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  1. J

    Dwayne McDuffie Has Passed Away (R.I.P.)

    I didn't know Dwayne personally and never interacted with him online, but I was a big fan of his work on Justice League and other recent animated projects. This is just came out of nowhere. RIP Dwayne.
  2. J

    "Superman/Batman: Apocalypse" News & Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    I find it disappointing that we're getting another Superman/Batman movie. I love both characters, and I've liked all of the movies in the DC Animated DVD series so far. But Public Enemies was the weakest one by far, IMO. Remember when the stated purpose of this series, way back in 2007, was to...
  3. J

    "Wonder Woman" Soundtrack Talkback (Spoilers)

    Hey, sorry I didn't get back to you. I was busy and totally forgot about this thread. Anyway, this was the original trailer for the movie. I loved the song they used, but for some reason it was swapped out for this other song. Same exact trailer, but the music in the first one is so much...
  4. J

    "Wonder Woman" Soundtrack Talkback (Spoilers)

    Aw man, I just recently found out that the soundtrack for this amazing movie had been released. Sure took them a long time, since it's been over a year since the movie came out! The lack of distribution from digital retailers is so disappointing. I've been buying my favorite songs from each of...
  5. J

    "Justice League Unlimited" Comes To Boomerang

    I've been waiting for this, and I'm glad they finally got around to it. It was getting monotonous just seeing JL (or rather, just season 2 of JL) being rerun over and over again. Now, if only they could restore that 90-minute nightly block of DCAU shows by bringing back BTAS and Superman.
  6. J

    What Are The Differences Between DCAU And DCU?

    TNBA and JLU are just continuations of the same universe with some new characters added in. By "reboots, retcons, and revisions," people are talking about multiple origins, complete continuity reboots (Crisis), and retcons which completely changed things from the way they happened before. All...
  7. J

    Were the League using their heads during the series finale?

    "But first, Superman must suffer" came immediately after Darkseid talked about his ongoing goal to find the Anti-Life equation. "Where do you think I'm going next?" is a response to Kanto saying New Genesis would retaliate if they went after Earth. A valid interpretation of the dialogue is that...
  8. J

    Were the League using their heads during the series finale?

    Here's exactly what was said during the scene: DARKSEID: But first, Superman must suffer for killing me. His adopted world will die screaming. Only then will I seek the ultimate end. KANTO: Forgive me lord, but an attack on Earth would violate your pact with Highfather. New Genesis would...
  9. J

    "Gotham Girls" gone?

    It's an online, Flash-animated series starring Batgirl, Poison Ivy, Harley, and Catwoman. It's mostly humor-oriented. I think it's in the DCAU continuity.
  10. J

    When Vandal Savage was the Nazi Leader...

    An explicit answer to this question isn't given in the episode. And realistically, Vandal Savage would probably have had a hard time stopping the Holocaust after it had already started. It's not like the Nazis were only racist because of Hitler. However, from the point of the episode's writer...
  11. J

    Does LOSH specificaly contradict the DCAU?

    I've only seen the first episode, and I've seen enough to say it's not in continuity. In S:TAS, Clark was a decently popular kid in high school, was an All-State basketball player, and was somewhat arrogant because of his emerging powers (New Kids in Town). In the first episode of LOSH...
  12. J

    Favorite DCAU Quotes or Moments!

    I love that line. The way arrogant way he delivered the "Please," followed by the creepy admission that he DOES go through EVERYONE'S stuff, made Question sound so badass. Later in the same episode, Question took a pop song, something that every guy watching at home probably thinks is lame...
  13. J

    Best Anti-Hero

    I said this in another recent thread, and I'll say it again here: Superman did NOT act inappropriately given what he heard at Lexor City. He clearly heard Lex mentioning his "escape route" when talking about the device, something he would not have said if he was honestly unveiling a harmless...
  14. J

    Best Anti-Hero

    I agree. Having some character flaws does NOT make someone an antihero. Being outspoken (Green Arrow), determined (Batman), skeptical (Question), etc. does not mean you're an antihero. Some of these character flaws aren't even real. Where is WW's supposed "near total disrespect" for men...
  15. J

    JLU Season 1...Whats with Supes?

    I don't think that's the case at all. Superman's lost innocence, heavy-handedness and temper were ongoing issues in Justice League and JLU: -In "A Better World," Superman says that he understands the Justice Lords Superman's POV, because he felt those same urges too. He tells Flash that he's...
  16. J

    Is JLU ever going to appear on Boomerang?

    I was going to ask this question myself. I wish they would too air JLU too. With the show playing 7 days a week, they can cycle through all of JL and JLU within a couple of months. It would be less repetitive, and I would finally be able to tape a lot of these episodes. I also wish they...
  17. J

    TNBA redesigns: Which was the worst?

    I really didn't like a lot of the TNBA redesigns either: Catwoman has got to be the worst. B:TAS Selina looked beautiful, and actually looked like a WOMAN. TNBA Catwoman was so overly simplistic and unattractive that I can't believe Timm and company (who have done so much good work over the...
  18. J

    Justice League Unlimited "Destroyer" Series Finale Talkback (Spoilers)

    Has there been any explanation from Bruce Timm or the writers about what happened to New Genesis? In the past, New Genesis was powerful enough to force Darkseid into a truce. Apokalips's military had also been severely weakened in "Twilight," as well as the civil war that came after that. How...
  19. J

    Who is more evil: The Joker or Darkseid?

    I didn't interpret that as a merciful act at all. Darkseid seemed to be smiling as he took out his Kryptonite dagger, "something special" he had been saving just for the occasion. Darkseid even said he would carve out Superman's heart and put it on a pike in his throne room. It looked like...
  20. J

    Would any one like to The Justice League take on Neron?

    I agree. Not only did Tala appear to be a mere mortal, but she was also made out to be a bimbo groupie who sucked up to whoever was in power. I knew nothing about the character before watching the show, and was surprised at how much they changed her after reading about Tala on Wikipedia...
  21. J

    why is the sky blood red in B:TAS/TNBA?

    I hated the blood red sky in TNBA. B:TAS actually had a normal looking, DARK sky most of the time. IMO that was not only less weird, but was better looking and made for a better atmosphere. The blood red sky in TNBA made everything bright and seemingly out in the open. I don't remember if...
  22. J

    a good show to introduce JL/JLU to someone who has only seen BTAS/STAS/TNAB/BB ?

    I think you should just try to start her from the beginning of the series, with "Secret Origins." That way she won't get confused or feel unconnected to characters she doesn't even know. I think other good episodes might be "Twilight" (heavily connected to the Superman episode "Legacy") and...
  23. J

    Didn't Need to See That

    I really don't agree with the people who are complaining about the extra background heroes in JLU. Most of them weren't even supposed to be characters and be deeply fleshed out. They're there just to add detail and scale to the DCAU, and as a treat for the comic fans who do know and care about...
  24. J

    Mystery of the Batwoman vs. Sub-Zero

    It's been years since I last saw Sub-Zero, but the way I remember it, it was a lot better than Mystery of the Batwoman. Sub-Zero seemed more dramatic, and actually had an effect on the DCAU. MOTB was basically fluff.
  25. J

    JL Boomerang Marathon - "Get off the channel!"?

    Hi, new user here. I know this is kind of weird for a first post, but I want to know if anyone out there saw the same thing I did. Just before noon today, I was watching the beginning of "Twilight" on Boomerang. Right when Steppenwolf sent a hologram message to Darkseid informing him of the...

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