American Dragon Jake Long: "Being Human" Talkback (SPOILERS).

How would you rate "Being Human"?

  • 10/10 - This one is Powerful, Moving, it's just more then's superhuman.

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • 9/10

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • 8/10

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • 7/10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6/10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5/10 - This one is between being Supernatural and Human.. let's call it 'average'.

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • 4/10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3/10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2/10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1/10- This one is so bad, It gives Humanity a bad rap.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Oh rats, I missed it, Maybe I'm human after all.

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters


Time to get my "Game face" on
Jul 20, 2003
Tucson, Arizona

Time to

Dragon Up!

A once Famous comic book writer once wrote:
"That with Great Power, comes Great Responsibility"

But when you are an American Dragon, and you give up that power for the want of 'being human',
Then the responsibility of humanity's fate usually lies in the fact that you're just 'being human' in the mistake you may make for giving up said power.

Even if it costs Humanity its freedom.

I Quit...
Jake Long, American Dragon...​

It's kind of ironic I wrote this commentary above. For it makes you realize that maybe Stan Lee was right about power and responsibility. When you are given talents and gifts that are even supernatural or superhuman in nature, you have the responsibility to use those powers wisely.​

But let's skip over Stan's commentary for a moment and get right to the point.​

Jake Long has been "The American Dragon" for most of the entire series.. He's saved not only the Magical world from the evil of the Huntsclan, he's also saved his family and humanity a number of times.​

But Just like Spiderman, what would happen if Say Peter Parker could undo his given powers that were granted him? What then?​

Well in Jake's case. He's fed up of being the American Dragon. Because of everything that has happened, he wants only one wish a wish that might change the outcome of the world.​

There's also another saying.. Be careful what you wish for, for you might just get it..​

add to that that Power and Responsibility go hand in hand? And you have one mess Jake might not be able to change..​

But tonight, Jake Long has had enough.. and with those two words, Jake Long's life of being the American Dragon, ends tonight.. Or so we think..​

So then who in the world will replace Jake in the world's Time of need?​

Would you believe, Jake's Younger Sister Haley?​

But when an old evil rises from the grave, and rears it's ugly head, can Haley Long, The New American Dragon face the task that her brother had for oh so long? Is she even up to face down her family's worst enemy.. Not to mention the enemy of the entire Human race?​

Hang on True Believers, because Jake is going to find out that indeed when you have god given gifts and are a magical dragon, having those powers indeed require immense responsibility...​

and because of his choice, Jake Long will have to live with this decision.. will he choose wisely?​

Because even Magical Creatures do have their flaws..​

it's what a lot of people call
"Being Human"


Here's the Situation with this episode.. and it's the next to last episode that leads into the final one.. in about 4 weeks.​

Being Human -- (230):
With just days away from Graduating from Junior High, Jake Long is totally stressed out, In this one year alone, he's found and lost the girl he cares about, has stopped the Huntsclan dead in their tracks, and has done immeasurable things to keep the Magical world safe... But now he chooses to become like his mom, a Mortal, and by doing so relinquishes his powers to his younger sister Haley, as the New American Dragon. But when an Old foe of both Lao Shi, and the Dragon Council rears his ugly head, and with his minions in tow, can Jake help Haley in her time of Need? This one is for all the marbles and the fate of Humanity rides upon this one solid choice..Oh man, this one I can't even describe..because before it's over.. someone is gonna lose!


Jake Long... Human?: Yes folks Jake has had it.. He's hanging it up, and believe me giving up those powers really might be a good choice.. or it might be a bad one..​

Because He's Baccccccck!: Someone we all know is back from Season 1, and this time, he's not only back for revenge, but to do something so unspeakable , that let's just say he's going to want to enslave the entire human race! Not good!​

and he's brought along his minions!: If our intrepid Jake Fans have been following this.. A lot of loose ends get tied up tonight. Everything you have seen fuses together into one big scene that is so undescribable, I can't even describe it! Like I said, It's Undescribable​

But Haley Can Handle it right?: Two words.. Bad timing .. Bad Timing indeed... for with great power comes that great responsibility and it all lands squarely on the shoulders of an 8 year old girl... Not good at all.​

But this sets up: 'The Big one!': The finale ends will be tied up .. On September 1st... in one final blast.. A blast of Fire and Dragon Power.. Because before this is over.. This show is going to go out with a bang..literally..

Well if you miss tonight's Episode at 9pm Eastern/Pacific, 8 PM Central* then you might have one final chance to see what happens. All times shown are in fact Eastern/Pacific*, one hour earlier for Central Time Zones. Of course be sure to check all listings for Proper date and time..​

Monday, August 20th, 2007: 1:30AM*​

Okay I'm done talking.. and I have two words to say:​

I'm scared..:eek: (Just kidding really..):p Evil never looked so good.. Go Evil!:evil:



Amalgam Universe Overlord
Staff member
Sep 13, 2002
To note, the aspect where Jake wants to lose his powers were part of the original outline for Homecoming. Mainly cause of a rule against a Dragon dating a Slayer. To end this post properly:

"Who am I? I'm the American Dragon.'';)

A pat on the back to anyone who can guess the joke of this line.


