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  1. Anime Otaku

    Cartoon Network Talkback: Yu Yu Hakusho "Attempting Revenge" 10/29/05

    I remembered to record at the correct time this week. ;_; Awesome episode. One of my favorite quotes from this was "I think this has been the first time Hiei has been willing to die for someone other than himself...". And Sensui *looks* unbeatable, but we all know that our heroes will...
  2. Anime Otaku

    One Piece Talkback 8-10-2005

    Someone, somewhere, got a hold of the new opening theme, and apparently, instead of "Sanji's cookin' for the would be king!", we get "Sanji's cookin', Chopper's doctoring". Other than the, the music is the EXACT SAME THING. Wonder how they'll handle adding in ? I think they're running out of...
  3. Anime Otaku

    One Piece Talkback 9/24/05

    The "giant rabbit things(can never remember their actual name :P) help out Luffy since he saved one of their kind" bit is one of my favorite parts of this episode, dub or otherwise. Now that I've heard more of Chopper...god, his voice is annoying. He's still cute as hell when he freaks out...
  4. Anime Otaku

    Naruto: "Enter: Naruto Uzumaki" Talkback(Spoilers)

    Copied from posts I've made on other places, because I'm lazy. -First off, the music. The BG music has all been kept, much to my delight, although...instead of ROCKS playing during the "Naruto runs away after defiling the Hokage faces" segment, they reuse BG music from elsewhere. But it was...
  5. Anime Otaku

    Shaman King Talkback 9/3/05

    Written as I watched :D -Yoh's not having much luck with beating Hao... -They don't say it, but Jeanne and Marco are obviously praying for Yoh :P -"I'm going to summon the flames from the lowest depths. I'm going to burn your spirit!" ..."lowest depths"? Was I the only one thinking "flames of...
  6. Anime Otaku

    What makes a good clip show?

    Shaman King had a creative way of doing its clip show(it was the New Years special, which was never dubbed...): Manta recorded the Shaman Fights(somehow...), and Yoh-tachi watched it on video...and they commented on it in the meanwhile! The cutest parts being Manta going "U-u-uh, we can skip...
  7. Anime Otaku

    Shaman King Talkback 9/27/05

    *wonders if the person who gave this no stars even WATCHED the episode* Comments(writen as I watched): -Hao continues to pwn Yoh's friends... -"Yoh will be there in our hearts! You gives us power! He fights with us and connects us as one!". "Yoh is part of each one of us!" We get it. Those...
  8. Anime Otaku

    Best dub songs/music?

    The dub version of Unbalance no Kiss wo Shite sounds better than the of course, it never got aired on TV; instead it kept the animation but had the 4th ending's music.
  9. Anime Otaku

    One Piece Talkback 8/13/05

    -So they called Miss Valentine's devil fruit the "Kilokilo fruit", but they cahgned her attack to "1,000 Pound Press"? WTF? Did "Poundpound fruit" sound strange to them or something? -"Seven Warlords of the Sea"? Eh, I guess it sounds weird, but when you think about it, "Seven Armed...
  10. Anime Otaku

    Toon Zone Talkback - "Naruto" to Premiere on Toonami September 10

    I find it funny that matter how much the name is changed, the amount of complaining is the same. Loguetown to Roguetown? "OMG THEY CHANGED A LETTER THAT'S TECHINICALLY A VALID TRANSLATION ANYWAY! 4Kids must diiieeee!!!". Bashou and Buson to Attila and Hun? "Gasp! THEY COMPLETELY CHANGED THE...
  11. Anime Otaku

    Zatch Bell: "The Dancing Mamodo" Talkback (spoilers)

    Yopopoi! Topopoi! Supopopopoi! -Yopopo has to be my favorite one-shot demon, hands down. -I think they changed Yopopo's voice; I recall it being higher-pitched...was it too annoying to dub over or what? -Hmm...during Jem's first Doremi(whatever the last part was), her mouth kept moving after...
  12. Anime Otaku

    One Piece Talkback 8/6/05

    Eh. I guess that's true, it's just that when most people say "day(s) of the week", they mean Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday. Unless my memory of the original is getting fuzzy, Baroque was pronounced "Bah-rok"(that's a long "o", in case you can't tell) and Carue was...
  13. Anime Otaku

