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  1. Cyc

    Australian Wolverine

    Even more amusing considering that live-action movie Wolverine being Australian too :) Closest match personality/savagery wise in Australia would probably be Tasmania Devil.
  2. Cyc

    Fav. character in Lupin the Third

    I would have voted Lupin... but you had to go offer an option for MST3K...
  3. Cyc

    Spider Woman Cartoon, Opinions?

    Love the series, even I do admit the simple nature of the plots. I felt more annoyance with the power/mental "reduction" of Spidey, especially the "If I can just free myself! There! Oh hi Spider-woman!" escape in the Pyramid episode.
  4. Cyc

    The Official Marvel Animation DVD Thread, Part 3

    Might be an idea to check to see if R2/R4 is getting the full FF set, as the various retailers I've checked with locally have Fantastic Four: A Legend Begins in stock, and the only other Fantastic Four item they have on record/catalogs is a dateless placeholder entry for the live action movie...
  5. Cyc

    "Maximum Carnage" Animated?

    Well, compared to the Clone Saga which occured not that long afterwards, Maximum Carnage was last gasp before the fall. Cyc (who merely stuck to getting the Bagley drawn issues of it, didn't effect his understanding/following of the story that much...)
  6. Cyc

    X23 - Why the controversy?

    For those of us who think Wolverine is one of the most criminally overexposed and overused characters in comic history, having a female version of him doesn't make us break in the song...
  7. Cyc

    How Would You Treat Marvel Animation on DVD?

    Definately Complete Series/Season sets. Occasional audio commentary, but favor interviews over them. Photo galleries with line-art/model sheets, photos of cells and perhaps product tie-ins for the specific cartoon. NO NEW 5.1 AUDIO TRACKS UNLESS YOU HAVE ALL THE UNIQUE SOUND EFFECTS FROM...
  8. Cyc

    The Official Marvel Animation DVD Thread, Part 3

    Well I'll be... they actually used the delay to add a new extra feature to the R1 release, "The Venomous Web" origin/creator isn't on the R4/R2 release of The Venom Saga. Cyc
  9. Cyc

    The Official Marvel Animation DVD Thread, Part 3

    True, but Australia/Region 4 also missed out on 60's Spiderman (though perhaps it may be released here after the free to air TV run of the contents of that set is concluded) and we're slated to get the Fantastic Four set on June 29th...
  10. Cyc

    The Official Marvel Animation DVD Thread, Part 3

    It's listed for order in the present issue of Previews, so June would appear to be solidifying...
  11. Cyc

    Saban Hulk- Good or Bad?

    Michael Bell appeared the episode season one "Raw Power", which just happens to be on the Disney Hulk DVD. Sadly even in season one, She-Hulk acting all flirty was the norm. Yes we know Jen likes being green, but there are other ways to show that. The only god thing to come Saban Hulk Jen was...
  12. Cyc

    Funny Quote #19: "Who's Hand Is That?!"

    Spidey: Um, a little help? Doc Ock: Only YOU could screw up something as simple a kid's jungle gym...
  13. Cyc

    Funny Quote #18: "Finally, Just The Two Of Us!"

    To the moon Alice! To the moon!
  14. Cyc

    The Official Marvel Animation DVD Thread, Part 2

    Sigh, too slow with my fan review for them I guess :( R1 release was just a few months earlier, but pretty much identical. R4 is the side the gets screwed on features after all :) IIRC R1 also got a later release with only a few episodes per disc to cash-in on the release of Spider-man 2...
  15. Cyc

    Scarlet Spider Spin Off?

    Yes, the Scarlet Spider appeared in second last episode of the 90's Spider-man series "I Really, Really Hate Clones", along with pretty much every other variation of Spider-man you can shake a stick at.
  16. Cyc

    The Official Marvel Animation DVD Thread, Part 2

    As I said, the only extras, unless there are easter eggs hiding on it, are the Stan Lee episode introductions and Stan's Soapbox. The problem is unlike the other discs the main villain isn't one Stan created, so he actually doesn't know all that much about Venom, so he talks in more general...
  17. Cyc

    The Official Marvel Animation DVD Thread, Part 2

    Australian (Region 4) release of Spider-man: The Venom Saga was Oct 13th... which strangely enough given the dateline difference is today, and I have a copy in my hands. Nice menu transistions (black ooze), but still following the same non-menu system as the Ock disc but with a red/blue split...
  18. Cyc

    Would A Cartoon Based After Spider-Man 2 Work?

