I hope wacky weird fantastical concepts will become the next big thing on television


Jun 10, 2014
Is there anyone here that agrees with that sentiment?

I think concepts like Scott Westerfeld's "Leviathan" series about a WW1 with steampunk machines and genetically engineered animals and Harry Turtledove's "Worldwar" series about an alien invasion during World War 2 would be cool if they had HBO level quality writers, directors, and actors.

I also like the concept of far future "Space Opera". I would love to see an HBO quality adaption of "Mass Effect", "Revelation Space", or Verner Vinge's "A Fire Upon the Deep".

How about a TV series where seasons 1-2 is set during an alternate steampunk WW1 then seasons 3-4 is an alternate WW2 with an alien invasion and the season after that is a space race with the final seasons being a space opera type story?

Would it be even possible to pull something like that off with the most talented people in the TV industry?

I really enjoyed "Marvel", "Game of Thrones", and "Stranger Things" but I hope the next big pop culture phenomenon is something that is not of a existing franchise.

Never was much of a "Trek" or "Wars" fan although I enjoyed the Star Wars movies.

Sadly it seems like the major corporations are so obsessed with milking existing franchises than taking chances with new stuff.
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