    Shaman King Talkback 8/6/05

    -Why is Manta following Hao again? -"ROFLOL!" is the only proper response to the gang's "O_O!" reaction to Ren thanking them. -And Lyserg is back on the side of non-fanatical-good., I've GOT to get better at commenting on episodes that revolve around fighting :P
  14. Anime Otaku

    One Piece Talkback 8/6/05

    -The female members are named after "days of the week"? That doesn't really work with "Miss Golden Week", "Miss Merry Christmas", "Miss Father's Day", and "Miss Valentine"...speaking of Miss Golden Week, how are they going to handle that? I doubt that many Americans know what Golden Week is...
  15. Anime Otaku

    Worst Nicktoons Ever

    Spongebob Squarepants. Stupid characters can be funny, but in not mass quantities like this. The jokes suck. Spongebob's voice is highly annoying. It has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Actually...if you removed Spongebob and Partrick(AKA the two stupidest beings on the face of the earth), I...
  16. Anime Otaku

    Shows You Want Cartoon Network To Show

    Monster Rancher. Even if it's only once...we can always record the episodes >_>(it's not like they're easy to find...) YYH. Come baaaaaack! ;_; At least finish the Sensui arc! (insert most of the Cartoon Cartoons here). Need I say more? Samurai Jack. How could they ditch such greatness? Hikaru...
  17. Anime Otaku

    Under-rated anime series

    .hack//SIGN. Good show, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of fans out least, there aren't many that make themselves known(ex. via putting .hack// stuff in their sig, using a .hack// avatar or username, listing them in their "favorite anime" lists, etc.) Digimon. 'tis a good show...
  18. Anime Otaku

    yugioh the movie promo :( least now I can see how bad this movie is without having to pay anything. Then I can complain about it legitimately :D
  19. Anime Otaku

    Pokemon Movie 2005 in a nutshell with spoilers

    What about Movie 4? Celebi died...although it came back to life later... Movie 6 had Jirachi going back to sleep for another 1000 years, which might as well be death in terms of "am I ever going to see it again, EVER?".
  20. Anime Otaku

    Zatch Bell "London Calling" Talkback (Spoilers)

    -Aside from hearing "moge moge moge!" at the can also hear the JP version of "Muteki Folgore"("Kaimono MRS. mo duwawawadu~ Minna furimuku ACTION!", etc.) during the middle of the ending part. Hmm. Not that I'm complaing :p -They replaced "Chi chi wo moge" with some James...
  21. Anime Otaku

    Shaman King Talkback 7/9/05

    Who gave it a "0"(the equivalent of, anyway)? Did they WATCH the episode? O_o After missing SK last week(bah), I caught it this week. And I must's more awesome than it's ever been before! Let's see, we have... -Most of the X-laws, "destroyed" -An opened gate of Babylon...
  22. Anime Otaku

    The Naruto Theme Song Speculation thread

    I like all of the openings to some degree(although the most recent two were only decent, along with ROCKS; the three between them were good(especially "GO!")). I'd be happy enough if they just stuck with "GO!" or "Haruka Kanata" the whole time, though. Kanashimi wa Yasashisa Ni is good, but it...
  23. Anime Otaku

    Now here's a conflict of interest

    I fall squarely in the "I buy consoles for the games" deparment. Having said that, I find that Nintendo tends to have more games I care about. The Playstation series thrives off of sheer bulk of games, despite the fact that most of them aren't worth buying. That's not to say that they don't have...
  24. Anime Otaku

    Yeesh Summer Sucks

    My gaming this summer has been great(then again, how couldn't it be when you get free rentals for doing well in school :D). Most of it has been going after games I never got the chance to play throughly before(Gallop Racer, Harvest Moon:AWL) or replaying games I've beaten/played a lot...
  25. Anime Otaku

    Favorite Classic Sonic Series

    I say Sonic 3, followed closey by Sonic 2. Sonic 3 was great, although it possesses a very evil level.(I always run out of time on Carnival Night. I think I need to go through that level ignoring just about everything in order to beat it) Plus Tails was more than a shorter version of Sonic...
  26. Anime Otaku

    Naruto news at AX 2005

    *jumps on the "PM me the list!" bandwagon* Anyway, I wasn't expecting TV-PG(it'd be nice, but...), so no huge letdown there. Then again, blood edits are the least of my worries(I don't care how gory a scene is if something more important was edited). The knives could be a problem, although...
  27. Anime Otaku

    Zatch Bell "Kiyo's Curry Camping Trip" Talkback (Spoiler)

