4K!DS TV Talkback: Dinosaur King [March] (Spoilers)

D Dubbs

Wish Upon A Star
Mar 23, 2007

It's prehistory in the making.

Saturday, March 1st: Episode 20
English Title: "Tee'd Off"
Japanese Title: "Battle of the Gigantic Dinosaur Golf Course"
Episode Description: The D-Team finds a promising new dinosaur card listed on an online trading site, but the seller is only accepting golf goods in exchange. Fortunately, Max's father is a golf enthusiast and so caught up in the ongoing championships that he probably won't miss a driver or two. It seems there may be more than a chance connection, however, between the dinosaur card and the golf championships, when a larger-than-life Altirhinus shows up on the 18th hole.

Saturday, March 8th: Episode 21
English Title: "No Free Lunch"
Japanese Title: "Friendly Dinosaur of the Limestone Cave"
Episode Description: On a school field trip to some underground caverns, Zoe works to befriend a new student who was feeling friendless and missing a lost pet lizard. When the girl spots a new lizard and wanders away from the group, she soon realizes that much larger reptiles lurk within these caves. Fortunately, the Euoplocephalus she approaches proves to be friendly, but the same cannot be said of the dinosaurs the Alpha Gang unleashes to catch it. Once again, it's up to the D-Team and their dinosaurs to stop the Alpha Gang and save their newfound friend.

Saturday, March 15th: Episode 22
English Title: "Just Plane Crazy"
Japanese Title: "Airport Pandemonium!"
Episode Description: A pleasure flight quickly takes a dangerous turn when the Alpha Gang's rocket collides with Reese's plane in midair, leaving Reese and Rex careening dangerously over the runway and leaking fuel all the while. Meanwhile, on the ground, Max and Zoe race to save a loose Megaraptor from Ursula and clear the runway in time for Reese to make an emergency crash landing.

Saturday, March 22nd: Episode 23
English Title: "A Loch Ness Mess"
Japanese Title: "The Appearance of the Ghost Dinosaur, Nessie?!"
Episode Description: As reports circulate of new Nessie sightings at Loch Ness, Dr. Taylor is called on to report from the scene. Hoping their dinosaur expertise can shed new light on an old legend, the D-Team heads to Scotland as well. Once there, they reveal a suspected Loch Ness monster to be no more than a submarine designed by the Alpha Gang, but the sightings continue. Perhaps there's more to this legend than anyone guessed.

Saturday, March 29th: Episode 24
English Title: "Fashion Victims"
Japanese Title: "Dinosaur Fashion of Paris"
Episode Description: No info available yet. Sorry.

As always, enjoy.
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Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
That was a nice episode to start off the month. I really liked how it opened up with Max listing all of the dinosaur cards that the D-Team has so far. It was interesting to see how some kid was able to find a dinosaur card and just put it up online like that. The clothes that the Alpha Gang were selling looked so silly and funny. I thought that the dinosaur from the commercial looked familiar since it is the same dinosaur that the D-Team lost in Brazil. It took me forever to remember that for some reason. When the Alpha Gang met up with the kid, seeing Ursula going over to kiss the boy felt kind of creepy. Mainly due to the close-up, but it was funny how she said that it was her attempt at her first kiss. It was kind of funny how they lost their Alpha holder right after getting the dinosaur card.

I noticed that we didn't see too much of the D-Team this episode. Or maybe it was just how they didn't have as much of a role in the episode as they usually do. Oh well. Anyway, I was glad when they finally were able to get to the golf course. It was kind of nice for the boy to want Sam to win the tournament, but cheaters never prosper and it pretty much backfires on him.

At least the battle was pretty interesting. It was pretty cool to see the new move card in action like that. It seemed to be pretty powerful. It was also really neat to see two move cards go head to head like that. The last moments of the battle reminded me of a baseball game. I'm glad that Sam was able to hit all of those golf balls so that the D-Team could get the dinosaur cards.

It seems that Sam has her golf gift back and everyone is basically happy. It was so funny to see Dr. Taylor throwing his dinosaur golf club into the ceiling again. He's such a funny guy. Overall, it was a pretty enjoyable episode. It had some pretty good humor, along with a great amount of action in the battle. I hope that next week's episode is as interesting as the promo gives it out to be and I'm sure that it is.

