“The Venture Bros: Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart” Talkback (Spoilers) [7/21]

[classic swim]

Sep 26, 2022
Also set to premiere on Adult Swim, September 1st!

What was once is now lost
Yet could never die

[The Venture Bros: Radiant Is the Blood of the Baboon Heart]

*The following was posted on freeforum temp boards during digital release night*

The past few hours staying up late has been a complete whirlwind. I was not prepared.

The revise of No Vacancy reminded me of the show I fell in love with all those years ago.

So much was cut (screw you, Warner.) from this film. And yet, mysteries I’ve been following for decades... just out there now. Theory became reality.

They’ve been treading this ground just last season, but this was so much more. This is really how it ends.

Just days ago, because I saw Phantom Limb in one of the trailers, I had a silly thought that maybe they would revisit him. What a complete idiot I was to even care the slightest about Phantom Limb.

Doc & Jackson lamented having less Brock for this movie. One of the most satisfying moments for me from this entire flick was Samson sticking up for Rusty.

Of course there was always love and loyalty there, and that was all brushed off by OSI laughter. I don’t know why I consider that A definitive closer for Brock. “Operation PROM” is obviously going nowhere. It’s just, full circle. Brock started out from the beginning as the killing machine reasonably not taking Doc seriously. In that moment, faith was placed onto Rusty. It felt good. It felt meaningful.

Hank goes through his own trials, as to be expected. Him, along with Orpheus being Orpheus was just the kind of humor I was looking for. And even that reached a heartfelt resolution.

All of Hank’s lovable imaginary personas, something he had to let go. Was time for him to grow up. And for the silly cape man to teach him this as well.

I honestly thought Monarch was going to die. And it’s scary how prepared I was for such to happen. Like saving the day would mean he’d have to pay his dues.

As I’ve said, theory became reality here. No loose ends. It’s all over and my brain’s still long exploded.

I’m not selling this the best way, and I’ll touch on this some more soon. I’m probably gonna watch this movie like five more times in less than a week. Sorry to dump this way.

Until then,

Go Team Venture.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*About a week later*

Got my physical copy just today!

I flipped on the commentary and it was so nice hearing Doc & Jackson shoot the breeze about this series again. Even when it’s the end, it won’t be the last time they’ll talk about it. They’ve made that very much clear.

Creators hashed out the odd fascination with Brick Frog (we didn’t get any Scare Bear for that matter) and it’s hilarious how dismissive they are of him. The best thing really was having Phantom Limb and all those guys be fanboys for a sec.

The scene with Brock & Red Death getting into it was something that made the rounds in general. It inflates Brock’s status as a warrior one last time, only Brock is honest enough to give Red Death some credit.

Red Death was more calm and comedic than usual. Think that was the right move. You can have another scene where he shows off a blood thirst...... or you can just say “to hell with it. Let’s make him a horse.”

Bobbi St. Simone & Debbie St. Simone were both endearing new leads to explore. Both had an equal part in cleaning up two loose ends pivotal to the world of Venture Bros.

And to that point: Both did so subversively enough to where it fits with the ultimate picture and the very status quo of this series.

By the time you’re finally introduced to Bobbi, you really felt she was always there. In fact, she was.

Where as Rusty (and Jonas Venture Sr. before him) always dabbled into grey areas, Bobbi St. Simone is only upfront in telling both the boys, and the audience, that she’s not the shadowy figure we were looking for.

In spite of that, Bobbi retelling her grand story to Hank Venture was one of the most stellar narratives to ever be put out by this team.

Fitting her in with THE Force Majeure. To find out by Doc & Jackson that we could’ve got a whole Majeure season was gut-wrenching.

That was Bobbi’s story to tell.

Debra St. Simone in contrast to that was someone you thought would have the key between Rusty and the Monarch. Far from it. In this series all about villainy, she took on the ranks. And she did so by getting to the original female villain. The one we once knew long ago as Dr. Girlfriend.

With all the threads to tie, what they’ve done with Mrs. Monarch felt distinguished.

Sheila’s been through hell. She’s had plenty of ups and downs with both the field she’s in, and her relationship with Monarch. In the end though, she’s loyal to both.

Dr. Mrs. Monarch really earned her place, and with how heavy the two main plot points to this finale were, I’m delighted they were able to reach this conclusion with her so gracefully.

For the bulk of the movie, Hank & Dean were the two characters I was really on the edge of my seat for. Arguably more so than the situation with Rusty and Monarch. At first, that is.

Going back to what I’ve seen with these boys for decades, it felt like this was the only true way.

From beginning to end, VB was committed to the boys not having a mom. As sad as it is, Rusty was forever so bitchy and feminine that I think I’ve always liked the idea of him channeling a mother.

And none of this will ever change how brave the boys are for all the shit that was inflicted upon them. For this movie, they did make Dean revert back to his wimpy qualities for comedy sake, but the point still stands.

The outcome of Rusty & Monarch’s results messed me up. For hours, that was wrapped all over my mind. All I could say here at the time was dumb crap like “theory became reality.”

Lots of people called it. You already knew of the long-standing, undeniable parallels between the two.

And after twenty years of being entertained by this show, it’s officially set in stone that they’re the same person.

*With one having Baboon DNA *

There’s no way to ever look at Monarch the same after this. It’s incredible. It’s like EVERYTHING he’s ever done has a whole new meaning now.

I was rewatching “Dia de los Dangerous” just awhile ago. It’s only very interesting now that the first episode involves Monarch wanting to become a dad for the kidnapped brothers. On count of how lousy Rusty was from the start.

