of curiosity, nothing more, nothing less.
  3. Awest66

    Kazuki Takahashi (creator of Yu-Gi-Oh) dies at 60

    Yu-Gi-Oh was my childhood. I'll miss him terribly
  4. Awest66

    "The Spectacular Spider-Man" News & Discussion Thread, Part 11 (Spoilers)

    I really don't get how anyone could watch this show and come away thinking that.
  5. Awest66

    "The Spectacular Spider-Man" News & Discussion Thread, Part 11 (Spoilers)

    I'm genuinely curious to know what you would have done if you were put in charge of making a Spider-Man animated show then.
  6. Awest66

    Are the 90's Spider-Man/X-Men worth watching for someone who has never see them before?

    Spider-Man 94 may not be perfect but I'll happily take it over anything animation-wise from Loeb's tenure as head of Marvel TV.
  7. Awest66

    Are the 90's Spider-Man/X-Men worth watching for someone who has never see them before?

    I don't have many memories of X-Men to be perfectly honest. Spider-Man (94) is a bit rough around the edges but it was my introduction to the character and his world so I'll always give it a recommendation.
  8. Awest66

    J. Jonah Jameson In Animation: A Retrospective

    JK Simmons getting a chance to reprise his role in animation sounded great on paper but left quite a bit to be desired. I know it's probably been said before but man, Marvel made their biggest mistake with putting Loeb in charge of their Tv Division and while I don't think Man of Action are...
  9. Awest66

    "Marvel's What If?" (Disney+ Animated Series) News & Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    Don't know If I've said anything to this effect before but I'm so happy to see a Marvel animated show that doesn't look like a second-rate children's coloring book.
  10. Awest66

    "Meet Spidey and His Amazing Friends" Animated Shorts Talkback (Spoilers)

    That's a problem I've had with basically every show Marvel Animation has made under Jeph Loeb. Credit where it's due though, These shorts at least have better animation.
  11. Awest66

    "The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes" News & Discussion Thread, Part 8 (Spoilers)

    Also reminds me of how lackluster the designs of everything since then has been.
  12. Awest66

    "Marvel's What If?" (Disney+ Animated Series) News & Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    I don't mind the MCU having some influence but when the shows are basically carbon copies, It becomes a problem.
  13. Awest66

    "The Spectacular Spider-Man" News & Discussion Thread, Part 10 (Spoilers)

    Nice to see this show on Netflix and it's even more nice to see the continued appreciation of what is in my opinion the best Marvel cartoon period.
  14. Awest66

    "Marvel's What If?" (Disney+ Animated Series) News & Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    An animated Marvel show that doesn't look like a second-rate children's coloring book? I'm intrigued
  15. Awest66

    "Marvel's Spider-Man" (Animated Series) News & Discussion Thread, Part 7 (Spoilers)

    I think we all are but it just gives credence to the phrase Quality over Quantity.
  16. Awest66

    RIP Kirby Morrow, Cyclops on "X-Men: Evolution"

    My condolences to his family, I grew up watching X-Men Evolution so he was always the definitive voice of Cyclops to me.
  17. Awest66

    How To Build a Marvel Animated Universe.

    Finger's crossed that Marvel Animation will improve now that Loeb and Man of Action have left.
  18. Awest66

    "The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes" News & Discussion Thread, Part 8 (Spoilers)

    Bless you Chris for giving us these awesome ideas/concepts, They sound so much better than the souless MCU carbon copy show we got instead.
  19. Awest66

    "The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes" News & Discussion Thread, Part 8 (Spoilers)

    That would actually have been pretty interesting. A Spider-Man animated series where he interacts with more of the Marvel universe is not a bad idea on paper even if it was botched badly in Ultimate. Marvel really should have hired someone who doesn't see animation as exclusively kiddy fare.
  20. Awest66

    "The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes" News & Discussion Thread, Part 8 (Spoilers)

    I miss this show, It was unquestionably a high point of Marvel Animation before Jeph Loeb took over and insisted that everything be made a soulless carbon-copy of the MCU.
  21. Awest66

    How has Disney handled Marvel Animation?

