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  1. RedKnight

    The Simpsons - "Once Upon A Time in Springfield" - Talkback [1/10]

    I thought the episode was so-so. We've seen variations of both the sub- and the main plot before, but this rendition was okay nonetheless. At first, I was afraid Princess Penelope upstaging Krusty was going to lead into yet another "Bart-helps-Krusty-back-on-his-feet"-episode, so the twist there...
  2. RedKnight

    Star rapper threatens to beat and kill reporter -- all on camera

    Man, what is this world coming to... :mad: Yesterday, German TV station Sat 1 aired a piece about German rapper "Bushido", who is one of the country's most successful rap artists and pretty much (wants to be) the German answer to Two-Pac. To kids across Germany, the guy is pretty much an icon...
  3. RedKnight

    R.I.P. former wrestler Andrew "Test" Martin

    :( You know, the fact that 9 short years after I got into wrestling, half the guys that got me hooked are either dead or horrily screwed up really makes me want to quit sometimes...
  4. RedKnight

    "South Park Studios" - How are Matt & Trey allowed to do that?

    I get that, I was just surprised it was actually happening. I mean, the people in the expensive suits aren't usually so generous, are they? Also, I thought the "South Park Studios" project was the brainchild of Matt and Trey only. So they did (have to) get permission from their distributors to...
  5. RedKnight

    "South Park Studios" - How are Matt & Trey allowed to do that?

    Hey everyone, I realize I'm probably the last person in the world to discover this, but I only just stumbled on South Park Studios, and I was stunned to find out it is legal. Just out of curiosity: How come the creators can do that? Aren't they somehow in breach of the contract(s) with TV and...
  6. RedKnight

    "Fringe" Season One Talkback (Spoilers)

    The pilot was a lot of fun and the overall concept seems promising, so I'll watching for now. I was definitely surprised by the final scenes, and in a good way. I did have a couple of small problems: Some of the dialogue seemed rather forced and clunky, and Walter Bishop's state of mind...
  7. RedKnight

    "Star Wars": The Prequel Trilogy Box Set

    Hm. If the box is well-designed and looks good next to the OT boxed set, I might take the plunge. I don't have any of the prequel movies yet, and while I don't love them, they weren't bad, either. I guess I'm going to get them eventually, so if the price is right and the look of fits me, why not?
  8. RedKnight

    Pro-Wrestling on DVD 2008 Talkback

    Any info on the contents of that set? I wonder if it's going to be a match compilation or a true career retrospective. "Legacy" could refer to both... Personally, I'm hoping for the retrospective. WWE really has a knack for those. Besides, -- how would you go about choosing matches for an...
  9. RedKnight

    Pro-Wrestling on DVD 2008 Talkback

    I hope TNA puts a lot of work into that one, because I'm really looking forward to it. As far as matches go, I definitely want to see... the initial Angle/Joe trilogy (Genesis, Turning Point, Final Resolution 07) Match of Champions: Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe vs. Team 3D (Victory Road 07)...
  10. RedKnight

    Big changes coming to Batman in 2008 (Possible Spoilers)

    I don't think this whole "Batman R.I.P." deal will be anywhere near as big as it's looking right now. If DC wanted to kill Batman, they'd wait until Final Crisis, IMHO. Anything else would be absolute idiocy. I mean, this isn't the Blue Beetle, -- it's Batman. His death would overshadow...
  11. RedKnight

    On the fence about "Brand New Day." Will it stick?

    Aaaach... I hope you are wrong... All reality changes aside, I really, really, really don't want any (more) magic hampering Spidey's world now. I mean, Peter doesn't remember the deal and Mephisto, as far as we know, got what he wanted. I hope Marvel will have the common sense to leave it at...
  12. RedKnight

    On the fence about "Brand New Day." Will it stick?

    LOL I realize that; -- I have been reading comics for roughly 15 years, after all. When I say "permanent" I don't mean "still true when my grandkids read Spidey". I'm talking more along the lines of "not being retconned within a week". True. In the case of BND we aren't just talking about a...
  13. RedKnight

    On the fence about "Brand New Day." Will it stick?

