"Moon Knight (Disney+ Limited Series)" Talkback (Spoilers)

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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Welcome the Knight.


Moon Knight follows Steven Grant, a mild-mannered gift-shop employee, who becomes plagued with blackouts and memories of another life. Steven discovers he has dissociative identity disorder and shares a body with mercenary Marc Spector. As Steven/Marc's enemies converge upon them, they must navigate their complex identities while thrust into a deadly mystery among the powerful gods of Egypt.

Episode 1 "The Goldfish Problem"
Steven Grant learns that he may be a superhero, but may also share a body with a ruthless mercenary.

Official Links:
Moon Knight on Disney+
Moon Knight on Twitter
Moon Knight on instagram

See Also
"Marvel on Disney+" Pre-Release News & Discussion, Part 1 (Spoilers)
"Marvel on Disney+" Pre-Release News & Discussion, Part 2 (Spoilers)
"Marvel on Disney+" Pre-Release News & Discussion, Part 3 (Spoilers)
"Marvel on Disney+ "Pre-Release News & Discussion, Part 4 (Spoilers)
"Marvel on Disney+ "Pre-Release News & Discussion, Part 5 (Spoilers)
Doctor Strange Talkback (Spoilers)
WandaVision Talkback (Spoilers)
Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness News & Discussion (Spoilers)
Blade: The Vampire Slayer News & Discussion (Spoilers)
Cloak and Dagger Season One Talkback (Spoilers)
Cloak and Dagger Season Two Talkback (Spoilers)
Helstrom Season One Talkback (Spoilers)
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Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
"The Goldfish Problem" - A year before any of the Disney Plus shows of the first waved announced had even come out Marvel announced yet another bunch of shows they wanted to make. I have a feeling due to Disney's need to have the streaming series constantly have content on it like most streaming series they are more willing to fast track and get multiple series off the ground before one even proved itself thus why we had in a sense three waves of them even before the first WandaVision had even come out. However what's interesting about the second wave compared to the first wave is that the first though introducing new characters and heroes still had the focus on already established heroes in the movie. You know Scarlet Witch, Falcon, Loki. I guess Kate Bishop was the main character of Hawkeye but that still wouldn't of gotten made if Jeremy Renner's Clint Barton didn't have fans. However all the second wave characters were fully new and unestablished presences you could tell more full origins and looks at about. Though two did have more ins with more established parts of MCU Lore, Miss Marvel and She Hulk that you would assume means they would go first. Instead though maybe because of how more quickly the series came about due to the lack of reshoots or perhaps not being as special effects or power heavy as the other ones or maybe just because of wanting to start this wave two on a totally new IP we got this instead. Moon Knight a... character I have certainly heard of before. I think I caught a bit of his appearance in an Ultimate Spider man episode enough to know "yeah this doesn't seem like a character made for a kids series". And yeah when this got announced I did wind up looking at more as this was a requested and beloved character people wanted to see make the jump into the MCU. Especially people like Kevin Feige but I think Kevin wanted to come up with something especially unique for him something you couldn't just do in a movie and... I feel he certainly succeeded at that as honestly this is actually a really strong start to the show, and it certainly stands out from most other MCU related properties.