Dark Fact

Preaching evil since '04
Dec 5, 2004
Tower of Dharm
Funny episode. There were some real laugh out loud moments in this episode that I honestly didn't expect coming from 4Kids. Ursula's first kiss, Ursula wondering who called her an old lady over the television, Dr. Z overalls...:D

The writing for this show seems to get better and better by the episode. I'm impressed.


Forever Burning Heart!
Feb 27, 2006
Quebec, Canada
Funny episode. There were some real laugh out loud moments in this episode that I honestly didn't expect coming from 4Kids. Ursula's first kiss, Ursula wondering who called her an old lady over the television, Dr. Z overalls...:D

The writing for this show seems to get better and better by the episode. I'm impressed.

Oh yeah Ursula hearing over the TV was just comedy gold! And Dr. Taylor just standing there dumbfounded for a second before asking 'How'd she heard that?' made it even better :p

Dr. Taylor is a never ending supply of comedy hehehe.

D Dubbs

Wish Upon A Star
Mar 23, 2007
Yeah, less focus on the D-Team in this episode, which means more screen time for the Alpha Gang. And that's a good thing, since the Alpha Gang is always good for a laugh or two.

The scene where Ursula stopped dead in her tracks after realizing she left Dewey with the Alpha Holder was hilarious, especially since she was like, "Nobody can match my superior intellect!" right before that happened. XD

The battle was fairly entertaining as well. Supersaurus vs. Seismosaurus... o_O Good names for them. :p


Haha, well actually, I don't have access to the original version of this episode, which means no comparison this week. :sweat:

I have to wonder though, was that recap at the beginning of the episode in the original? Because if it wasn't, 4Kids sure did a good job putting that together.

And this time, 4Kids actually kept the "What Dinosaur Card Did We Get This Week?" bit at the end, so it's good to see that, even if it was two episodes late. Hopefully they'll continue to use that.


Forever Burning Heart!
Feb 27, 2006
Quebec, Canada
This week's episode was HILARIOUS! Seriously that Michelle was nuts :p was that Lisa Ortiz playing her?? The dispute with Ursula was just great! Oh and I just couldn't help but laugh at Max's 'I'll go on instinct WAAAAH!!!' *falls down a hole* it all just went on so quickly.

Amy's story felt a little awkward at time (I'm guessing her pet actually died, it looked old) like they cranked up the sadness level artificially... I'm glad she kept that little lizard (though I'm guessing it would prefer dark environements?) at the end.

Rex saves the girl! Maybe he's sweet on her :p

I was glad to see Zoe taking the reins and kicking butt instead of letting Max do the job... however why did she say 'Go Parasaurolophus! AWAKEN!' instead of the usual 'BLOOM!'. Change of term on the dubbers part or little slip up?

No Dr. Taylor in the episode is a bit sad but the antics of that CRAZY teacher (and Ursula was right about her hiding her age :p) made up for it.

Dark Fact

Preaching evil since '04
Dec 5, 2004
Tower of Dharm
That was pretty funny. Amy, geez...that girl needs a serious makeover! :eek:
Undrave said:
Amy's story felt a little awkward at time (I'm guessing her pet actually died, it looked old) like they cranked up the sadness level artificially... I'm glad she kept that little lizard (though I'm guessing it would prefer dark environements?) at the end.
I have to agree about the awkwardness of that story. If she had to move, why couldn't she take her lizard with her? Leaving it behind due to her moving was a real headscratcher. I know 4Kids can't use terms like "kill" and "die", but "passed away" is still acceptable on SATAM television, isn't it?


Forever Burning Heart!
Feb 27, 2006
Quebec, Canada
That was pretty funny. Amy, geez...that girl needs a serious makeover! :eek:

I have to agree about the awkwardness of that story. If she had to move, why couldn't she take her lizard with her? Leaving it behind due to her moving was a real headscratcher. I know 4Kids can't use terms like "kill" and "die", but "passed away" is still acceptable on SATAM television, isn't it?

Its funny how pretty much all of the D-Team's classmates look very DULL compared to our hero's rather...eccentric duds. I was glad to see the return of the Tricera Headlights :p

Yeah 'passed away' would have worked well, especially talking about a pet -- what kid hasn't lost a goldfish before?