    Hey everyone, like most of you, the abomination that was OMD left my shaking my head in disgust. Like most of you, I vowed not to touch BND. Now, in my case, that doesn't change much, as already I dropped "mainstream" Spider-Man years ago. Nonetheless, I love our webhead. So, when the new...
  14. RedKnight

    Pro-Wrestling on DVD 2008 Talkback

    [channeling The Todd]Dude! Sharing-the-pain five![/channeling The Todd] Wow! I actually didn't know that. Cool. Maybe they will still do a career retrospective after all, then. On the other hand, this makes me even madder about Austin getting the shaft in that department. Why, WWE, why? Sure...
  15. RedKnight

    Pro-Wrestling on DVD 2008 Talkback

    Fair enough, but he's never had a true in-depth "career DVD" AFAIK. "The Stone Cold Truth" was rather short and more of a fluff piece, and all the other releases simply chronicle the late 90's storylines from an in-gimmick point of view. I liked that as a kid, -- not so much now. Germany...
  16. RedKnight

    The Panic of '08

    Man, what is it with the constant paranoia these days? I mean, it's healthy and reasonable to be aware of things, but the last couple of years have been insane. Maybe I just didn't notice or care as much when I was younger, but it seems like people are being trained to be more and more afraid as...
  17. RedKnight

    Pro-Wrestling on DVD 2008 Talkback

    ... ... :shrug: Well, I guess that saves me a cool 30 bucks come February. Seriously, that's just wrong! John Cena, who, successful as he is, has been in wrestling for all of 6 years gets a "career DVD", while Steve Austin, the face of the "Attitude" era, is settled with a match compilation...
  18. RedKnight

    "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" Season One Talkback (Spoilers)

    This will probably sound narrow-minded, but I won't watch this simply because it ignores T3, which has a friggin' sequel in pre-production! What a bunch of BS! With none of the projects being labeled out-of-continuity, this only serves to water down the franchise and divide the fan base, which...
  19. RedKnight

    Question for "Spider-Girl" fans

    Hey all, thanks for your help so far. I'm still unclear on one detail though: With the relaunched SG series now running and standard TBS coming out, will the original series digests continue, or will the final 48 issues of the first run not see any reprints? That would suck, honestly.
  20. RedKnight

    Pro-Wrestling on DVD 2008 Talkback

    Quick q on the Stone Cold set: Is this going to be a match compilation (like Tombstone for the Undertaker) or an actual career retrospective (like Vince McMahon, HBK and others have received)?
  21. RedKnight

    Discussion on The WGA Strike, Part 2 (Update: The Writer's Strike Is Over)

    We'll see. As of now, no. It still looks like this will go on for a long time until the Alliance basically crumbles or the writers' savings are depleted to the point where they have to return.
  22. RedKnight

    Apple Unveils MacBook Air

    In short: Amazing size, even for a portable computer. That rocks! The new touchpad functions are, quite frankly, groundbreaking IMHO. I'm sure they will define a new standard. The built-in cam and mic are Apple standard already, but still much appreciated. BUT... No optical drive? WTF...
  23. RedKnight

    The Official "Superman" Sequel News & Discussion Thread (Possible Spoilers)

    You know, SR didn't amaze me by any means, but was it really that terrible? Frankly, I liked the notion of Supes having a kid (and no, that doesn't make him a "dead-beat dad". He didn't know, alright?) It's a relatively novel concept, and I think the movie franchise is the only place where we...
  24. RedKnight

    Discussion on The WGA Strike, Part 2 (Update: The Writer's Strike Is Over)

    I can relate, but I'm afraid we'll have to get used to the situation for now. It doesn't look like this'll end anytime soon, IMHO. Personally, I think we'll see the end of this only when a) the Alliance cracks apart under pressure or b) the majority of the writers are forced to return simply to...
  25. RedKnight

    Question for "Spider-Girl" fans

    Hey everyone, I've been looking to get into Spider-Girl for a while, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I would like to add the entire run to my collection. Reprints would be the way to go there, I guess (unless anyone on here would like to sell a complete run. Let me know! :p ) However...
  26. RedKnight