Like WandaVision this one does start out as a mystery and having the main characters seemingly clueless about what's going on and what exactly is happening, though I feel this time it's much more genuine. Not because I don't think it's going to be revealed Steven secretly is manipulating everyone but because instead of being a variation of a cheesy early sitcom this seems more like a basic set up for the kind of character Steven is and trying to get you on his side. And honestly between explaining to the girl about the Egyptian gods and having the fish with the one little flipper and even tipping the guy doing the golden statue you get the feeling he's a kind meek intelligence yet easily frazzled and seeming innocent guy just trying to go through life and though willing to take some chances just generally wants to do his thing. Which is important because I feel you do need a grounding element for this story to work with if you are made to care about anything that happens in it. Especially with a character we're just meeting now. I'm sure later episodes will have much more extensive fight scenes and obviously explain more what's happening but I actually dig the idea that sans that creature being beat on at the very ending of the episode we do skip past all of the actual major fight scenes in this first episode. I like the idea of just showing Steven horrified at the after math of beating those guys or having a gun or seeing someone coming after him and then him lying dead in the corner of the van. It's obviously suppose to put you more in his head space so even though you're aware of the whole split personality and Egyptian god living inside of him you aren't just annoyed seeing him and waiting for Marc or Moon Knight to come out. I appreciate too how it shows Steven knowing his body moves away from him and trying to keep it caged up and then finding out that his "dreams" have been going on for days and failing to keep his date and then realizing the burner phone from Layla and being told to leave that alone. Like it's good to have elements that I'm sure will make more sense when we get like Marc or maybe another perspective of this character but I dig just how out of the loop Steven is at this point. It'd be annoying if he was like this throughout the series but so early on works leading to that moment of Moon Knight taking over at the end.

I also dig the introduction of Arthur. Like I am glad we are getting a full on villain showing up at the start of one of these series and not just waiting on one. The only Disney Plus series that had a villain starting up was Falcon and Winter Soldier but I feel Arthur with his scales and even showing him putting glass in his shoes makes a much stronger impression. Yeah the whole "you must be judged and killed for your crimes even ones you haven't done" is messed up but I get why you'd have a cult around that and I also like how a part of him does seem at least externally sad whenever he has to past judgement on someone who sees themselves as righetous but aren't. Like it doesn't seem the whole scales and believes are an act and though obviously doing shady stuff does make me more interested in this guy. Same with the bit with Layla and even Khonshu. I admit the biggest laugh I had with this one was his annoyance every time Steven "the idiot" took over and him growling in frustration of Steven throwing the gun away. Does good to give this guy a personality and irritation at one of the vessels potentially getting itself killed due to having no clue what's going on is great and I really like how the chase was filmed and again cutting away here from the action. Like I'm sure we'll see more brutality later (considering all that blood around Steven which BTW Disney Plus don't edit out a year later for no good reason like you did for Falcon and Winter Soldier seriously still annoyed they did that) but it works getting this from Steven's perspective and honestly that made this one work. I admit nothing like incredibly grand or epic right off the bat but this is sort of a mystery series and it gets you hooked getting into Steven and finding out all this insanity attached to him and wondering where that will go from here so yeah solid ep hopefully the rest of the 5 for this series can match up to this one though you know giving more answers and points of view as that is the big selling point of this character.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Moon Knight "The Goldfish Problem"


I like that the first episode is set up as a mystery and the viewer is not clued into what is going on. We can guess, and people who've read the comics know, but it's a good puzzle for newbs like me.

I didn't expect it to be this funny and enjoyable, and I'm glad that it was.

Like a lot of MCU Disney+ TV stuff, the soundtrack of classic songs makes the project extra enjoyable.

One thing I didn't like, speaking as someone with mental illness, and speaking as someone who has been friends with people with disassociative disorder, was the PSA at the very end of the credits about where to go for info on mental illness and health. I'm like, "Hey, man, either somebody is gonna be offended by this premise or not. Don't pull back and act like it's a sympathetic portrayal of the problem." It uses it as a gimmick, which is my mind is fine. But the PSA makes it sound like they are really trying to be respectful of people who suffer from it, and they're not. And frankly, they're not required to be. It feels a bit that the producers are a little too worried about offending people about this, and having their cake and eating it too. If Batman: The Animated Series has a tenth as much concern for the portrayal of mental illness as this did, we'd have been in great shape. As it stands, I wish the show didn't try to pretend it cares about the struggles people with the actual illness go through. If they did, they could tell a different story. Since they chose this one, I expect them to have enough confidence in it to stand by it. Speaking as someone with schizo-effective, I'm more offended by the show trying to have it both ways, than I was by anything in the episode itself.