Essense Of Love
Jan 6, 2007
I'm excited for this ep but what I don't get is what is with the commercial and the mutation of Haley's face? :sweat:
May 5, 2007
"Who am I? I'm the American Dragon.'';)

You mean the "Who am I? I'm Spider-Man" reference?

Well I haven't seen much of the Dark Dragon before, as I got turned off to the show in the beginning (Jake's outdated slang used to make me almost bang my head on my desk), and I've only got into it with the animation revamp. Hoping he's gonna be an impressive villain.


Staff member
Aug 10, 2003
East Coast of USA
All that for the first look at yearbooks?
They're priorities are messed up.

Altered opening just for her Haley? LOL.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
New York
Speaking of the year books, you noticed a couple of magicals in them.

1) Vicky Fickling the siren from Siren Says. She was a student at one time at Millard Fillmore Middle School before being caught and sent to the magical slammer, unlike

2) Sara Oracle, one of the Oracle twins, who is not a student enrolled at Millard Fillmore Middle school.


Staff member
Apr 23, 2007
In the now, man
Wow. An excellent start to an unfortunte end to an amazing series. The animation was rather weak here, though, and I just cannot stand Bananas at all. And Stacy still hasn't accepted Spud much. Yea, no five, but a strong ****. Let's hope for more Dark Dragon in "Hong Kong Longs"!


Amalgam Universe Overlord
Staff member
Sep 13, 2002
And Stacy still hasn't accepted Spud much.

I figure she's just doing it for show, much like their closet dance.

Anyway, recording the episode right now, but it doesn't make sense that the Dragon Council would suspend Jake. Cause as far as they know, the exploding cake was due to bad cooking. I don't see how clumsyness would count as bad behavior.

Gokou Ruri

Wielder of the dark arts.
Aug 23, 2004
United States
And Stacy still hasn't accepted Spud much.
She let him have his arm around her in front of everyone in the gym, that has to count for some progress.

As for the episode, it was good, felt like a final episode with Jake monologuing the beginning and end, but we all know there's one left, which is good considering the ending scene for this one.


Aug 22, 2004
Ths show is still great even though its on its last legs. Has for Vicki she might be on probation with the Dragon Council and Sara Oracle and her sister might now be students of Millard Fillmore JHS. In fact I wish they would show more of The Oracle Twins I think their cute.:)


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
New York
Ths show is still great even though its on its last legs. Has for Vicki she might be on probation with the Dragon Council and Sara Oracle and her sister might now be students of Millard Fillmore JHS. In fact I wish they would show more of The Oracle Twins I think their cute.:)

Me too, I love the Oracles, I don't think they are students at Millard Fillmore, if they were, we would have seen more of them hanging with Jake, Spud, and Trixie, they are Jake's friends. Jake wouldn't treat them like Timmy Turner treat Sanja and Elmo, and treat them as backup friends. They would give Jake imporant messages form their visions immedeately. If they were students at Jake's school, they defentely would have been part of his possie.

It would be hillarous to see Brad hit on them, especially Kara. I think Brad would have to go to the nurse's office shortly after that.
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Apr 29, 2007
Anyway, recording the episode right now, but it doesn't make sense that the Dragon Council would suspend Jake. Cause as far as they know, the exploding cake was due to bad cooking. I don't see how clumsyness would count as bad behavior.
Think of it this way: if a cop drops the gun and it goes off, hitting someone, they don't say, "Oh, the cop was only clumsy!"

Good episode all around, some of my favorite parts was just seeing Haley try and get used to the role.

"You're special!"
"You're special!"
"You're special!"


Sep 23, 2006
In your mind
I almost missed this episode. Luckily its up on that Disney XD thing.

Very good episode! I havn't watch this show in awhile and this was a very good one to come back too.

I love Jake's monolouge at the beginning and end of the episode. It feels like a good closure. Cannot wait for Hong Kong Longs. I'm hoping its a good one, I want this series to go out with a bang.


Sep 8, 2006
The episode felt good all around, even if it felt a little too "light" to be a lead-in to a big series finale (Why not have Jake give up his dragon powers for good? There were no real huge stakes riding on that concept of the episode).

I think the only weak link of this episode was that the animation was horrible. Which is kind of weird, since the company that animated this was the company that worked for most every Season 1 episode, which they did fairly good jobs on.

Still, the episode was very good and I enjoyed it. It's just too bad that we have to wait 29 episodes for the Dark Dragon to finally make his comeback.


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Samurai Champloo, $5 on Apple TV. I know the series is 20 years old which is, like, 100 years in anime world, but definitely worth the buy!
I now genuinely want to see Steve Blum voice Kermit in something official. He is spot on.

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I just saw this on Reddit and instantly thought of you. ;)

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