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  1. Mr.Kurtz

    "TNA iMPACT!" 8-2-07 Talkback (Spoilers)

    I never thought about the Benoit tragedy during Angle's stuff. It was so silly and over the top that I don't think you can draw comparisons. Daniels and Skipper vs. AMW in 6 sides of steel was the match that got me into TNA so I like seeing XXX reform. If they can use the stable to push...
  2. Mr.Kurtz

    Cartoons that should NOT be made into movies

    There is a live action Peanuts stage play, but yeah a movie with kid actors and a CG Snoopy would be pretty bad. It's hard to say that any show with a strong enough premise couldn't make a good movie. The CG on something like Garfield gets a bad wrap, but that wasn't the reason the movie was...
  3. Mr.Kurtz

    Frank Herbert's Dune

    I want to be the Kwisatch Haderach when I grow up. Seriously, the first book is very good. Herbert created such a complete world with Arakis which alone make it a sci-fi stand out, bu it also has an exciting story. The next two books are okay, but once you get to the fourth one it takes...
  4. Mr.Kurtz

    Shows with different names elsewhere

    Russia in the 80's had some good ones G I Joe - Idealized Yankee fighting force what could never match up to proud Soviet Forces And in Japan Scooby-Doo- Never Surrender Stoned Dog of Chance Amsterdam The Smurfs - A crazy night at the Bar
  5. Mr.Kurtz

    "WWE RAW" Talkback (Spoilers)

    While Cena certainly isn't a great rapper it was the only thing that made his character stand out and I agree they should go back to it more. Maybe some segements with him in the studio, actually working on some rhymes. Actually wwe could use some more filmed segments in general. Not a...
  6. Mr.Kurtz

    Naruto "Kidnapped! Naruto's Hot Spring Adventure" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Way behind on my Naruto watching, but now that I'm caught up, a few thoughts. If there are two words that scream anime cliche and boring plot its "hot springs." But this episode was fun. Jiraya continues represeting the ninja pimp style, even if his luck with the ladies wasn't so good...
  7. Mr.Kurtz

    Favourite Homerisms?

    Mr. Burns: Use an open faced club. A sandwedge Homer: Mmmmm... open faced club sandwich It takes two to lie Marge. One to lie, one to listen. Moe is their leader.
  8. Mr.Kurtz

    Comic based shows. (Mod request)

    Oops, you do have boondocks. I believe both plastic man and Shazam had shows but I've never seen them. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs was a short lived show.
  9. Mr.Kurtz

    Fantastic Four: WGH "Bait And Switch" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I liked the plot of this episode just for the fact that it shows Reed working on curing Ben. That's supposed to be one of his driving factors and he's hardly ever shown working on this problem, eithier in the shows or comics. And it interesting seeing the personality switches. I wouldn't have...
  10. Mr.Kurtz

    Comic based shows. (Mod request)

    You seem to have left off possibly the most successful comic turned in a show Just a little show with four radioactive reptile ninjas and their rat father. They had two cartoons and one live action. And for comic strips, what about the boondocks
  11. Mr.Kurtz

    Naruto "Breakdown! The Deal Is Off" Talkback

    I think the problem of sexism in naruto is that there are several females introduced, they seem to have cool powers, they go on missions with the guys, but have we ever seen a female ninja beat a male ninja? Have they ever helped solve any of the problems. Several of the female characters...
  12. Mr.Kurtz

    "Transformers" Talkback, Part I (Spoilers)

    Thanks to an advanced screening, I saw this last week. The guy who hosted the event wore that Optimus Prime voice changing helmet and gave out toys for answering trivia. There were a lot of hardcore fans there, practically begginf for the toys. I would have let the kids have it, but whatever...
  13. Mr.Kurtz

    "WWE RAW" Talkback (Spoilers)

    [ Memo to Kennedy. Hemingway, brother. The best laid plans of mice & men often go astray, like your lame attempt at bribing Super Crazy. There's a reason he has that name. That's not Hemingway, that's Robert Burns. If they aren't going to give the position to Foley like they...
  14. Mr.Kurtz

    The Official "Transformers" Movie News & Speculation Thread (Possible Spoilers)

    You can now envy me, for I saw this movie last night. I won't put down any spoilers, except to say If any one has specific questions, they can send me a message.
  15. Mr.Kurtz

    The New Transformers Cartoon

    I actually like a couple of the designs. Sure they are "kiddie" but if it gets kids interested, then that's okay. The only design I don't really like is Optimus. Stylized is fine, but he's just misshapen.
  16. Mr.Kurtz

    Chris Benoit and Nancy & Daniel Benoit Found Dead.

    Tragic. Words can't really describe. A dark moment for the wrestling world. It all seems so surreal. My heart goes out to the family.
  17. Mr.Kurtz

    Ron Killings and Konnan quit TNA

    Killings certanly has more credibility to play the rapper gimmick than Cena. The picture of Killings and Tupac alone gives him more cred than Cena will ever have. I think he could be a legit star, but I guess that won't happen in TNA. Konnan is a big loss, but hopefully LAX can still suceed.
  18. Mr.Kurtz

    Shouldn't Spider-Man have a mom and dad?

