
Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2021
Atlanta, GA, USA
Well, this came out of nowhere.

Development of a Live-Action Film of The Legend of Zelda to Start​

Nintendo Co., Ltd. (HQ: Kyoto Minami-ku; Representative Director and President: Shuntaro Furukawa, "Nintendo" hereafter) today announced that it will develop a live-action film of The Legend of Zelda.

The film will be produced by Shigeru Miyamoto, Representative Director and Fellow of Nintendo and Avi Arad, Chairman of Arad Productions Inc., who has produced many mega hit films.

The film will be produced by Nintendo and Arad Productions Inc., and directed by Wes Ball. The film will be co-financed by Nintendo and Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., with more than 50% financed by Nintendo. The theatrical distribution of the film will be done worldwide by Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.

By producing visual contents of Nintendo IP by itself, Nintendo is creating new opportunities to have people from around the world to access the world of entertainment which Nintendo has built, through different means apart from its dedicated game consoles.
By getting deeply involved in the movie production with the aim to put smiles on everyone’s faces through entertainment, Nintendo will continue its efforts to produce unique entertainment and deliver it to as many people as possible.

Per Deadline, Derek Connolly (Jurassic World) is penning the script.

I had known a Zelda movie was being rumored for years, but I didn't expect Sony of all people to be involved (will there be a Zelda game on PlayStation? JK).

That said, I'm not thrilled seeing Avi Arad's name on it. You know...the guy that helped ruin the Spider-Man movies. Also gave us that meh Uncharted movie (wasn't bad, but just generic and boring).


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Apparently there's rumors that Universal still wants to do an animated Zelda movie to tie in with the Illumination Mario franchise.

The question is whether or not Sony agrees to that (assuming they have veto power over the matter).
Well, one might not have Avi Arad involved so :p...


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
Newington, CT, USA
I'm not thrilled seeing Avi Arad's name on it. You know...the guy that helped ruin the Spider-Man movies. Also gave us that meh Uncharted movie (wasn't bad, but just generic and boring).

On the other hand, this is Nintendo (and Shigeru Miyamoto) we're talking about, as in the company (and the person) who made sure that Chris Meladandri (sp?) and Illumination Entertainment (a name I wasn't thrilled to see) didn't ruin The Super Mario Bros. Movie (even if there were a few moments that almost did just that). If anything, I say that we can put our trust in Nintendo. That being said, however, there is one I would like to say:

I'm hoping this movie gets a PG rating at least; that's all I'm asking for, and don't "Twilight Princess" me, you guys. That game was the exception, not the rule, plus that's another story altogether; one that involves The Wind Waker, and how people criticized the art style (especially those who were expecting it to be more like the Spaceworld 2000 demo).

Also, with all due respect to anyone who sees Zelda as being a "mature" franchise, I honestly think you have the wrong idea; "Ninten-don't" do things that way (and games made by third parties that Nintendo published don't count). I personally don't expect Nintendo to allow Avi Arad to "pull a Spider-Man" with this movie, especially if Nintendo is paying for half the movie (again).

Anyway, we'll see what happens. I'd like to see the movie, in theaters even, and...well, I still hope for a PG rating, but even if it does get a PG-13 rating, admittedly there's still a chance that it might be because of some kind of technicality, but I just don't know. Once we get more information, then we'll know for sure, but since it was just announced, it's too early to say anything just yet. In any case, I trust Nintendo. Hopefully this will be a movie that everyone (i.e., including those who won't have to wait until they're 13) can watch...

I apologize for the wall of text, but there was a lot I wanted to say. In any case this was...a little bit unexpected.

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John Pannozzi

Leggo my Eggo, mouth breather!
Dec 12, 2003
Providence, Rhode Island,
Sony Pictures Animation and Avi Arad were in talks with Nintendo to produce an animated Mario movie about 9 years ago (before they moved the idea to Illumination), so this team-up isn't as surprisingly as you might think.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2021
Atlanta, GA, USA
The biggest problem with TSMBM to me was that it was short and very formulaic. There was hardly anything to make it stand out from other animated adventure movies, apart from it being a decent video game movie, which is still a rarity.

I enjoyed the live-action Sonic movies more, even if they aren't that close to the games.

Sony Pictures Animation and Avi Arad were in talks with Nintendo to produce an animated Mario movie about 9 years ago (before they moved the idea to Illumination), so this team-up isn't as surprisingly as you might think.
Arad and Sony have had Nintendo on their radar for some time. Given the humiliation they got when Morbius tanked against Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (a franchise Sony infamously abandoned in favor of said Spider-Man-without-Spider-Man movies), I imagine the live-action Zelda rights were a consolation prize of sorts.


Can't think of a title
Mar 23, 2009
I recently got into the Zelda games, and I think the movie would've been better off as an animated movie since there are plenty of non-"human"-looking characters in the games who would be rendered in CG in a live-action movie. There's the rumor of an animated Zelda movie, but that's less concrete than this confirmation of a live-action movie.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2020
I recently got into the Zelda games, and I think the movie would've been better off as an animated movie since there are plenty of non-"human"-looking characters in the games who would be rendered in CG in a live-action movie. There's the rumor of an animated Zelda movie, but that's less concrete than this confirmation of a live-action movie.
they would just use avatar technology

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I'm not surprised that they're going for a Zelda movie after the Super Mario Bros. Movie did so well. I am surprised that they're going for a live action movie instead. Depending on the casting and the effects, I think that a live-action Zelda can work, but an animated movie would be probably be a better way to showcase the different characters and creatures from the games. I guess it also depends on what kind of story they're going for and how much of the games' lore will be adapted in the movie.


Staff member
Jul 14, 2010
Have never really thought a Zelda movie was a good idea, not really animated, certainly not live action, and definitely not a live action Sony movie from the writer of Jurassic World and (it is rumoured) the director of The Maze Runner. YMMV


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2021
Atlanta, GA, USA
Have never really thought a Zelda movie was a good idea, not really animated, certainly not live action, and definitely not a live action Sony movie from the writer of Jurassic World and (it is rumoured) the director of The Maze Runner. YMMV
It's not rumored. Multiple sources confirmed it.

The Maze Runner isn't really a bad film series, but just really mediocre and cliché, though they can be fun to watch because of that.


Staff member
Jul 14, 2010
I only saw the first, and thought it was bad. Granted, I was well out of the target audience, but I am for a lot of things I like.

I actually somewhat enjoyed the first Jurassic World, but I would not say the script was its strong point.


Putting Bleeps on a Streaming Show Is Stupid
Jul 9, 2008
I'm surprised Nintendo is willing to work with Sony given their rivalry. I expected 20th Century Studios to get Zelda.

Two things I ask:

1. European actors only

2. December release date to maximize its chances at major awards. If this movie won big at the Oscars it would be huge.

the greenman

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2006
the point of no return
I'm surprised Nintendo is willing to work with Sony given their rivalry. I expected 20th Century Studios to get Zelda.

Two things I ask:

1. European actors only

2. December release date to maximize its chances at major awards. If this movie won big at the Oscars it would be huge.
You mean Tom Holland can use his original accent?

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Putting Bleeps on a Streaming Show Is Stupid
Jul 9, 2008
You mean Tom Holland can use his original accent?

Sent from my moto g power (2022) using Tapatalk
Holland is incidentally my pick to play Pit in a live-action Kid Icarus movie.


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