Micheal Clark Duncan as The Kingpin!!!!


Active Member
Dec 1, 2001
Ok I've been browsing the net lately and I've came across this big issue thats been surrounding the Daredevil movie: Micheal Clark Duncan as The Kingpin. Why does everybody have a problem with it. I actually like the idea. I think it would be cool to change a Marvel Comics' character around a little bit. It's not like there changing Batman and Superman. Bats and Sups are well known characters and hollywood would never dare to change their race or sexuality. With Kingpin on the other hand he's not that much of a well known character to the public eye like Spidey, Batman, and Wonder Woman. It's funny some people are making a big deal about the change of The Kingpins race, but what about Elektra??? Isn't she Hispanic and Jennifer Garner is playing her, but nobody has a problem with that. I just don't get that some people will make a big deal about a stupid and senseless thing.



WF Old Man
Apr 24, 2001
Gotham, New York
Unless it's a crucial part of the character's persona, I really don't care about any changes made. And I think the major reason behind this uproar, as moronic as it is, is because it's an enormously physical change. It's a big part, a well known character (in the Marvel circles), and a very noticable, although completely trivial, change. So to those complaining bone heads it's probably more than okay to object to it. :p


not here
May 27, 2002
I think that many are disappointed the role did not go to someone who would have been perfect for it -- Marlon Brando.

Chris Sanders MSX

The MAN is back
Dec 9, 2001
Not to mention that the King Pin is an important Character and if played by Duncan in one film will almost definetly have to play him in another film. Michael is a good actor and this will just be a test of his range. If anything him playing the role will spark tons of curiosity.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2001
Washington, PA.
I have A question. Since Daredevil, and Kingpin are not as well know as you say, they have appeared on the Spider-Man cartoon. (Kingpin being A regulal villian throughout the seires, and Daredevil in A two part episode.) Dose that help? I would think that Kingpin's regual stint on the Spidey toon would give him at least some recognition.


Savage Dragon
Jan 13, 2002
The Savage World
I did have a problem with it. In fact I have a problem with everyone cast in the film. But I just chalk it up with Hollywood crapping up another movie. I have to see it to make a judgment, but I doubt this film will make a huge impact. Daredevil is not a well known character, and the people dealing with this got no love for him. I mean they made him a red head and Ben Affleck, they're going into this to make money.

If they were serious, they would have picked a top notch director, Matt Damon, the Big Show or Fat Joe as Kingpin, and Jennifer Espisito as Elektra or not have her in the 1st movie at all. But that's just me.

Mr. Eye

May 1, 2001
Actually, Elektra is Greek. The reason why Jennifer Garner was chosen was that she somewhat resembles to a greek woman.

Mr. Eye

The Guard

No Matter The Cost
Oct 31, 2001
but I doubt this film will make a huge impact.

I disagree. A dark hero, overcoming obstacles to fight crime. A fabulous, talented cast. Big names that people will want to see. DAREDEVIL could well be bigger among adults and older teenagers than SPIDER-MAN.

I mean they made him a red head and Ben Affleck, they're going into this to make money.

I think Matt Murdock IS a rehead.

If they were serious, they would have picked a top notch director. Matt Damon, the Big Show or Fat Joe as Kingpin, and Jennifer Espisito as Elektra or not have her in the 1st movie at all. But that's just me.

Mark Johnson is a HUGE Daredevil fan. He'll do us proud. The Big Show? The Big Show? Michael Clarke Duncan is the best possible HUGE actor, and will make a terrific Kingpin. I get the feeling Elektra will have a smaller role, and Colin Farrel (Bullseye) will be the main villain.

Web Head

Girlfriend + Bridge = Bad
Jan 8, 2002
Albany, NY
I don't think I've seen MCD in a villain's role before. He always seems to be a gentle giant (Green Mile), a giant with a heart of gold (Armageddon), or misguided (Planet of the Apes). The closest thing to bad I've seen him in was The Whole Nine Yards, but that was a comedy, he wasn't really THAT bad...

I have to say though, I have been very impressed with MCD's work. He's no Dolph Lundgren, he seems to be able to really act. Will he be good as a scheming, devious, meglomaniacal villain? I don't know, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.


Active Member
Dec 1, 2001
Re: mbaker

I have A question. Since Daredevil, and Kingpin are not as well know as you say, they have appeared on the Spider-Man cartoon. (Kingpin being A regulal villian throughout the seires, and Daredevil in A two part episode.) Dose that help? I would think that Kingpin's regual stint on the Spidey toon would give him at least some recognition.

I know what your saying but for the people who didn't see the cartoon or every read a Daredevil comic, they're not gonna be familar with these characters. I'm saying I alot of people know Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, and Wolverine before they know Daredevil or The Kingpin. Do u get what I'm saying mbaker?

Memphis Bleek

Active Member
Dec 27, 2001
Arlington, VA, USA

Production companies don't make film to lose money! I think the cast will do a great job. I have been impress with the costume designs so far.


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