But that was a promising opener. Sort of weird how it was a credit blurb that got my biggest bit of ire there. ****.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
That's definitely one way to establish your protagonists' multiple personality issue from the get-go by making the POV character another personality instead of the main one, so instead of Marc Spector we start out with "Steven Grant" who goes from a billionaire playboy to a quirky British everyman working at a museum :).

Does Steven genuinely think he's calling his mother and have memories of said mother? Or is it some messed up projection of Marc's mother :confused:?

"Go back to sleep you worm!" - Well, that's one way to introduce Khonsu! Like, yeah, he really does not care for Steven Grant at all, all he cares about is Marc (which, granted, Marc is Moon Knight and the actual capable one while Steven is more of an addition he didn't plan for, so that checks out). Most of his dialogue is just berating or belittling Steven and demanding Marc come back, although it seems like Marc's dead to him too if he fails. Not the most polite or positive God, but I guess the fact that he (and by extension his vessel Moon Knight) is the only thing stopping whatever Ammit has planned is supposed to balance out his abrasiveness :oops:.

So Arthur Harrow seems to have his own little cult/commune in...wherever they were (it didn't seem like it was still in the UK). Harrow worships Ammit who believes in justice, but a kind of absolute justice that means killing a genuinely good person if there's even a chance of them doing something evil in the future, which probably means bad things for humanity if she's ever released or Harrow gets to continue furthering her plans :eek:.

Well, at least Marc had the decency to buy Steven a new fish :sweat:.

Not only does being a Superhero kill your dating life, but so does having personalities that take over your body and make you lose a day...although Steven really didn't notice what date it was? Even on his phone :shrug:?

Why does Steven exist? Khonsu doesn't seem to be responsible for him and it seems inconvenient for Marc, but is it some kind of self-defense mechanism for Marc's mind after whatever becoming Moon Knight did to him o_O?

When Harrow was listing all the evil people Ammit could have stopped, I was half-expecting him to name-drop Thanos, but I wonder if there will be any overt MCU references in the show until maybe the ending :oops:?

I wonder if Steven being "innocent" as a personality or not being real is why Harrow couldn't judge him? Or it couldn't make heads or tails of all the personalities together to judge one of them :ack:?

And just when you think the episode is going to end without the titular hero, Steven cedes control of the body back to Marc who promptly transforms into Moon Knight and dishes out some punishment to that wolf monster! It seems like Marc is the only one who can transform into Moon Knight, so I'm curious how that all works out. The suit looks great in live-action though :D.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Wow, that was an impressive start to the next D+ series. Definitely dig that they're using the standard MCU model and we're in media res for both our protagonist and antagonist and a mystery and holes in the narrative to figure out. It's also pretty thrilling in a way there's no sense of when this takes place in the MCU timeline. Brand new everything!

And the wouldn't hurt a fly innocent Steven is our POV. And the hard cuts to when Steven awakens was a great framing device. Feels like Marc's been a merc for a long time. His model of cell phone implies as much. I also wonder if Steven is just making calls to his mother as a coping mechanism for his mental issues, a routine just like the tape, the locks, the sand, the ankle brace. I think she's long passed on. And the episode is a funny nod to Steven's predicament. A goldfish supposedly has only 3 seconds of memory.

Ok, so Arthur is leading a cult that's trying to free the god Ammit to unleash what he perceives as true justice. Check. Broken glass in sandles. Check. True believer. Also enjoy that he's not the standard MCU villain who's the evil version of the hero. And his ideology of punishing people by their past/present/future is pretty on the ball with how twisted Thanos was with snapping half the universe randomly.

Set in London but Marc's been going around Europe like a village in the Alps. Glad they're taking a shot with locales, too, and not just doin' NYC. As they said in interviews, there's too many people in NYC already. Funny, London is still fresh in my head after Eternals. And looks like Steven is working at The National Gallery in Westminster. I guess Steven still has his job because Donna must not want to bother interviewing for a replacement.

