Adult Swim’s We Will Kill You/Big Occident: 20th Anniversary

[classic swim]

Sep 26, 2022
[adult swim will kill you]


Happy early Halloween! Tonight, I’ll be celebrating a little holiday event which I still oddly cherish, so buckle up.

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The tomatoes. I’m one of... the tomatoes.

Big O: Stripes

This is admittedly the one thing from the event that I didn’t really pay much mind to at the time. In those days, I’d be almost solely for the comedy on the block if it wasn’t for a couple exceptions.

But I do see why this in of itself was a huge stir.

Big O was something Adult Swim went on to co-produce. Everyone attached was banking on the finale airing, and they got the wrong episode instead.

Mind you also the fact Big O was airing on Sundays in the first place because they really wanted eyes glued to that bit of action in particular.

In all consideration.... this episode was spooky.

The nightmare sequences, almost mystical narrative, dwelling into film noir, etc.

Steve Blum was also just great. I’ve watched Bebop enough times to know Spike wouldn’t say “preposterous” in the way Roger did in this episode.

Have nothing else to add on this one, other than how amazing the theme composition is by Rui Nagai.

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You ever knock boots with the big green bug man?

Brak Show: Splat :brak: :dad:

There’s absolutely nothing from The Brak Show that isn’t bizarre, but I just love how simply killing Zorak makes for a good episode.

When I was younger, I didn’t care too much for the British replacement for Mom. But I’d say even back then, this would be the one to win me over with Joanna Daniel’s interpretation. And I do still enjoy Crenshaw, just to be clear.

Even though they did a fakeout with the killer being “Brenda” the whole time, the idea of Mom killing Zorak and feeding him to the family is still extensively more rewarding.

Can’t get enough of Dad pulling that Zorak impression. They should’ve had that in the show a little more.

The design of dead Zorak is pretty cool as well. They reused it for Anime Talk Show.

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Who’s this, your fricking mother?


Aqua Teen: The Shaving :shake: :frylock: :meatwad:

The second season already happens to be the top best of ATHF as a whole. But yeah. “The Shaving” is among THE best of the very best.

What I love most about it? It’s a Halloween episode, but because Aqua Teen by default is already surreal by nature, this still constitutes as pretty much any normal episode.

Sure, they played up the horror and blood. But that’s what they were already beginning to do anyway.

Brilliant and stupid at the same time. They didn’t feel like making up a big phony monster name for this episode’s signature villain. So they just named the villain Willie Nelson.

There’s that big reveal that Willie is indeed a killer monster, but it’s terrific he doesn’t know that himself. He thinks he’s just having juice.

Willie felt bad about killing/scaring anyone, and even the thought of violence itself. And for the sake of this episode, Master Shake believes the definition of a practical joke would be hacking Carl to death with two chainsaws.

Under appreciated aspect of this Shake vs Carl feud would be the Meatwad & Carl pairing. Carl allowing Meatwad to just hang out with him as they’re pranking Shake.

And you know how the sound effects for the censored swears built up more of an identity for ATHF? Well, I’m glad they went actually went with standard bleeps this time around. For the sake of this ep, really enhanced the delivery.

Commentary notes:

Episode was 367K according to Dana Snyder.

They made Meatwad green at first for his costume and it was apparently real painstaking to animate him purple.

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Hey, who’s got a peanut for Turtle-Face?


Sealab: Bizarro :murphy:

“Legend of Baggy Pants” would be my personal favorite, but this objectively belongs on the #1 spot of Sealab more than anything else. Too iconic.

Goz already tragically passed a month before this Halloween event. And yet, you got this episode playing that’s yet again him at his very best. The prime of Adult Swim is right here.

Murphy’s contagious laugh after feeding Turtle-Face a bag of peanuts, the shot of Stormy with the tangled neck, Dr. Quinn getting some from Bizarro Debbie, and the Bizarro team just being charmingly annoying as possible.

Commentary notes:

The decision made for the Bizarro characters to not have eyebrows was at random.

Bizarro Quinn started out as simply albino, and then he was designed more and more to be this sin against nature. Thus, we have Turtle-Face.

Brett Butler actually recorded a bunch of material for Bizarro Quinn, but the creative choice was to have Reed (Willis, actually?) voice Turtle-Face instead.

^ Going off on that last point. It was stated by 70/30 guys in the commentary that Reed provided the voice for Bizarro Quinn... but Dave Willis is on the IMDb page. Annnd it always sounded like Dave Willis. However, Willis isn’t in the episode credits, so... huh. Guess it is Reed.