    -"Hiney hiney HO!"? Bah, "AB-DUCT-ION!" was a better UFO-cry! :O -They replaced the Tsuchino with a dinosaur. Can't blame 'em, I doubt many Americans know what a Tsuchino is. :p (I can barely remember myself. It's some urban legend snake-thing.) -Aw, they replaced "That's ALL you're putting in?"...
  28. Anime Otaku

    Naruto dub news

    I think it's something intangiable. It'd be both anticlimactic("They did all that for WHAT?!" comments coming from the "well, it's gold and jewels and stuff. Duh." people) and more appropriate than stuff like gold(I can just see One Piece being friendship, unwavering determination to go after...
  29. Anime Otaku

    Teen Titans "The End, Part 1" Talkback (Spoilers)

    -When will people learn that evil beings tend to go back on their word? :shrug: C'mon Slade, I thought you were smarter than that. -If I were Raven, I'd give them a better breakfast than what she did. I mean, it's supposedly the End of the World and she gives them poorly-made pancakes for their...
  30. Anime Otaku

    How much do you like anime? (Not a bashing thread)

    I like it more than American stuff(mostly because the US has yet to produce a lot of animation that interests me. But the problem is the fact that most animation is inteded for kids and nobody else over here, not the actual shows...), but I wouldn't call myself hardcore. Thus, that poll does not...
  31. Anime Otaku

    Zatch Bell: "The Invulnerable Robnos" Talkback (spoilers)

    The book DOES reflect emotions(or rather, their strength), but in this case it was indeed sillyness ;P
  32. Anime Otaku

    A method to the madness

    My schedule idea(times are the way Toonami airs where I live, which is an hour earlier than the rest of you, apparently. It makes it easier to catch everything before falling asleep, at least): 6:00 - Some show nobody cares about in its US form. Let's say One Piece. 6:30 - Transformers 7:00 -...
  33. Anime Otaku

    Naruto dub news

    On the dubbed opening/ending thing, I usually don't care onless the song is just plain awful. On the other hand, most of them don't wow me either(the third YYH ending(Unblanced Kiss wo Shite) being an excpetion - I like it MORE than the original! I think it's the singer's voice...). Although I...
  34. Anime Otaku

    Teen Titans "Mother Mae-Eye" Talkback (Spoilers)

    -Interesting episode. Then again, I enjoy the bizarre. Hypnotic pie? -Did anyone catch this line?: "You may be evil on the inside, but that doesn't mean you can't look pretty on the outside!", spoken towards Raven. Writers trying to remind us that even though we're in a comedy episode, we're...
  35. Anime Otaku

    Zatch Bell: "The Invulnerable Robnos" Talkback (spoilers)

    -Nice to see Kiyomaro continue to use his head in battle. From the use of geometry and physics to deal with the laser at first, to realizing that there were two Robnos and shattering everything to reveal the second one. -And this is the first time we hear of the Zatch-look-alike, AKA -Suzie was...
  36. Anime Otaku

    Zatch Bell: "A New Pledge Between Zatch and Tia" Talkback (spoilers)

    -Sheesh, Tia's "Maybe I can trust Zatch, no I can't, he's weak anyway, you can't trust anyone besides yourself anyway" thing started sounding forced early in the episode. -This episode can be described as such:Flashback, fighting, Tia doubting Zatch, fighting, flashback, fighting, fighting, Tia...
  37. Anime Otaku

    Ash at the Hoenn League (SPOILERS)

    Don't forget that TR's Meowth is rather weak, as Meowth go; you can't assume that all Meowth are weak just because of TR's Meowth. Tetsuya's Meowth has been shown to be powerful. Anyway... -With Misty coming back, she'd better be more like she was in the pre-Togepi days. Without her temper...
  38. Anime Otaku

    Zatch Bell: "The Tomboy and the Pop Star" Talkback (spoilers)

    -I really wasn't paying attention to anything music-wise. I somehow failed to notice new title music and the Japanese singing. -Wait...that new mamodo(not Tia, the blonde one) has mace-based attacks? Odd. Effective, but odd.
  39. Anime Otaku

    Are you willing to admit mistakes?

    I'll admit mistakes...then go "I know! I know! STOP NAGGING ABOUT IT!" if people keep bugging me about it. I just ignore most of my mistakes, so it bugs me if someone harps on them.

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