"Batman: The Brave and The Bold" Film News & Discussion Thread (Spoilers)


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I can't wait to watch this in live-action:


Although in all seriousness, I'm also expecting we'll see them do a lot of Batfamily/Bat-lore build up in the film :).

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Didn't like The Flash so I'm not losing sleep if this report is true
If he gets hired after The Flash, it proves Gunn does not belong where he is. I complain about people only falling upwards at DC and the guy who gave DC their most costly box office failure in decades being given SUCH an important movie to the new DC Universe (a Batman film no less!) would show DC's game of musical chairs of failed producers and directors has not changed. Somebody call a boardroom meeting and tut-tut that something must be done! And then Gunn will be replaced by Joss Whedon because failures only fall upwards at DC.

I am convinced this happens at both DC and Warner Discovery so often because if people who cost that company all of the money they were losing were actually held to account for their failings and fired, WD and DC would lose 90% of the board in one fell swoop. The promotion of and covering for failures isn't done to protect the bottom line. It's done for the incompetent people to keep their jobs instead of being held to account for it.


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Thanks for the following days ago. :)
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The New Woody Woodpecker Show was just removed from Peacock... Can this show just take a break from being screwed over?

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