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
This was such a funny episode. It was so hilarious to see Ursula getting everyone out of the rocks with her anger powers from being called an old lady. I know that the writers will keep that gag in since it does often create funny moments. It was nice to see the D-Team at school for once since we've only seen them around their houses and neighborhoods. I was actually surprised to learn that Michelle was the teacher since she looked so young, which might have been from the way she dressed, and acted so insanely hyper. I laughed when Max was saying how she's like that all the time.

Amy seemed like the typical shy new girl and it was nice to see Zoey trying to help her out. I did feel sad for Amy when she told Zoey about her pet lizard. When she said that she had to leave it behind, I was actually thinking that it was too large for her to take to their new home, or something like that. Now that I think of it, her pet lizard dying would make more sense, but it all comes down to the same point anyway. I loved the conflict between Michelle and Ursula when the Alpha Gang wanted her lunch. The insults there was just too funny. At least it gave the D-Team a chance to go and find the new dinosaur.

I liked how Amy was able to become good friends with the new dinosaur like that. It seemed really friendly, which we don't see too often in new dinosaur cards. I was actually hoping for Amy to keep it, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. I got such a good laugh when Max, leading Rex and Zoey to the dinosaur card, said how he's going to follow his instincts and then fell in the hole right away. Amazingly, it worked out because they were able to find Amy and the new dinosaur.

The battle itself was pretty cool. I liked how the class showing up out of nowhere prevented the D-Team from using their dinosaurs. I really liked the attack from the new dinosaur since it looked like a light sword and it looked pretty cool. Luckily, the class headed for the hills quite fast. I was touched with how the new dinosaur protected Amy like that. It was a good thing that Rex jumped in and saved her soon after. That allowed for the D-Team to finally get in the battle. Too bad that the Alpha Gang actually defeated the dinosaur, but at least Max got in just before they could. It was awesome to see Zoey using Paras like that, especially since mostly Max and Rex fight the battles and she's mostly healing their dinosaurs. It was just cool to see Paras fighting and Zoey using that cool move card to finish off the Alpha Gang.

Even though Amy couldn't get to keep the dinosaur, it was good to know that it was safe. I'm glad that she was able to keep the little red lizard since she really did need a new pet. I thought to myself how well keeping a wild lizard as a pet would turn out, but I just told myself to sit back and relax. So we get to see another new dinosaur card added for the D-Team's list. Overall, it was a funny and enjoyable episode. Hopefully next week will have the same amount of enjoyable moments and laughter involved.

D Dubbs

Wish Upon A Star
Mar 23, 2007
Meh, overall, I actually thought Michelle was pretty annoying. Though, I did chuckle when she was like, "C'mon kids, climb up here where it's safe! We'll help you up!" *cave begins collapsing* "AHHH! You're on your own!"

Battle was good, though. Quakesaber was indeed a pretty sweet move, and it was nice to see Zoe in the spotlight, for a change.

COMPARISON (No Free Lunch)

1. First off, name changes. Not sure what Michelle's name was originially (I think it may be something like "Mina"), Amy is Umi, and Hanna is, well, Hanna (pronunciation of the name was the same, as well). Oh yeah, and Hanna did die originially.



2. Not much to say, here...


3. Ugh, more scene rearrangement. In the dub, the scene where the Alpha Gang escapes from the pile of rocks happens before the kids arrive at the cave. In the original, it happens after the kids first enter...and as a result, this brief scene is cut transitioning between the group of kids walking along and the Alpha Gang's entrapment. You didn't really miss much...just more of Michelle's lovely singing. :sweat: I'm sure this was done to make a more dramatic pause before the commercial break, but still, it's getting pretty annoying.

Side note: You know, 4Kids' voice casting for this show has generally been really good so far, and this episode were no exception. Michelle and Amy both had very good dub voices, so kudos to 4Kids for that.

BGM: Eh, only one piece this time... -_- Still, I have to give 4Kids credit for keeping in silence in some scenes. In fact, I think this episode may have had more silence than there was in the original (which is very bizarre for a 4Kids dub).

Also, one last thing.

