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  1. J

    "The Terror Beyond" Comedic Summarization (Spoilers, PG-13)

    Well, it seems like many of us are enamored with the work of Matt Wilson, but I can't say I'm one. Just not very funny, and a bit lewd for my tastes. Mr. Wilson, you may not care what I think, and that' s no problem, but I felt like posting my opinion. However, I make a distinction between...
  2. J

    Episode List that wishes for the season 3...

    Here are my season 3 ideas. I tried to work in as many cameos and guest shots as I could, where they make sense. Episodes 3.1 -3.3: Generation Gaps Researching a story, Clark Kent comes across reports of a 1930's-era superteam known as the Justice Society of America. After learning of...
  3. J

    Be Cheap: Save On 'Batwoman'!

    {Buy a Pizza Hut kids pack and get a B:MotB toy and coupon for a few bucks off.} - HighSky Hey HighSky, can you tell me any more about the Pizza Hut offer? After reading your post last night, I went to my local Pizza Hut today, and they hadn't heard of the offer at all. So you know how much...
  4. J

    "Pryde of the X-Men" Classic Talkback (Spoilers)

    Hi, this is my first time posting on this Marvel board. I wanted to tell anyone who is looking for Pryde of the X-Men on VHS that they have quite a few copies of it on a website called All you do is go to the site, and type in the title, and it lists all the different copies on...
  5. J

    I got Hawkgirl

    I got mine from... Hi, I haven't posted in a while. I keep hearing that Hawkgirl is at Target stores now, but I have a friend who works there, and he's never seen one. I ended up ordering one from an online retailer called It's the only place online I've found it without having...
  6. J

    WORLD'S FINEST - Funny Quote #8 - The girls beg for my...

    "She's like putty in my hands..."
  7. J

    Fresh Question #10: Best Batman Figure

    The Best Batman figure was... The Creeper.
  8. J

    Bruce Timm interview on Justice League's Second Season

    Could someone list for me all of the characters that have been confirmed to appear in Season 2? I'd like to see a full list, if someone has time. Thanks. Oh, yeah, and I'm really, really jazzed about S2. Come on July!
  9. J

    Does anyone else think that the next Justice League disc...

    Yeah, I agree. Cartoon Network now has a chance to set their first mistake right. I hope they don't repeat it.
  10. J

    Fresh Question #9: Funniest Batman episode

    I really liked Beware the Creeper, for the Creeper's lines, especially his dialogue with Harley. Knight Time is a favorite, also.
  11. J

    DC Animated Universe Funny Quote #7 - She said What?!

    Superman: Hello, Lex, yeah, it's Superman here. I just was calling to remind you that you are still in jail, and I'm free as a bird. Say hi to Grundy for me, although I can't imagine he'd be much fun as a cellmate. Ta-ta! (Loud yelling on other end of phone. Supes puts down phone, looks...
  12. J

    S:TAS "A Fish Story" Talkback (Spoilers)

    A good, but not great episode. I was really excited the first time I saw the promo for the episode, because Aquaman is my favorite comic character. I liked how the fish and whales were revolting when Aquaman was imprisoned, and I liked how the doctor tending to Aquaman was named Cardy...
  13. J

    I think my local Best Buy got B:TAS early!

    Hi, hope everyone had a pleasent Easter Sunday. I was in my local Best Buy store on Saturday, April 19th, and saw that they already had in the new Batman: Tales of the Dark Knight DVD in for sale. I didn't see the new Justice League, Super Friends, or X-Men: Evolution discs, but I didn't really...
  14. J

    What Is Your Dream DCAU Teamup?????

    Aquaman My ideal team ups are: - Flash and Aquaman - in order to play a guy with the responsibility of ruling a nation (and being a husband and father) with a guy whose only responsibility is to himself. - Animal Man/Aquaman/Swamp Thing vs. Poison Ivy/R'as Al Ghul - Two opposing views on...
  15. J

    Fresh Question #8: Best Character Scene

    My favorite BB Scene One of my favorite scenes, in a heartbreaking way, is in the pilot pf Batman Beyond, when Bruce is in the Batman costume and he has a heart attack. The only way he can keep a thug from beating him to death with a wrench is to pick up a gun and point it at him. He doesn't...
  16. J

    Which Villians Would You Like To See In Season 2 Of Justice League????