    IMO they should do it like the MTV toon, perhaps use ideas from it (such as organic web-shooters, harry/pete/mj friends for years) but not directly reference it. Cyc
  19. Cyc

    The worst Marvel cartoon ever

    HEY! Spider-woman was far, far, far superior to the Avengers toon. Most of it's "flaws" are to do with it's age and the different era it was produced, something SpiderFriends suffers from, where Avengers has much less claim to that... well... excluding that we had to weather a number of toons...
  20. Cyc

    A ton of Marvel shows heading to UK DVD!

    Hopefully their dual coded (R2 and R4) to allow sales to the larger PAL DVD using nations. Won't stop me from partaking (mutli-region DVD), but be nice to see them locally. Cyc
  21. Cyc

    Annoying Marvel Characters

    While not a fan of her present comic series, I think She-Hulk isn't a complete loss cartoon wise. The Savage version seen in the 80's Hulk toon was pretty good, and if seen in only small doses the 90's toon version was okay, just that like many characters she was reduced into a annoying...
  22. Cyc

    Funny Quote #5: Hold Still Dammit!

    Spidey: Stop faking being unconcious, my breath can't be THAT bad.
  23. Cyc

    MTV Spidey no more?

    True, but in all honesty has Spidey given up the costume only to pull it on again. Heck, that's a major plot point of upcoming movie :) Cyc
  24. Cyc

    MTV Spidey no more?

    It's pretty clear from the last episode of the season that Mainframe really did expect that a second season was a given. Cyc
  25. Cyc

    Spider-Man: TAS "The Rocket Racer" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Bit late, he was re-introduced and revised (in a costume complete with Batman movie style nipples) in Peter Parker: Spider-man (Vol 2) last year, taking part in a televised black market superhero betting ring and actually beating Spidey (Spidey threw the fight) and to show he wasn't that much of...
  26. Cyc

    Spider-Man: TAS "The Rocket Racer" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I wish I could excise it off the Ultimate Villain Showdown DVD -_- Cyc
  27. Cyc

    When New Marvel Cartoons Premiere, Should They Use Previous Voice Actors?

    It's a nice nod if previous cast make appearances in new shows, such as Spidey-TAS cast (Peter/Mary-Jane/Jamerson) popping up in the MTV show complete with in-gags such as Fung (voiced by Christopher Daniel Barnes) being incorrectly named as the secret identity of Spider-man, but generally I...
  28. Cyc

    Is there a new SpiderMan cartoon series?

    Australia was in the same boat, the DVD being our first experience of the series. And you can really tell from the season finale that Mainframe totally expected that getting a second series was assured -_- Cyc
  29. Cyc

    Best MTV Villiain?

    Given what they said in the commentary, they probably did want to go that way, before being restricted in how many Spidey villains they could use. But then they talked about how they couldn't use Kraven so had to sub new girl Shikata... only to see Kraven pop up later. Cyc
  30. Cyc

    Spider Man 2 demo's a DVD, not a video game. It's a bonus, a extra, not the main reason for being. Perhaps if you bought the game and expect that it would be valid. Cyc (who hopes to cheat and rent the "new" version of movie so he can check all this out for himself)
  31. Cyc

    Spider Man 2 demo

    Man, I've experienced been jacked on low-grade console ports (Enter the Matrix, GTA3/VC) and delayed releases (once again, GTA3/VC), but this is freaking awful. The choice for me between getting the 18" Spidey or this game suddenly became blatantly clear...
  32. Cyc

    Would A Hulk Cartoon Based On The Movie Work?

    I'm pretty sure there was talk of a new Hulk cartoon around the same time the movie was to be released. So either it's still in the process or the non-blockbuster take of the movie killed it -_- Cyc

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