Cool podcasts that delve into a single show?


Staff member
Feb 21, 2003
Arlington, VA
So I'm pondering stuff to listen to in the background as I work and I'm wondering if there are podcasts people would recommend that focus on one topic that's very specific. The kind of thing I'm thinking would be something not unlike The Greatest Generation (a Star Trek podcast) or Voices from the Eyrie, a Gargoyles Podcast that I've already got intentions of starting.

Superhero stuff is fine I suppose, with the caveat that I'm not really up for getting deep into comics right now. Just cartoons


Long Live the Fighter!
Staff member
Mar 11, 2005
California, USA
Owls Only is a (mostly) weekly podcast that talks about Adult Swim.

What's in My Head? interviews staff members from various animated series.

Escape From Vault Disney is a podcast from Tony Goldmark with randomized reviews of Disney+ content.

Land Before Time Land was a short-lived podcast that ended 2 years ago that talked about all 14 Land Before Time movies.

P.O.W.C.A. is a podcast that goes through every episode of Phineas & Ferb. Currently on hiatus. (Be warned--it's on the Geekcast Radio Network, a podcast host that is notoriously loaded with ads.)


Staff member
Jul 14, 2010
The guys who make What a Cartoon also make Talking Simpsons, which looks at The Simpsons at the rate of one episode (or topic, e.g, the Arcade Game, Simpsons Sings the Blues) per show. So far they're at the 14th Season, and have also taken a second look at the first three Seasons, and have also started a revisit of the fourth. I believe they also have similar podcasts about King of the Hill, Futurama, The Critic, Mission Hill and maybe others, but they are paywalled aside from a few sample episodes. I sometimes find these guys, let's just say, a little much, and I'm on a break from them for the moment, but they are very well researched, informative and entertaining.

Another good Simpsons podcast is Worst Episode Ever which looks at "post-classic" episodes (from their perspective that's everything from Season 10 on). Despite the title I think it's a pretty fair show. Tangent but they also had a very fun 90s Nostalgia podcast called 90s Percentile, but they haven't made any new episodes of that in 5 years.

Michael Haigney, who rewrote and voice directed the early 4Kids dubs of Pokémon (and later Kirby and Sonic X and much besides) has a podcast talking about his experience called Original Pokéman. It's interesting as an insight into an area of animation production/history that's often overlooked. He has however only produced 8 episodes in its year and a half of existence, and only one in the last year, so this may not be a long-term proposition.

The Toy Armada with Aaron Archer is a discussion between a fan and a Kenner and Hasbro employee in the 90s and 00s discussing his experiences in the industry. There is a focus on Transformers, but also episodes dedicated to the Batman, Star Wars etc. toy lines.
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