    Well the secret agent parents thing was introduced by Stan Lee in an annual to adress the very problem of what happened to Pete's parents. It ties into that adolescent fantasy kids have about their parents, especially parents they never see. It also led Spidey to fight a villian that Stan...
  19. Mr.Kurtz

    The Official "Transformers" Movie News & Speculation Thread (Possible Spoilers)

    For me a big part of the fun of watching those old shows is listening to the voices and trying to figure out who played who. I always wondered as a kid but the credits were too fast. Back on topic, Michael Bay gave a press conference recently and he talked about how at first he was worried he...
  20. Mr.Kurtz

    The Official "Transformers" Movie News & Speculation Thread (Possible Spoilers)

    Actually I'm pretty sure Cullen did Montery Jack in the majority of the episodes. He is credited in every episode on the vol. 1 dvd. In particular, the episode with Monty's father, Cullen plays Monty and Cummings plays his father with the same voice he uses later when he takes over the role...
  21. Mr.Kurtz

    The New Transformers Cartoon

    I don't really like that design and the description also don't sound that great. 26 stand alone stories with ordinary heroes, that not really promising. But it is still way too early to know much.
  22. Mr.Kurtz

    Naruto "Inheritance! The Necklace Of Death" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Well none of this show is very realistic so I don't see why that is harder to believe than nine tailed foxes and toad hermits and such. Back to he episode, I find it funny that Tsunade can be goaded into a fight and a bet by Naruto. As for the propsition made by Orochimaru to her, I hope she...
  23. Mr.Kurtz

    Fantastic Four: WGH "Puppet Master" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I pretty much agree with all these criticisms. I think a good angle they could have taken to include the comedy would be Ben meeting Alicia's father for the first time. To tie it in more, the puppet master could have used Ben and Alicia's relationship as a way into the Baxter Buidling to steal...
  24. Mr.Kurtz

    Naruto "Inheritance! The Necklace Of Death" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I liked the back story, I wouldn't have minded a little more. Maybe something of the the great war and the sanin in battle. Tsunade said that her brother and Naruto are "closer than you could ever imagine" or something like that. Interesting. So are the sanin characters based on actual...
  25. Mr.Kurtz

    "Hey! Animate Me!"

    Let's see. Notably characters that haven't been mentioned Bullseye Man-Thing Howard the Duck most of the original new warriors besides firestar obviously Captain Britain Franklin Richards shang-chi the hand and going all the way back, the original human torch
  26. Mr.Kurtz

    "WWE RAW" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Love him or hate, or feel indifferent to him as I do, you can't deny that Cena gets the most crowd reaction. That alone justifies his championship spot. Battling chants is always entertaining. The show did lack some wrestling though. RVD's possibly final wwe match was interesting, mainly for...
  27. Mr.Kurtz

    Naruto Sexism?

    If a character is introduced, developed, time spent on them, and then they turn out to be useless to solving the problems they are involved in, then that is bad writing and has nothing to do with gender. Sakura has been involved a lot in the series, she seems to be the third lead, and has...
  28. Mr.Kurtz

    Naruto "The Impossible Decision! The Pain Within Tsunade's Heart" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Tsunade is one popular lady. Jiraiya wants her to be the next hokage, Orochimaru wants her to heal him, and I'm sure she still has some gambling debts to work out. So the legendary sanin are all in the same general area for the first time in the series. Are we going to find out what makes...
  29. Mr.Kurtz

    "WWE RAW" Talkback (Spoilers)

    True, but there is no law that says just because you're on the roster means you have to work every house show. The wwe has a schedule that borders on the insane. That is why so many wrestlers get hurt and shortens the careers of people like the big show. Guys who have had serious injuries...
  30. Mr.Kurtz

    The Official "Transformers" Movie News & Speculation Thread (Possible Spoilers)

    It is a good time to sell them with the movie coming out and the dvds not available many places. To me, TF looks like the most unique movie this summer. We've seen the pirates and potters and fantastic people before. But have you ever seen a movie where a truck transforms and fights a...
  31. Mr.Kurtz

    What non anime VA would you like to see do a voice?

    It all comes down to the bottomline I suppose. If they don't get apid as much then we'll never see established western animation voice actors do anime. But if we imagining, then how about a redub of pokemon with christopher walken as pikachu. Just think about it.;)
  32. Mr.Kurtz

    Naruto "Focal Point: Mark Of The Leaf" Talkback (Spoilers)

    and a fur coat. Nothing says pimp like a ninja master in a hat and fur
  33. Mr.Kurtz

    Naruto "Focal Point: Mark Of The Leaf" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Yeah but if you are a crazy, snake loving arm-less freak it might be hard to find companions. And Jiraiya is a hermit, so he must be comfortable being alone.
  34. Mr.Kurtz

    What non anime VA would you like to see do a voice?

    Well I know that non-union dubs would pay less, but I though the pay for something like Naruto would still be pretty good. IGPX got some big names so it must have paid alright. There have been guys to go over to anime, like Cam Clarke and I think the announcer on Bo-Bo-Bo. I think the...
  35. Mr.Kurtz

    Cowboy Bebop: Years later is it still as good?

    I've seen the movie recently, but not an actual episode in a while. I'm still on the fence on whether to buy the remix dvds since I have the whole series already. But Wendee Lee doing commentary is tempting. Anyone know if the remix dvds are worth buying.
  36. Mr.Kurtz

    What non anime VA would you like to see do a voice?

    Jim Cummings has also been in a few of Disney's dubs of the Miyazaki movies. I don't think he has done any series though, which would be cool. I think it's strange that you don't see more of the established VO people do any anime now that it's so popular. As far as I know Frank Welker, Rob...
  37. Mr.Kurtz

    "WWE RAW" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Other things where going on but I did manage to see a lot of raw, good package showing Stone cold's media tour. Still have zero desire to see the Condemned. With triple h and hbk gone, raw hasn't really built up any baby faces beside cena, it makes sense that lashley gets all the focus...
  38. Mr.Kurtz

    Cowboy Bebop: Years later is it still as good?

    Wild horses is the episode where Spike meats the man who built the swordfish and faye is used for bait while Jet fishes for the three bounty-heads. Cowboy Funk is the episode with the una-bomber terrorist wannabe. Bebop is the only anime, maybe the only series, where I can name every...

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