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  1. Anime Kid

    What dose everyone think of Love Hina?

    I know the game you're talking about the Love Hina Sims Dating I ripped it off there site so I could play it without having to go to New Grounds.
  2. Anime Kid

    What do all of you that have seen cowboy bebop the movie think about ti

    To Galvatron Galvatron, Nice AMV.
  3. Anime Kid

    Dose anyone know of the new Dot Hack Sign

    To DualMaster121 DualMaster121, look at post 11 and tell me if I was wrong.
  4. Anime Kid

    What is FLCL mainly about.

    To Albright Albright, I get what your saying, but I've only seen a few episodes so I didn't understand what it was about.
  5. Anime Kid

    What dose everyone think of Love Hina?

    From Anime Kid Everyone says all of the dubbing sucks. I agree that some of the dubbing sucks, but not all of it.
  6. Anime Kid

    Dose anyone know of the new Dot Hack Sign

    To True Noir True Noir, I didn't start this thread just because I saw the show if you had read at the top you would know I just wanted to know what it's about because the episodes I've seen really didn't explan much.
  7. Anime Kid

    What do all of you that have seen cowboy bebop the movie think about ti

    To Icer Icer I don,t know why the heck I said that to you earlier maybe I went temporaraly insane:sweat: I seriously dont know why I typed it.
  8. Anime Kid

    What do all of you that have seen cowboy bebop the movie think about ti

    From Anime Kid I also have it on DVD, but if it were to show on T.V. alot of stuff would be cut out unless it shows on a channel like Showtime.
  9. Anime Kid

    What is FLCL mainly about.

    I've seen FLCL but I only saw a couple of episodes on Adult Swim so I don't really not much what it's about except that robots come out of that kids head. So could someone help me out.
  10. Anime Kid

    A New gamecube Zelda game Wind Wakers sequel

    To Squall, and Juu-kuchi Squall, Like Juu-kuchi said who are you talking about. Juu-kuchi I am sorry but like i said earlyer"When you said "For a few months" I thought you were trying to say I didn't know much.
  11. Anime Kid

    What do all of you that have seen cowboy bebop the movie think about ti

    Icer, you can think what you want different people have different taste in anime, but me I like almost all anime in exsistance.
  12. Anime Kid

    What do all of you that have seen cowboy bebop the movie think about ti

    To Invader_Spooch Invader_Spooch, I agree with you on your favorite parts those are my favs to. Also why haven't you responded to my private message I dont remember what it was about but i know i sent you one.
  13. Anime Kid

    Dose anyone know of the new Dot Hack Sign

    To DuelMaster121 I know its not Brand new what i ment is the same as what Anime Otaku said.
  14. Anime Kid

    Do any 14 year old girls like Anime?

    From Anime Kid That's something I haven't thought about but your right if all the anime companys would focus on anime that attracted both boys and girls they'ed make better money than attracting just boy fans.
  15. Anime Kid

    A New gamecube Zelda game Wind Wakers sequel

    To Monke D. Luffy, and Sigma Look I agree I shouldn't have been rude and im sorry but adding in the "For a few months." makes it sound like he was tyring say i don't know much but how am i supose to know if he knows about this stuff. I just look up stuff when i can.
  16. Anime Kid

    What do all of you that have seen cowboy bebop the movie think about ti

    To RogueMartian What was favorite part of the movie?:confused:
  17. Anime Kid

    What do all of you that have seen cowboy bebop the movie think about ti

    What do all of you that have seen cowboy bebop the movie think about it. I thought it was a awsome movie but there where a few things I didn't like about it though. Like when spike went to pick up Vincent then Spike gets attacked in the serious Spike would have known better little mistakes...
  18. Anime Kid

    A New gamecube Zelda game Wind Wakers sequel

    From Anime Kid You need to get a life. I enjoy games as much as you do, but at least I don,t sit in front of a computer waiting for more news about games and consoles. I've known about the DS for about 2 months but i joined this forum only a couple days ago so i didn't know if you knew or not.
  19. Anime Kid

    You All Will Read Suikoden III

    From Anime Kid I hope you got those private massages, and a reminder the one you said was tyring to get at 14 year olds girls when all i really was trying to do was to find out if any girls my age like anime.
  20. Anime Kid

    Do any 14 year old girls like Anime?

    From Anime Kid Same here it's been hard to start my anime collection because my dad is periniod about what I'm buying on ebay and of course I'm mean I find what I want I give him money he buys. I had a hard time to get him to believe that Love Hina wasn't porn.
  21. Anime Kid

    A New gamecube Zelda game Wind Wakers sequel

    From Anime Kid Don't know why but link still won't work anyway do you know about the new Nintendo DS.
  22. Anime Kid

    A New gamecube Zelda game Wind Wakers sequel

    I was looking for zelda roms and found out about this on this sitehttp:// They also have the E3 Trailer for download. I must say this new zelda game is going to be a big hit.
  23. Anime Kid

    What do you think happens in Trigun after Vash beats Knives.

    I think he locks knives up in jail and Knives gets some one to break him out. This is a Fan Fic thread.
  24. Anime Kid

    Do any 14 year old girls like Anime?

    To Artimus Gigan Look you can believe what you want, but I'm 14, live in Tennessee,begining High school after summer is over, and around here there are very little girls my age that know what anime is or like I said earlyer think it's porn so I wanted to find out if there are girls my age that...
  25. Anime Kid

    Dose anyone know of the new Dot Hack Sign

    Last friday i was up at 1-2:00a.m. and Cartoon Network was showing a new Dot Hack serious. So I was hoping if someone could tell me more about it.
  26. Anime Kid

    What dose everyone think of Love Hina?

    Personaly I thought it was a good anime and not to be girly, but that was the only thing that made me almost cry and I didn't cry when my grand father died. There is only one thing that I found on another thread it was about how bad the dubbing was, but those people probaly never saw Trigun...
  27. Anime Kid

    American One Piece Opening

    From the starter of this thread. Why the hell are you arguing over a damn voice it isn't like you can do anything about and if you refuse to watch the american version because of something as stupid as a voice, you need to stick to the manga.
  28. Anime Kid

    I made this thread to just talk about anime.

    Hey Ein Have you ever thought i might be on my other thread. Now be a good boy and chase your tail.
  29. Anime Kid

    I made this thread to just talk about anime.

    Your on my other thread too dumb ass.
  30. Anime Kid

    I made this thread to just talk about anime.

    Also just because I am 14 dosen't mean I am a stupid kid, this go out to all the adults on this forum, so don't treat me as a kid!!!!:mad:
  31. Anime Kid

    Do any 14 year old girls like Anime?

    To Shogunthethird Shogunthethird, I'll take it as your one of those people how's crazy about One Piece. I have alot of there comics from collecting Shonen Jumps.
  32. Anime Kid

    Do any 14 year old girls like Anime?

    Anime Kid's response Ok I forgot about Chobits.
  33. Anime Kid

    Do any 14 year old girls like Anime?

    I am a 14 year old boy that was just trying to find out if any girls my age liked anime. Most girls and boys at my school either don't know what anime is or think it's porn. Don't know why but I am going to list most the animes I know. -----------------------------------------------------------...

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