It does a little more to humanize Monarch; but it’s a two-way street. The scene with him and Doc in the elevator together was golden. It was good for Rusty to really turn around and be like “well, word-I-can’t-say-on-Toonzone you too!”

You got the best type of closure with both pairs of the Venture clan.

The idea of them not breaking the cycle, but continuing on their feud, as it’s just what they do. That’s something to stick with you.

Really helps the heart of this show go round-and-round. Even after just being eulogized.

With how messed up I already felt within those final minutes, the post-credits scene, and the last VB scene I’ll ever see for that matter... could not have hit the nail on the end any better.

H.E.L.P.eR’s festive chirping made it even more emotional. It was a wholesome way of taking you back to where it started.

It showed the creation of the Venture brothers. It showed you how Hammer & Publick’s love-child was born.

No matter how much Warner makes my skin crawl, nothing will take away from Venture Bros being a whole quarter life of a artistic accomplishment. You have many talented people to thank for that.

One last time: Go Team Venture!


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
What [classic swim] said. :p

No but on a serious point, glad they resolved the Monarch-Rusty relation. Would never have guessed Monarch was a clone with some baboon DNA. But hell, it was a relief he survived and renewed his hatred for Rusty. The bigger surprise was they answered Hank and Dean's parentage - that they were artificially conceived and Rusty and H.E.L.P.E.R. basically raised the originals but I guess technically there's the implication that Debra's eggs were used, the ones he got in exchange for swapping out the invisibility powers. Still, the final scene was a perfect ending to the series. But I wouldn't object to a revival down the line.

Some minor thoughts. Considering the fake moon landing conspiracy and the design, I think that was Stanley Kubrick Jonas was consulting with on that movie back lot. Dermott had a Dethklok poster in his room. :D Neat to learn that pants golem was the last character left over from Hammer and Publick's pitch.

Bums me out that if there were a next season, they would have wanted Matt Berry as Force Majeure because I love What We Do In The Shadows. I think I also read somewhere there would have been a John Wick parody episode and a time travel episode delving into the Future Rusty and Billy from Cleveland's Presidential Time Machine


The kids are all wrong
Sep 3, 2006
So since they're showing it tonight, is this where the talkback happens?
First running commentary since the forums came back. I am psyched.

Raid the enemy compound, go someplace nice for lunch.

An explosion. For a moment I thought this was going to be a boring search-and-rescue.

New old intro. I'll miss getting something new from this show every few years.

Oh, right. Now we know who the REAL Venture bothers are.

Read the room, Rusty.

Nice stealth, Monarch.

He finally gets his arch back and suddenly he's his father's illegitimate son.

Shallow Gravy!

Something tells me this isn't Platform 9¾.



Hey, the Triad DID move into that old synagogue.

Talk about living in Levi's.

Oh yeah, you slept with your brother's girlfriend, didn't you?

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Man, can they network or what?

Like the black box recorders on airplanes. Why don't they make the plane out of that stuff?

Brock gets scared?

Just scroll down to the bottom and hit "accept." Can't see this backfiring spectacularly.

Smooth move, Count Dean-cula.

Welcome home, Hank.
It, uh...burned down .Remember the Gargantua-2 special?

Hello, Dermott.

Atomic batteries to power, turbines to speed.

Ahh, 1960s sexism.

Holy water wiper fluid. Clever.

Sing the priases of pants.

Toto did "Roseanna"! "Roxanne" is the Police! Also, Smurfs don't lay eggs!

Oh, "Runaway"! That was Bon Jovi, wasn't it?
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The kids are all wrong
Sep 3, 2006
Okay, good luck with the arch, dude.

I think some people have been duped.

That's why you keep your business and private lives separate.

Something got launched all right.

Dean, there's something on your neck there...

Don't feed the animals.

Oh, that must be where the baboon in the title comes from.
For some reason I was picturing it in a T-shirt with "I.R." written upside-down on it.

How's the weather up there?

Yeah, but he kinda sucks at his job.

Jealous ex much?

Ah, Jonas Sr. Of course it's him.

Aww, brothers always fight.

Might be a bit hard to shoot them down.

Hank, stop playing with yourself and wake up!

Not sure tying her to a chair and pointing a gun at her is how we ask for things.

Your mom is her daughter...and I think I'll need Wikipedia and a re-watch for this.

OT: Pretty sure you'll air that Doomstar movie like you aired the other two.
That reminds me, I still need to see Aqua Teen: Phantasm.

Ventronic! And Monarch gets the clown arm.


Well, that's a coinkydink.

Ouch. Thanks again, Jonas.

Ohhhhhh. That is...wow.

Whoa, they're clones?!

The Monarch is part baboon. That explains some things.

So this whole show was just monkey business.

Had to slip one in there, didn't you?

Oh good, they credited their overseas animators.

Godspeed, family Venture.
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[classic swim]

Sep 26, 2022
So, um... Could Venture Bros. continue?

I’m really skeptical of this, and I wish it wasn’t perpetuated around so largely unless we actually got the straight source telling so.

A whole bunch of “he said, she said” unverified tweets popping up like it’s a full frontal confirmation.

It’s just setting everyone up to be disappointed. What happened between [as] throwing AT&T under the bus over cancelling the show, to Doc & Jackson now having full free will to come back in the quality they were making it? When the two JUST eulogized their series to multiple outlets a couple months ago.

Until I see footage of something real or receive a better source than what’s given; grain of salt.


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Almost forgot to listen to this before the day was up.
Viper wrote on Light Lucario's profile.
Happy 4th of July, Light Lucario. I really hope you get to enjoy the fireworks tonight. Have a wonderful evening.
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Thanks for the following days ago. :)
Your avatar looks interesting.

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