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  1. Collabo

    JLU "The Once and Future Thing, Pt. 1" Talkback (Spoilers), Part II

    I'm gonna be something I'm normally not... Lazy and post the same reply I posted somewhere else... One thing though. Everyone is talking about the messed up timelines and how is everyone here and blah blah. Can you say Crisis? ;) I'm with you on a few points, Batman saving the day is no...
  2. Collabo

    World's Finest Writer's Corner Jason Todd: Vengeance

    Thanks for that. Just so you all know my computer died which is why I haven't posted any of my story in a while... but I am back now. ;)
  3. Collabo

    Teen Titans "The End"???

    Yes, yes it was, which is also the reason why they renamed the show Justice League Unlimited. And what a great rename it was. ^_^
  4. Collabo

    World's Finest Writer's Corner Jason Todd: Vengeance

    Just so you all know Chapter 6 is nearly done! ^_^ Which means posting soon!
  5. Collabo

    World's Finest Writer's Corner Jason Todd: Vengeance

    Thanks! I had thought no one here on Toon Zone liked it anymore seeing as how no one said anything about. But now you've made me happy again. ^_^ I actually finished chapter 6 a while ago, but it needs some heavy revision, due to the fact that I threw something in there that might be a tad...
  6. Collabo

    New Pictures From The Batman

    To get away from Bruce Timm's and Paul Dini's designs, and further make this show a stand alone.
  7. Collabo

    The Official Avatar Thread X

    The Clown Prince of Crime...
  8. Collabo

    Is It OK to 'Hot sauce' kids?

    While I don't agree with hot sauce I do think that children need to be whipped or chastized when they do something wrong and they know it. Some kids can't be talked to like this: "Jimmy go to time out young man and never do that again." You HAVE to whip them my sister is one of these...
  9. Collabo

    Wonder Woman the revelations (possible Spoilers)

    Hmmmm correct me if I'm wrong but don't the Amazon's have the ability to fly in the comics? Or is this just for the comics... And not DCAU...
  10. Collabo

    Robin....Makes you wonder

    I'm still laughing as I post this. But I actually think he's Dick Grayson.:p See Fractured.
  11. Collabo

    Justice League Unlimited #1 Preview Pages

    Oh no this is bad... just bad... I mean oh wow... does DC even CARE about continuity anymore???:mad: First we get Identity Crisis out of continuity then ANOTHER comic I'm looking forward to will be very very bad because writer's of shows and comics can't work together. Superman CAN NOT SURVIVE...
  12. Collabo

    Teen Titans "Aftershock, Part 2" Talkback (Spoilers)

    LOL! That was great! I don't know why the made Slade like he is right now... but yeah... He's not an outright Pedo lol! I mean come on he stalked kids in the comic book but no one called him a Pedo then... It just comes off like that becuase of the age demographic Teen Titans is directed at.
  13. Collabo

    Near-Swearing On Justice League

    I think that in moderation (though I don't care for cursing/swearing/cussing) can be very funny. I mean GL's line in Starcrossed nearly made me fall out of my seat. And Wonder's Woman kiss my ::shoots gun:: Was great. GMahler raised an interesting idea. That WW did probably say it but it was...
  14. Collabo

    New Pictures From The Batman

    About [website name removed] that's kind stupid. I'd LOVE for my site's name to be pimped on Toonzone. ;) Hehe. Does anyone else the Penguin looks like a constipated cat?:confused:
  15. Collabo

    The new Joker/Catwoman commercials!

    Maybe you should try to give The Joker a shot. ;) He doesn't look the greatest but he has a sick design (in a good way) his faces still look creepy and awesome. Out of the whole show he's the only thing that looks ok so far...
  16. Collabo

    When Barbara hugged Batman in "Over the Edge"

    I completely agree with everything you just said. In the comics I believe Jim knows Bruce is Batman but he refuses to admit it.
  17. Collabo

    Justice League and Teen Titans Wallpapers

    What do you mean? o.O
  18. Collabo

    Justice League and Teen Titans Wallpapers

    Hey Dan! I see your Ordinary Green Arrow Wallpaper and I RAISE you two extraordinary Green Arrow wallpapers. Raise One Raise Two XD.
  19. Collabo

    Terra (Spoilers)

    In the comics she was just an evil witch and worked with Slade from the get-go. In the show I'm not really sure but it seems as if the Titans got to her first, but Slade ultimately controlled her.
  20. Collabo

    If Batman had died in "Starcrossed"

    Bruce Wayne pawned his pinky ring.:p
  21. Collabo

    WORLD'S FINEST - Fresh Question #44: Your JLU tossed Salad

    I actually want more Justice League Unlimited, I know that the stories that we've gotten so far can't have this unlimited heroes. But it would be nice to see the show actually live it's name...
  22. Collabo

    Justice League and Teen Titans Wallpapers

    The Wonder Woman shot is FABULOUS! It's the best I've ever seen out of those title images. Who takes your screencaps? o.O
  23. Collabo

    Teen Titans "Aftershock, Part 1" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Wow... just wow. So much characterization, Terra was just the epitome of awesome (as far as Teen Titans is concerned). I really liked how the writers portrayed her and how she turned on the Titans. She exploited each of their weaknesses and that's what made her the second best villain on Teen...
  24. Collabo

    DC in November: What are you buying?