I also wonder if Steven was the manifestation of Marc's conscience because it was being suppressed? Glad it wasn't full-on dark and there was still some funny stuff like Steven talking to the child, Sunday, the pet shop, the cup cakes, the old lady flipping the bird.

Very fascinating that Arthur couldn't judge Steven. Yeah, it must be the personalities or maybe Khonshu intervening. I'm guessing Khonshu was one of the gods alluded to who locked Ammit away and the beetle is the key to open the lock.

Amusing they gave away the end of episode 1 in the trailer. Moon Knight ain't a superhero you pose for photos with. Bring on the supernatural! :D

Also, if you scan the QR code on the gallery wall around the 5 minute mark when Steven is talking to the child, you'll get a free digital copy of Moon Knight's first appearance in the Werewolf By Night comics.

Easter egg wise, nice to see Duchamp's name in Marc's missed call list or the man as the gold statue was a hat tip to the MK character Bertrand Crawley.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Wow, that was an impressive start to the next D+ series. Definitely dig that they're using the standard MCU model and we're in media res for both our protagonist and antagonist and a mystery and holes in the narrative to figure out. It's also pretty thrilling in a way there's no sense of when this takes place in the MCU timeline. Brand new everything!
Just waiting for someone to mention the Blip...if they do at all o_O.
And the wouldn't hurt a fly innocent Steven is our POV. And the hard cuts to when Steven awakens was a great framing device. Feels like Marc's been a merc for a long time. His model of cell phone implies as much. I also wonder if Steven is just making calls to his mother as a coping mechanism for his mental issues, a routine just like the tape, the locks, the sand, the ankle brace. I think she's long passed on. And the episode is a funny nod to Steven's predicament. A goldfish supposedly has only 3 seconds of memory.
It really makes you wonder how this personality was constructed if he keeps making phone calls to a mother that doesn't exist. I don't really understand the ins and outs of DiD so I'm not sure how much they might explore it or the creation of the other identities, but it feels fascinating :cool:.
Ok, so Arthur is leading a cult that's trying to free the god Ammit to unleash what he perceives as true justice. Check. Broken glass in sandles. Check. True believer. Also enjoy that he's not the standard MCU villain who's the evil version of the hero. And his ideology of punishing people by their past/present/future is pretty on the ball with how twisted Thanos was with snapping half the universe randomly.
Seems like they're trying to portray them as a pious shepherd leading his flock to a true utopia...not matter how many innocent (if not in Ammit's eyes) people have to die to reach it :eek:.
Set in London but Marc's been going around Europe like a village in the Alps. Glad they're taking a shot with locales, too, and not just doin' NYC. As they said in interviews, there's too many people in NYC already. Funny, London is still fresh in my head after Eternals. And looks like Steven is working at The National Gallery in Westminster. I guess Steven still has his job because Donna must not want to bother interviewing for a replacement.
And she can keep making him do inventory :rolleyes2:.
Very fascinating that Arthur couldn't judge Steven. Yeah, it must be the personalities or maybe Khonshu intervening. I'm guessing Khonshu was one of the gods alluded to who locked Ammit away and the beetle is the key to open the lock.
And the one that seems to be actively trying to stop her :mad:.
Easter egg wise, nice to see Duchamp's name in Marc's missed call list or the man as the gold statue was a hat tip to the MK character Bertrand Crawley.
Season 2 foreshadowing :p?


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
4/1: The steak scene was almost cut.

Just waiting for someone to mention the Blip...if they do at all o_O.
Well, Disney+ placed Moon Knight it imply its set after Hawkeye. So 2025 I guess.

It really makes you wonder how this personality was constructed if he keeps making phone calls to a mother that doesn't exist. I don't really understand the ins and outs of DiD so I'm not sure how much they might explore it or the creation of the other identities, but it feels fascinating :cool:.
Agreed, but I hope they get it right. It stands to reason they hired a consultant...

And the one that seems to be actively trying to stop her :mad:.
Maybe there's a reason. Like the other gods are using their focus to help keep Ammit locked up. Or Gorr killed a couple of them.

