Ending of Spider-Man 90s TAS?

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New Member
Jun 19, 2004
Hi, I was always wondering why Spider-Man ended with a cliffhanger. I heard rumors that the producers of Spider-Man were already beginning a 6th season, but had to end because of a contract agreement. Can anyone confirm this? I know that the last episode of the series was titled "Farewell Spider-Man", but still, it ended so abruptly. This was the first Spider-Man cartoon I've ever seen, and I was really disappointed it had to end so quickly. Hopefully they'll create new Spider-Man series that are as suspenseful and engaging to watch as the 90s one.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
I read awhile ago that the money problems that Marvel was going through at the times led to the serie sno being renwed. Pretty much the same reason why the Silver Surfer cartoon was never picked up again, either.

Then I heard the other rumor that Spider-Man Unlimited was supposed to last for 26 episodes, then returen Peter back to earth where new stories based around the 1990's Spidey series would continue.


New Member
Jun 19, 2004
Wow, I guess its no surprise that Marvel would have money problems. Fantastic Four, Avengers, Incredible Hulk, X-Men, Spider-Man, Silver Surfer, Iron-Man..... and probably a whole lot more I'm missing. Every decade Marvel has a whole lot of cartoons on air ( ex 90's) I wonder when this decade will get at least a decent amount of shows.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
Phrost said:
Wow, I guess its no surprise that Marvel would have money problems. Fantastic Four, Avengers, Incredible Hulk, X-Men, Spider-Man, Silver Surfer, Iron-Man..... and probably a whole lot more I'm missing. Every decade Marvel has a whole lot of cartoons on air ( ex 90's) I wonder when this decade will get at least a decent amount of shows.
Actually, alot of the shows were hits for Marvel, it was just the money situation that kept them from going back to continuing them. I'm not sure if Fantastic Four and Iron Man were hits. Those were their only syndicated shows in the 1990's and ratings are based differently on that. The Hulk series on UPN did great ratings for that channel and whatever Marvel cartoon was on Fox always did really good.

Jon T

Friendless Spidey
Jul 11, 2003
This page has a message from 90s Spidey producer John Semper regarding the ending of the show:


So according to Mr. Semper, Marvel Films was ousted as Marvel's animation production company in favor of Saban by Fox. But as he says, that was fine with him, as he'd "wrapped up" his saga by episode 65. That is, the show apparently had an adequate ending by ep 65, with Spider-Man traveling between dimensions, still on a quest to rescue the real Mary-Jane (unseen since season 3) from dimensions unknown.

It's still not quite as satisfying as a real ending would've been as far as I'm concerned. Perhaps something including the similarly missing in action Green Goblin I (Norman Osborn).
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Jul 18, 2004
Well i was not at all happy with the ending of spiderman TAS.

After an amazing series, after getting rid of MJ and then bringing back that awful clone thing, then after an amazing two part ending, it left you feeling kind of empty.

I heard there was going to be continuations, but marvel cancelled the show, but why did they never pick it up again if it was so popular?

Was there even a comic book continuation of it?

Deadly Messiah

Active Member
Feb 11, 2004
I think the ending was great because you know he will find MJ and go back home.

I just don't like the series as much as I used to after seeing the movies now, so I don't really care any more.

As for Spider-Man Unlimited, please don't remind of that show. That show sucked so badly, it wasn't even funny.

I really wished they had aired Silver Surfer properly. First off, they had the finale a week before they showed the Episode with Adam Worlock. Second, they never even announced the AW episode. I turned on Fox one day, and SS started, and it had the title of an episode I hadn't seen before. Not to mention Thanos won due to the cliff hanger.


Intercept Now!
Aug 15, 2003
Let's bring this conversation to the new thread you've already created, spidercarnage. Since this is pretty old, there's no need for two threads on the same topic.

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