    Discussion on The WGA Strike, Part 2 (Update: The Writer's Strike Is Over)

    It'll be really interesting to see where this goes... Personally, I hope the writers get what they deserve, but I wouldn't say it's just a matter of time by any means... I mean, the way I see it, the major companies could basically "starve" the writers if they really wanted to. If the big wigs...
  27. RedKnight

    "Spider-Man: Brand New Day" News & Speculation (Spoilers)

    Ach... I will at least check where this goes. Not buying anything until something absolutely jaw-dropping happens. Still, I think Marvel and the fandom would have been better off with the post-Civil War status quo or a true, no-nonsense reboot. Both versions would have offered great, fresh...
  28. RedKnight

    Warner drops HD DVD, goes Blu-ray only, and effectively ends 'format war'

    Well, it's good to see that the next format is (apparently) becoming a definite now. I still won't upgrade any time soon, nor will I replace my existing DVD collection. It's just too much hassle, too expensive, just too much all around
  29. RedKnight

    What Are You Listening To? (Fifth Album)

    Sweeney Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleet Street OST and Jazz ist Anders by Die Ärzte, Germany's first greatest punk rock band.
  30. RedKnight

    Were have all the stars gone?

    Which, I think, is a big, big part of the problem. These days -- hard as it still might be -- you don't need true passion or talent to make it in entertainment; you just need an "in", then someone will throw you at the wall to see if you stick. At times, it doesn't feel like there is any casting...
  31. RedKnight

    Were have all the stars gone?

    And when I say stars, I don't mean "starlets"; I don't mean "celebrities", and I certainly don't mean the "I'm already stinkin' rich, so now I'll be an actor/singer/model/whatever" crowd. Maybe you guys are way ahead of me here, but I just realized this past week that our generation has no true...
  32. RedKnight

    Is Hip Hop truly dead?

    Depends on your definition of "hip hop" and your definition of "dead".. I guess. Unfortunately, forms of art can be dead long before anyone has the mind to bury them. That much we know. It certainly has been a long time since I came across an interesting artist in the field. Rap, IMHO, is as...
  33. RedKnight

    Should Kids TV Networks Talk About Sex?

    Quoted for truth. I wouldn't like to see sex ed incorperated into regular shows, but a special, sure!
  34. RedKnight

    I can't believe how much this hurts...

    Give your aunt the comic. I am dead serious. I know discipline and family harmony is important, but what your folks are trying to do here is absolute (crap). Go with the gift you picked out for your aunt to show your love. If asked about it, my advice would be for to state calmly and...
  35. RedKnight

    "The Hobbit" Film Trilogy Pre-Release Discussion (Spoilers)

    As far as The Hobbit goes, -- hooray! :D But... a sequel? :shrug: No. I'm sorry, but no. You don't go around adding to Tolkien. If New Line takes that road, it'll be plain and simple money grabbing. Personally, I hope the Tolkien estate stops that from happening. Does anyone else find it...
  36. RedKnight

    Discovery Channel's "Rise of the Videogame" Talkback

    Wow, this is really cool. Any idea if the show will be on DVD?
  37. RedKnight

    Tim Burton to direct Alice in Wonderland

    LOL, I actually forgot about that one. You're right, -- but I think that's because the story didn't lend itself to Burton's style. Burton is best when he can be BURTON, -- dark, bizarre, quirky.
  38. RedKnight

    Tim Burton to direct Alice in Wonderland

    I loathe to say I have favorites of anything, but I do think Burton is my favorite director. Between Edward Scissorhands,his Batman movies, A Nightmare Before Christmas and Chocolate Factory, I can't recall a single Burton flick I didn't like. Sweeney Todd looks to be amazing, and this should...
  39. RedKnight

    "The Golden Compass" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I must admit I felt that way too. I understand it's all about the bottom line, but ending a movie in a cliffhanger with no guarantee of a resolution is a boneheaded move, plain and simple. There's a reason why few "first parts" do it, and that's because it shouldn't be done unless you know...
  40. RedKnight

    What movies are you looking forward to in 2008?

    ... Sometimes, living in Germany sucks. :sad:

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