    Well all Disney has done is provide a network for Marvel to air their shows but Marvel itself has done a pretty mediocre job in my opinion.
  22. Awest66

    "Marvel's Spider-Man" (Animated Series) News & Discussion Thread, Part 6 (Spoilers)

    From what I've seen of this show, It really isnt gonna leave much of a legacy when it ends.
  23. Awest66

    The Defining Spider-Man Cartoon

    I know that much.
  24. Awest66

    The Defining Spider-Man Cartoon

    Thats cute but its not a cartoon.
  25. Awest66

    Cartoon series with great concepts but were still horribly executed

    Ultimate Spider-Man could've been a perfectly serviceable Superhero show but it thoroughly squandered it's potential with it's insistence on talking down to it's target audience.
  26. Awest66

    Still swinging after all these years: Happy 25th to the one, the only "Spider-Man: The Animated Series!"

    Happy 25th Spider-Man TAS. You still blow all current marvel cartoons out of the water.
  27. Awest66

    Is Batman: TAS overrated - Yes or No?

    My biggest problem with TAS Catwoman is that it just felt like the writers could never get a handle on who she was as a character. Was she a thief? an animal rights activist? a damsel in distress? On top of that, She was also characterized as very brooding and serious which just isn't Catwoman...
  28. Awest66

    Is Batman: TAS overrated - Yes or No?

    Bane is supposed to be Batman's intellectual equal who seeks to take over Gotham once he's destroyed Batman. In TAS, He's a glorified luchador wrestler fighting Batman for a paycheck. Hugo Strange is a brilliant criminal mastermind who's even better at messing with Bruces head than the...
  29. Awest66

    Is Batman: TAS overrated - Yes or No?

    That is an interesting question. It certainly deserves it's reputation for quality an the impact it's had on Batman's world and mythology but it's fan tend to gloss over it's flaws and act like the only way to make a good live-action Batman movie is to try and copy paste it. The show was not...
  30. Awest66

    The Defining Spider-Man Cartoon

    Wow, You really have no clue who Spider-Man is, Do you?
  31. Awest66

    The Defining Spider-Man Cartoon

    I see. That really isn't something I can argue with but the High School aspect of Peter Parker's life is an important part of his mythos and it had never been explored in depth before (the 67 show just had it be kind of there instead of actually doing anything with it and as I've said before the...
  32. Awest66

    The Defining Spider-Man Cartoon

    All right then I suppose you must find most classic teenage versions of Spider-Man's story annoying because that's what was taken from it. Again I feel this is a "double standard" because you're giving a hard time to one show for basically doing the exact same thing you gave a pass to, for...
  33. Awest66

    The Defining Spider-Man Cartoon

    The 67 show may have done some High School stuff in it's second season but it was honestly pretty forgettable. Spectacular again did it so much better and honestly, I don't see how the drama was anymore "annoying" than in the 60's Lee/Ditko comics. You're stance on the "essence of the...
  34. Awest66

    The Defining Spider-Man Cartoon

    The designs in Spectacular took a little getting used too but honestly, I never thought they were bad at all. I've actually grown to prefer to the beefy designs of the 90s show. As I've said before, The Spectacular Spider-Man was the first cartoon to really delve into the High School portion of...
  35. Awest66

    The Defining Spider-Man Cartoon

    Were the character designs for Spectacular really that bad honestly? Their simplistic yes but that's what allowed them to make such stunning, fluid action sequences so it's a worthy trade-off in my opinion. I think it's pretty indisputable that Spectacular has the best action sequences by far of...
  36. Awest66

    The Defining Spider-Man Cartoon

    It's funny that the reason that you find the Spectacular Spider-Man so "bland" is part of the reason I found it to be amazing. Spider-Man famously started off as a teenager and that is a big part of his early career. That part of his life hadn't really been explored in depth in animation before...
  37. Awest66

    The Defining Spider-Man Cartoon

    I know you've probably heard this before but that's how teenage dramas work, Pal. Spider-Man himself is pretty much the textbook example of that every where you look (Comics, Movies, Other Cartoons) It's kind of unfair to write off the Spectacular Spider-Man just because of that when pretty much...
  38. Awest66

    The Defining Spider-Man Cartoon

    The definitive Spider-Man cartoon remains the Spectacular Spider-Man in my opinion. There was just so much care put into the writing and characterization and while people often criticize the character designs, Their simplicity made for some thrilling action sequences. It may not have lasted long...

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