    Why thank you kind person, now I don't have to type out a big long list. Becasue everything you typed out is what I'm going to be buying. Also does anyone know why is Superman Batman constantly being delayed or when the next issue comes out?
  25. Collabo

    Justice League and Teen Titans Wallpapers

    Ah Justice League Unlimited Wallpapers from Brian... I say, I bow, I must bow. ::bows:: They are SO awesome... and just they are AWESOME! The image quality is SUPERB! I was like :eek: when I saw them. Then I went and got jealous because he had just great wallpapers. ;) If you want some...
  26. Collabo

    World's Finest Writer's Corner Jason Todd: Vengeance

    Cat's Last Purr Chapter 6: Cat's Last Purr ----------------------------------- A/N: This chapter picks up RIGHT after the last one. No time jump no nothing. I don't really think this is the best chapter of the fic... and sadly I'm not really feeling it... I don't really like this... and I...
  27. Collabo

    WORLD'S FINEST - Fresh Question #43: JLU-training! Bat-style!

    Could you see Batman in an army hat commanding people to do things and the League giving off one liner's that be hilarious! That does have a lot of episode potential. Hmm...
  28. Collabo

    Whose Rights Are Tied Up?

    Wow so much info in such a tiny post lol. Hmmmm I never really though of Hro Talak as Hawkman because of his general brutality... from what I gather of Hawkman in the comics he's not as cut-throat as Hro is.
  29. Collabo

    "Identity Crisis" Mini-Series Talkback (Spoilers)

    I've read that this book was written like last year or something thus Tim Drake was Robin and maybe Guy was GL (I don't keep up with GL so forgive me if he wasn't GL a year ago in OUR time), so that may be why Tim Was Robin. I personally found it rather touching how they could make us care...
  30. Collabo

    World's Finest Writer's Corner Jason Todd: Vengeance

    Chapter 5: The Last Pounce Hey everybody I'm back and with another chapter! :anime: I apologize for it taking so long. I'd like to know what some of you guys think about this fic! Please review! :anime: Chapter 5: The Last Pounce...
  31. Collabo

    Justice League Unlimited "For the Man Who Has Everything" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Is that the name of it? I'd be happy if someone could tell me the EXACT name lol. I shall go and buy this, because the episode has gotten me hooked.
  32. Collabo

    Teen Titans "Fractured" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Laughing MAO! That's just great! This episode amused me to NO END! I saw this intro and nearly died laughing... and it just dawned on me that the Japanese song is just the same words as the American song but in Japanse. (Feels like an idiot):sweat:
  33. Collabo

    World's Finest Writer's Corner Jason Todd: Vengeance

    No you didn't ruin it lol. I like that. ^_^ I've actually written about 2/3 more chapters. (Depending on how I combine it.) But I need to edit the story a bit more... I left out some imagery... and some detail. If I get time today I'll type it all up. And should have it posted within...
  34. Collabo

    Rate the Signature Above You Part...2, maybe?

    Maybe it's an inside joke... but I don't get it... 6/10, because it made me try and think of a witty reply (Yes. I'm failing.)
  35. Collabo

    Rate The User Above You's Avatar.

    Green Arrow Owns us all Marvel Knight. You get a 7/10 (Just a little bit of lighting to spice that up.)
  36. Collabo

    World's Finest Writer's Corner Jason Todd: Vengeance

    Thanks! But I have to give credit to my beta's Sphinx and UXM, they're PRETTY helpful when it comes to my grammar lol! Thanks for that bit of encouragement, I was afraid I had placed a few characters out of character (if that made any sense to you at all). Aaaah... well now that you've said...
  37. Collabo

    World's Finest Writer's Corner Jason Todd: Vengeance

    Chapter 4: Learning to F Chapter 4: Learning to Fly ----------------------------------------------------- Jason fell closer to the ground; the spikes the bats had formed were less than minutes away from impaling his body. He reached into the air only to grab nothing, and turned down once...
  38. Collabo

    World's Finest Writer's Corner Jason Todd: Vengeance

    Chapter 3 Chatper 3: Soaring Illusions ---------------------------------------------- Robin removed his mask and asked himself aloud, "What am I gonna do? I have seconds to live." He nervously thought, "All these years of training with Batman and being his loyal servant, and he was so easily...
  39. Collabo

    World's Finest Writer's Corner Jason Todd: Vengeance

    Chapter 2 Chapter 2: The Situation Worsens -------------------------------------------------- The inertia from the explosion violently hurtled Robin through the air. His body twisted uncontrollably and he was thrown backwards, hit the pole, and slumped downwards. "Agh!" screamed Robin...

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