4/2: The cold open was Hawke's idea.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
I’ve seen a few people describe this ep as funny. I didn’t think that at all. I took it as a scary and sympathetic portrayal of mental health challenges. I’m astounded that people took it as humorous. We are supposed to be afraid for Steven not laughing at him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
I’ve seen a few people describe this ep as funny. I didn’t think that at all. I took it as a scary and sympathetic portrayal of mental health challenges. I’m astounded that people took it as humorous. We are supposed to be afraid for Steven not laughing at him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Speaking as someone with mental illness, the scenarios posited were funny. Which is good because it made them relatable and the complicated subject easier for the audience to understand and accept. It striking me as funny in places wasn't a failing. It was a strength.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

Episode 2 "Summon the Suit"
With little time to react, Steven is thrust into a war of the gods as a mysterious partner arrives.
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Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Moon Knight "Summon The Suit"

It was good. But it didn't really have the same frenetic energy as last week.

All though it was fun seeing the superheroics for once. Apparently that's going to be more common going forward since the personalities have merged a bit.

Steven's literal suit was funny.

I liked it, but not as much as last week. ***1/2.
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Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
"Summon The Sun" - I didn't really see in full even any of the "non spoiler reviews" of this show but I did hear that this becomes more generic and less interesting when the focus goes over to Marc so maybe that will happen next time but quite honestly I really dug this particular episode. Because this one actually DID give answers and yeah there are still some questions we need to know about but I am glad we didn't spend like an episode with Marc just trying to shush Steven out of any progress going on like I feared from the opening. And honestly I do really like the direction this story is going. I like the fact that the villain Arthur Harrow not only was a former "Moon Knight" but they actually fully explain their plan and motivation and aren't keeping that a secret at all which... I think this is the first time we've gotten that in the first act of one of these Marvel Plus shows. Even Falcon and the Winter Soldier had that villain only have a plan at the end but no Arthur's all about wanting to resurrect Ammit to have everyone be judged and have their scales weighed and bring in a new era of peace even if it means killing people before they commit a crime. Which I guess is also the point of HYDRA from Captain America Winter Soldier and yeah the whole "be perfectly find murdering people even if they didn't do anything wrong" is obviously wicked (heh guess that means there will never be a Civil War 2 in the MCU) but this has a more mystical spin especially since this isn't the guy or a computer's judgement but another Egyptian God. And yeah this makes clear there are multiple ones who have worked before and obviously they do have powers so I get why this would be a cult and have people follow him because it seems Arthur is earnest in wanting to help people even if it's through a really messed up way.

I'm also really glad why we got here why Marc has been so distant from Layla; I kind of thought it was a lamer "oh I don't want her to get hurt so even though we were adventures together only I can face this" deal but they make clear that Marc doesn't want Layla around so Khnonshu won't take over her next. I am glad that though Khonshu probably is the better deal they aren't making the concept or weight of the Moon Knight title this peachy keen affair either and have it be total black or white. Obviously this god has own messed up view that Marc is stuck to and doesn't want Layla to suffer thus why he's pushing her away which is honestly a lot more compelling to me then him just worrying about her. I also like this making clear that Marc and Steven have been doing this for ages and we're just catching up on them now because the bridge is losing it's divide and then that ending with Steven in the glass begging for his life back knowing Marc hurts people and wanting a normal existence and Marc getting angrier and angrier stomping out the glass in the ground until there's nothing left... hmmm hey that's probably why thinking about it Arthur has broken glass put in his shoes; to show he's not being controlled or used against his will by a figure on the other side based on his own experiences with Khonshu. But yeah the actual scene between Marc and Steven was great and now I get why Steven may be taking more a back seat in the next couple of episodes though hope we do get to see.

