Big event in "Phineas & Ferb" for next year? (*Possible Spoilers*)


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
South of Europe
I want to share with you some suspictions about something I just discovered. Recently, I have learned that in the current season of "Phineas & Ferb" (Season 4) there will be an emotional episode about Phineas and Isabella's relationship; which it will have a song that, according to Dan and Swampy, it made them both cry. Such song seems to be an duet between Phineas and Isabella, and its topic is their relationship. The title of the episode is "Act Your Age", and such title makes me suspect about what it could happen in the episode.

"Act Your Age" makes me think this episode's invention will make the characters change their ages, either as an AR (Age Regression) or an AP (Age Progression). I suspect that, using this gizmo, Phineas and Ferb's gang will turn into teenagers; and being influenced by their hormones, Phineas and Isabella might feel a mutual attraction and we'll see them in their "first date". Honestly, I hope my suspiction is right. I have some other suspictions of things to happen in this episode:
- Dan Povenmire stated that he likes to think that Vanessa and Ferb will end up together when they are older, when "that age difference won't be so much". Well, currently, Vanessa dates Monty Monogram (Major Monogram's son), but I just thought something. If my theory of the age's change is right, while Ferb is a teenager, I think it's possible we'll see Ferb trying to flirt with Vanessa somehow. Don't you think?
- If Phineas and Ferb's gang are turned into teenagers, the most "poetic" thing would be that Candace's teen gang will be turn into kids. I can imagine Candace, Stacey and Jenny dressed as the Fireside Girls.
- We recently discovered that Stacey and Ginger (member of Isabella's troop of Fireside Girls) are sisters. so if their ages are switched, Stacey as a kid and Ginger as a teen, I can't avoid to imagine Ginger taking advantage of this and saying something like "Sorry, Stacey; but I'm the big sister now". (A classic in these stories).
- Linda, Candace and Phineas' mom, is turned in to a teeanger and, ironically, we discover she was like Candace, but less "neurotic". And if Jeremy is not turned into a kid, he could mistake teen Linda with Candace and date with her; which will surely make Candace shout out-loud.

Well, what do you think of this?


Was a coiled up attack snake before it was cool
Jul 3, 2012
Crocodile Isle
An episode like that might cause people to regain interest in the show, as it seems to have been waning as of late. We shall see...

Kaz McQ

Feb 23, 2013
An episode like that might cause people to regain interest in the show, as it seems to have been waning as of late. We shall see...
I thought I was the only one that noticed that people started either disliking the show, or stopped watching it since "Gravity Falls" came out. But yeah, I don't think this show should drop in quality, to me, it's only the beginning, there's a chunk of ideas they should take on board. Especially with the new movie coming out. (Personally, I think the show is returning back to the way it was. I think they changed certain elements of the show around 2012, and that turned people off, but that doesn't seem to be working, so they're going back to what made them successful in the first place) I personally think that this show and "Gravity Falls" have paved the way for more cartoons on the channel, again. (For the first time, since 2006 at least, anyway.)

My gripe with later season 3 is that it mostly revolves around Buford and Baljeet. They're my least favorites, in my own honest opinion. I preferred it when they focused on the main boys.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
South of Europe


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Samurai Champloo, $5 on Apple TV. I know the series is 20 years old which is, like, 100 years in anime world, but definitely worth the buy!
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Sparklefan1234 wrote on Classic Speedy's profile.
I just saw this on Reddit and instantly thought of you. ;)

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