    How about Manchester Black? The JL hasn't faced him at all not even in the comics.
  17. J

    DC Animated Universe Funny Quote #6 - Derrrr

    ...that's why I use new Colgate Simply White, not just on my teeth, but to leech the pigment out of my very skin! It's worked wonders for me, and now I've met someone who shares my passion for deathly-bleached skin. Thank you, Simply White!
  18. J

    Which JLer has the best (in opinion) powers?

    Hey, what gives? No Aquaman? I know he's not part of the League but he would seem to me to be like a 1st alternate if someone left (and if he wanted to spare the time away from Atlantis). Even though Aquaman is not the most powerful(though he's a lot more powerful than people think), I find...
  19. J

    Which one of Batman's enemies would you want on Justice League?

    I said the Penguin, just because he's my favorite villain, but I also really like the Scarecrow/JL phobias idea. Any of the villains would be good, but I think a little time should pass before the Joker appears in a main line again.
  20. J

    New Batman and Justice League Toys

    Here's what I like: All the JL figures (I already have the four in the first set) and the Javelin-7. I also like Zip-Line Batman, minus the accessories, and the Batmobile looks pretty cool, even though it's needlessly complicated. The Batman and Robin in the Batmobile look pretty cool...
  21. J

    DC Animated Universe Funny Quote #5 - It's very relaxing!

    Mr. Mxysptlk (to Massuse): Oh, Vera, where have you been all my life? I thought I'd never get that toe jam out!
  22. J

    I think a little praise is due to all of you...

    Hi, my username is jblfsu, and I'm a relatively new poster here at Toon Zone. However, I've been a "lurker" on these boards for quite a while now. One thing I've noticed is how pleasant this board is to visit. I almost never see any nasty arguing, name- calling, or general...
  23. J

    DC Animated Universe Funny Quote #4

    Harley: "So, Red, whaddaya wanna do tonight?" Ivy: "The same thing we do every night, Harley.... watch "The View" that I taped this afternoon!"
  24. J

    DC Animated Universe Funny Quote #4

    Harley: Bored, bored, bored.... Ivy: I know. After giving Batman that gender-change, closing all the Hooters in the Gotham area, and using Areisia's old potion to sicken and enslave all the world's men, what else is there to do? Harley: So bored, so...
  25. J

    Justice League's "Temporary Member"

    Way to go, Johnny Depp! I totally agree with you about Aquaman. He has so much potential, both solo and with the League. Definently NOT a fish out of water. I'd like to see him appear again just to show even more people how effective a superhero he can be. All the creators have to do is...
  26. J

    Good News on Superman: TAS

    That's great, I'm glad to see Superman back at such a good timeslot. Now 0if they would combine Superman, B:TAS, B:TNBA, JL, He-Man, Samurai Jack, and Batman Beyond into one big block, that would be dyno-mite!
  27. J

    JL Toys Are Out!: Where have they been found (Location Thread)?

    I found a few on the shelf at my local Target in Roanoke, Virginia. It's the large Target across the street from the Valley View Grande 16 movie theatre. When I got there on Wednesday last week, they had two Batmen and one Flash left. I bought the Flash and a Batman, so if anyone is in the...
  28. J

    DC Animated Universe Funny Quote #3

    Commisioner Gordon: There. THAT oughta keep the crows off my fan. Detective Bullock: It ain't like he's got anything else to do, Commish.
  29. J

    John Delaney's Sketch of the Week #15

    Watchmen is an interesting idea.... I'm voting for the Watchmen, because I'm really interested in how John Delaney might draw them. But even if they lose, there's plenty of good choices for him to do.

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