I'm also glad we actually do get to see more of the action here with that summoned jackal beast. And I admit I really love the idea that "Mr. Knight" is Steven's version of the Moon Knight powers. Like that's probably not from the comics as I think Mr. Knight there was the more wealthy benefactor personality who made Moon Knight like a millionaire but I like here this being how Steven interprets the powers. And though kind of cliched I did really like him digging the suit and actually managing to get a punch in and celebrate it before being ragolled around due to not having any idea what he's doing. And I am glad we got an actual battle with regular Moon Knight. Nothing too impressive but how he was able to grab and turn around the creature to have it stabbed down was still a cool shot... honestly better action then anything in the Morbius movie admittedly. I also like too showing Layla as a competent fighter against that one guy knocking him down a couple of flights even though yeah it wouldn't really be anything compared to an actual cult. And I admit how Oscar Issac had Steven sell a few jokes that could of just flopped did work like him wanting to be caught on camera assuming that would show the beast and costume and only seeing him as well as clinging onto Layla while they were riding her motor bike or his reaction to hearing Marc explain the deal with Khonshu or then wanting to be caught so he would be taken away and Marc would be sedated or Arthur comparing Khonshu to a kid throwing a tempter tantrum. Not a lot of great LOL bits but some good amusing ones between the action and yeah the drama and the story being told.

Overall another solid ep that does start a bit slow but thankfully gives a lot of good answers and advances things way more then I was expecting especially now that the story's going to likely be more fully in Egypt. Again supposedly this is where it becomes more Indiana Jones generic but eh guess see more on that when it hits but this one I really dug and hope this feel is kept in the remaining episodes.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Well, sucks for Steven's job and mental state that the camera's didn't catch the Jackal Monster. Seems like Steven/Marc are the only ones able to see them because they have "Khonsu Vision" or something o_O.

They talk about Khonsu's vessel/avatar and being the "Fist of Khonsu" but I keep waiting for someone to actually say "Moon Knight" out loud. Unless that's not what it's called and we're waiting for someone in the Press to dub him that :knd1:.

Not only is Steven's mom fake, but Marc isn't even on speaking terms with his own mother :melissa:.

So it seems like Steven was always Marc's endgame, in so far as this last mission from Khonsu was supposed to be his last as Moon Knight and he was going to fade into obscurity as Steven Grant. Something tells me that, for one reason or another, that won't be as simple as Marc thought :oops:.

I wasn't expecting Layla to outright be Marc's wife (especially given she's an OC, although they had John Walker married to a random woman too), or that he basically ditched her and left her with divorce papers. Which becomes a little more understandable than the usual "I'm a Superhero and can't risk my loved ones" reason when we realize the main reason he did it was because she was primed to be the next Vessel for Khonsu once he was done. I'm kind of wondering what the endgame is for her...signing the papers? Leaving Marc for good? Joining up with him/Steven again? Will she make it out of this alive :eek:?

I don't think Marc actually killed those archaeologists, and from the sounds of it he died too to the point where Khonsu had to revive him as part of their arrangement, but we'll probably find out the truth in the inevitable origin episode ;).

You clean up one neighborhood in London and suddenly your whole cult thinks you walk on water...

So Harrow was the Moon Knight before Marc and left because he didn't think Khonsu went far enough in dishing out justice...and maybe also because Khonsu is kind of a jerk, since he's so predictable and aggressive that even just from the experience Harrow can tell what Khonsu is going to say without even needing to hear him :p.

Khonsu believes he is true justice, and at least on paper you can kind of understand where he's coming from because he only punishes people after they've done something wrong (give or take he has Moon Knight presumably put said people down for good). Maybe not as preventative as, say, Harrow would like but at least he's not willing to kill innocent people just on the possibility that they might do something bad. From the sounds of it, if Ammit's released, she'll commit a cleansing not unlike what Thanos did, only permanent :ack:.

Khonsu also isn't very...nice, to put it lightly, and acts like he has total ownership of Marc, but he's genuinely opposing Harrow/Ammit, doesn't execute people without just cause, and seems to be going through this trouble despite getting no respect as an Egyptian Deity (unless he does all this with the expectation of finally getting the respect he deserves). In general, Khonsu seems like a mixed bag :rolleyes:.