[rant]4Kids seems torn about where they want the setting of the show to be. On one hand, they kept several cultural Japanese references (the rice, onigiri, chopsticks, driving on the left, etc...) but then they go ahead and make name changes, and include American historical references. Like Michelle and Ursula referencing Abe Lincoln and Ben Franklin...I doubt a Japanese schoolteacher would know that much about American history...and Ursula shouldn't have a clue about that, seeing as she's from the distant future. I know that specific scene was mainly rewritten for the sake of humor...but I really just wish that 4Kids would make up their damn minds already in regards to the setting. Heck, I'd even be happy if they said that they lived in a fictional country, or something. [rant]

Alright...I'm done now... :sweat:


Jun 9, 2002
South-central Missouri
I LOVED the cheesy age jokes Ursula and Michelle threw at each other.

"You're so old, you knew the Dead Sea when it was first getting sick!"

"You're so old, you sold hot dogs at General Custard's last stand!"

Classic stuff there.

Dark Fact

Preaching evil since '04
Dec 5, 2004
Tower of Dharm
D Dubbs said:
[rant]4Kids seems torn about where they want the setting of the show to be. On one hand, they kept several cultural Japanese references (the rice, onigiri, chopsticks, driving on the left, etc...) but then they go ahead and make name changes, and include American historical references. Like Michelle and Ursula referencing Abe Lincoln and Ben Franklin...I doubt a Japanese schoolteacher would know that much about American history...and Ursula shouldn't have a clue about that, seeing as she's from the distant future. I know that specific scene was mainly rewritten for the sake of humor...but I really just wish that 4Kids would make up their damn minds already in regards to the setting. Heck, I'd even be happy if they said that they lived in a fictional country, or something. [rant]
I felt that something was incredibly out of place at that one scene where Michelle was babbling endlessly about American presidents. What was she saying in the original? That is...IF she was saying anything?

To me, it reminds me of Pegasus' JESUS line in the japanese version of Yu-Gi-Oh! when he discovers the God cards and his non-stop babbling in the english version. :rolleyes:

D Dubbs

Wish Upon A Star
Mar 23, 2007
I felt that something was incredibly out of place at that one scene where Michelle was babbling endlessly about American presidents. What was she saying in the original? That is...IF she was saying anything?

You mean...towards the end of the episode during the dinosaur battle? She was speaking pretty fast, but I'm pretty sure she was getting worked up about seeing dinosaurs in real life, which is essentially what happened in the dub, except they added all those references...

And when Michelle and Ursula were having their little debate, they insulted each other based on physical traits, not with history terms. Like you can see here...


Originally Michelle was pointing out how Ursula "already has wrinkles at the age of 27," while in the dub she makes the reference to Custard's Last Stand that PC2 mentioned...which doesn't really make much sense, given the visuals...


Something Not Quite Right
May 20, 2003
Erie, PA
Ursula is 27? Nice to know :D How could she tell like that? :p

After Ursula is called an "Old Lady" in the japanese version, she mentions that she's only 27, if I recall correctly. This prompts the teacher to make fun of her phsyical properties.


Forever Burning Heart!
Feb 27, 2006
Quebec, Canada
After Ursula is called an "Old Lady" in the japanese version, she mentions that she's only 27, if I recall correctly. This prompts the teacher to make fun of her phsyical properties.

Oooh I see. Still the jokes were funny so its excusable :p

Still...27 and never kissed? Aww...poor Ursula...too scary I guess.

D Dubbs

Wish Upon A Star
Mar 23, 2007
No...got any screenshots?

Well, I'm not sure that this is what Hordesman was referring to, but there's a sort of webcomic on the site's official Japanese page. It's pretty funny, if you ask me. Here's some shots:


Shots nine and ten are kind of clever, since Zoe (or Malm, in Japanese) doesn't appear in the comic until Max (aka Ryuta) and Rex see their show on TV, so it makes fun of how she's an anime-only character.

And the "real" tricera-headlights always crack me up... XD

Uh...anyway, I suppose I should say something about today's episode. It was cool to see Reese in action, plus we got some nice foreshadowing of Rex's upcoming plot twist. And I LOL'd when Ursula jumped over Max, and Max was like, "Bathroom...probably."


Apr 12, 2004
Bobobo World
What I'm referring to is published by Coro Coro dragon Comics. Don't quite have time to scan anything right now- having blown my morning on toons. I think it's more video game-based since the Dr's grandkids show up more (Max almost beats up the little pink-haired girl, but Rex punches him) and there's a ninja and everyone's just drawn more dynamically. I picked up volume 2 at Kinokuniya last time I was in NYC (1 wasn't in stock) and the art's really cool.


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