“Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War” Crossover Talkback (Spoilers)

J'onn J'onzz

Best Male Member '08
Mar 4, 2006
Has anyone been reading this ongoing crossover between Batman and Catwoman?

I am getting kind of sick of the Zur En Arrh character. I thought it was cool when Grant Morrison brought the idea back for his surreal Batman RIP storyline. But it keeps coming back over the course of the current run on Batman. Now Batman is so under its control so much that he is even somehow implanting a backup personality into Red Hood to stop him from siding with Catwoman in the war. He seems to have turned him into another Ric Grayson, living a normal life without a memory of his old life.

I really dislike that Batman has gone off the deep end yet again. I feel like this arc might be leading to another retirement for Bruce from the role, but Nightwing has his own book which is doing well, so he can’t really take over as Batman again.

Did all the other Bat family members besides Damian really have to side with Catwoman? It makes the whole story very unbalanced. Do we really think Dick Grayson would agree with Selina’s plans? I am not sure why he would be in favor of a plan that involves breaking crooks out of prison and training them to commit crimes, even if Selina claims they will be only nonviolent crimes. How do we know some crooks won’t just defect back to their old masters and use their new training to commit violent crimes, when Selina’s eventually taken out by Batman or another crime boss? Shouldn’t some of them stuck with Bruce to try to keep him bound to reality?


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