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Space Ghost: Curses

I agree with Space Ghost that Emo Philips is uncommonly funny. I’ve seen enough of Shannon the cannon to know that’s true.

I think it’s pretty neat how even later into the show where they started having episodes like “Space Ghost crashes into grocery store after being caught in a studio gas leak” or “Space Ghost follows an ant for 11 minutes,” they can still spoof the original show with care.

That’s what I got out of the Curse of Kintavé intro. I’m sure they could’ve just had SG eat off the flesh of guests without any dumb referential humor like that given.

I really like the episode, but oddly it feels like this one ends too fast for some reason I can’t quite place.

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#### YOU

Home Movies: Coffins and Cradles :brendon: :coach:

*Taken from my previous series rewatch submission. Week Thirty Nine, to be precise!*“home-movies”-series-rewatch-talkback.5796655/

This finale is worthy of all its praise. One of, if not the most fast paced show of Home Movies in retrospect. Hooker McGuirk, sugar-crazed Jason, Kitty Lynch (candies on the meow); there’s just so much props I can give this one.

In the commentary, Brendon cites this episode as the “final chapter” of the arc between the father and stepmother. Which... I don’t know.

Andrew gets one mention at the beginning as to why he’s not there, but he had already reverted back to being the ghost character not present in Brendon’s life. Several episodes before this, actually.

Small’s description at the end of the commentary was also depressing. That in the end, Andrew had a new family, and thus didn’t need Brendon anymore. Where as I interpret the whole thing as Andrew not being present in either of the kids’ lives since he dodged Linda’s birth.

Speaking of, upon this rewatch, I’ve changed a new leaf with Linda on this particular episode.

Have I still not changed my longstanding opinion? Oh yeah. Don’t get me wrong. Linda Small still straight up sucks.

This episode on the other hand had GREAT line exchanges between Silverman & Small. I’m just wishing Linda was as good in virtually any of her other appearances as she was in her very last cameo.

The infamous flipout during the birth goes without saying, but I’m finding pretty much the whole thing inside that hospital room to be gold.

Tom Kenny was remarkable. Home Movies in particular was something he treated almost as if he was still on Mr. Show.

What really got me laughing this time around was Small & Kenny taking apart that one incredibly stupid joke and Laura Silverman just screams back in believable labor pains.

And like Small mentioned in the commentary, it wasn’t the uptick in bleeped swears that was funny. It was really how Brendon took genuine offense to a grown woman who was in the middle of giving birth.

One the side, McGuirk and Stephanie have crossed paths again.

Liking how Stephanie’s life progressively went more and more off the tracks since her last visit.

The last episode you kinda felt bad because McGuirk really shouldn’t have been within her same wavelength, but this episode made her into a complete freak.

This time around, Coach was actually close to getting some, and he might’ve finally been ready. He just had a major health crisis before anything could happen.

2003 me completely tuned out the fact McGuirk had a heart attack in this episode.

^ Benjamin converts to his Jason voice as John is calling for an ambulance ^

Characters died on the daily in every other [as] show, and nothing obviously would’ve happened to the bread and butter of HM. Still though. It’s intense they wrote Coach’s heart attack to have actually happened.

Craziest thing about that too was the doctor proclaiming Coach was too young to be having heart attacks. Any other adult cartoon would play up McGuirk letting himself go and just make jokes about him being close to his 40s or something.

Had season four not have happened, I could see this posing as some made-up glimmer of hope that maybe Coach could improve his life a bit.

What reaffirms that belief would be McGuirk and Brendon having that obligatory heart to heart in the hospital room. Also filled to the brim with rapid joke forming.

Small mentioned in this ep’s commentary that he feels season three was where they “hit their stride.” Which surprises me because I still love the second season and didn’t think the writing was as slow as he put it.

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Mwahaha and other evil laughs.
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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2014
WOW! 20 years! I remember watching it only yesterday and how the bumps with orange font unnerved me a bit and I preferred the bumps with Dad.


The kids are all wrong
Sep 3, 2006
I remember they had a webcam Halloween party during the event and there was someone with a sign saying BIG O IS DISPLEASED after the wrong episode aired.

If my memory is correct, they had the TV premiere of the infamous Family Guy episode "When You Wish Upon a Weinstein" slated for the following Sunday, and they had to delay it a week because of this incident.


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