Does anybody remember the moral panic against anime back in the 90s and 2000s?


Aug 20, 2022
DeWitt VA
Back in the 90s and early 2000s, the moral panic against anime in America had cause companies to censor the material (Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, Yugioh, and Pokemon) in order to make the anime appeal to American audiences. I think the moral panic against anime was a waste of time and money blaming anime back in the 90s and 2000s. Do you agree that the moral panic was an unnecessary waste of time and money?

[classic swim]

Sep 26, 2022
Why no the president should’ve called off the troops and spent all our taxpayer money going after Astro Boy.

He should’ve spent his entire term doing exactly this!


Staff member
Nov 9, 2016
Well, in some parts of the country, you still get funny looks if you wear your Demon Slayer shirts to church. There are still some people who think its Satanic. Granted the moral panic has died down and the shock of seeing a cartoon character cussing and bleeding has died down now people are much more used to it in anime. Also, I think modern anime not translating the term "yokai" as "demon" has kept anime with yokai in them from getting a "Satanic" label. Maybe Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho wouldn't get the controversy and the Satanic label they did if they just used the term Yokai instead of demon. I know the "Satanic goth anime fan" was an 00s stereotype, but I think that stereotype is completely dead as I have never heard of that stereotype from the 2010s onward. has Anime doesn't feel as rebellious or countercultural as it used to and watching anime to piss off your Ned Flanders-esque parents isn't something today's generation of kids is able to do. The growing cultural acceptance of anime has changed things a lot.

Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
This just sparked an old memory. I was a massive reader as a kid, so I was usually the one reading through any magazine or newspaper coming to the house. My mom used to get a parenting magazine and in 1997, I think, they had an issue reviewing upcoming kids shows. For some reason, they reviewed Pocket Dragon Adventures and they trashed it, especially due to the fact that it caused all of those seizures in Japan. I realized that they meant to review Pokémon but got Pocket Monsters mixed up with Pocket Dragons. It was hilarious to me that they were ready to bury Pokémon and got Pocket Dragons instead due to lack of research.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
This just sparked an old memory. I was a massive reader as a kid, so I was usually the one reading through any magazine or newspaper coming to the house. My mom used to get a parenting magazine and in 1997, I think, they had an issue reviewing upcoming kids shows. For some reason, they reviewed Pocket Dragon Adventures and they trashed it, especially due to the fact that it caused all of those seizures in Japan. I realized that they meant to review Pokémon but got Pocket Monsters mixed up with Pocket Dragons. It was hilarious to me that they were ready to bury Pokémon and got Pocket Dragons instead due to lack of research.
The media has ALWAYS been super lazy. It's amazing people take them seriously.


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