At least Steven had enough sense to tell that Harrow and Ammit can't be allowed to go through with their plan, especially if it means killing children :mad:.

Mr. Knight! So Marc's different personalities can also call up the Moon Knight suit and gain super-strength, but their projection of the suit depends upon their own visualization of it. So Marc is the traditional, iconic, Moon Knight look while Steven is a dapper English gentleman in a suit. And each personality/form has a different weapon, with Marc's having the traditional Crescent Darts while Steven had escrima sticks...Makes me wonder if we're going to see a third personality/Moon Knight form at some point. Actually kind of reminds me of Kamen Rider Den-O :cool:.

I love how Steven pops out the escrima sticks...and then proceeds to do nothing with them :rolleyes2:.

Marc is finally back in control of his body, not that Steven is all too happy about it. I mean, I get where Steven's been coming from, but I feel like he's not acknowledging or conscious of the fact that Marc is the original. And on top of that Marc has had to endure being in the background of their mind for most of Steven's waking life and never complained about it, when apparently it's actually kind of painful, only controlling Steven's body so they can survive and complete their mission so Steven can be the permanent personality. It's not easy for any of the personalities in this situation :(.

Well, bad news...Harrow has the scarab pointing towards Ammit's tomb. Good news though, is it's all coming back to Egypt :proud:.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
This was ok but I’m getting bored with Steven. This has become yet another bumbling mistaken identity spy story. Cars 2 is already on D+.

I’m not that familiar with Moon Knight but I’d rather see the guy who portrays different identities rather than a struggle with DID.

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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
I get how Steven was frustrated with his predicament but him not listening at all to Marc until it was too late got annoying. And now Harrow has the scarab. Great.

The Mr. Knight bit was some nice comedic relief and at least Steven has a means to kind of defend himself... Suit! :D

Wow, and they managed to do it to us again, lol. The villain is just the evil version of the hero. Harrow used to be the Moon Knight. But glad Steven had his wits to point out Ammit and Harrow's vision of punishing pre-crime was bad. And a child, a great example. Ammit is worse than Thanos. At least Thanos stopped at "half" and at random.

Yeah, it seems like there's something more to that murder of the archaeologists. I'm more willing to bet Harrow's people executed them and tried to get the scarab but Marc interfered and it got pinned on him. And Khonsu bonded to Marc.

One thing I want to know is how is Harrow's cult so ubiquitous even in London and where its resources are coming from. It's not like he's been around since World War II. Or did this Ammit cult exist for a long time and Harrow joined it after he got disillusioned and quit being the Moon Knight then rose up the ranks and made a deal with Ammit and got the cane? Maybe the latter.

Still curious what twist they're going to give us with Steven and Marc. Who came first, Steven or Marc. Or is a yet to be revealed third personality the real person? The fact that Marc's been around so long yet not willing to tell Steven how many years he's been around intriguing.

Off to Egypt. That's pretty fast after 2 episodes. I suspect there's going to be a incarceration episode whether he's captured by the cult or put into an asylum then Steven and Marc duke it out against each other for 40 minutes and come to an understanding then they head off to stop Harrow/Ammit. I suspect Harrow will get a transformation once Ammit takes him as an avatar, maybe then he'll take the name Sun King.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I get how Steven was frustrated with his predicament but him not listening at all to Marc until it was too late got annoying. And now Harrow has the scarab. Great.
Yeah, Steven kind of botched the one job he had as Moon Knight on his fledgling "debut." I get where Steven's coming from, but they kind of need to work together if they're going to accomplish anything :confused:.
The Mr. Knight bit was some nice comedic relief and at least Steven has a means to kind of defend himself... Suit! :D
When someone who doesn't know how to fight gets super-strength :rolleyes2:.
Wow, and they managed to do it to us again, lol. The villain is just the evil version of the hero. Harrow used to be the Moon Knight. But glad Steven had his wits to point out Ammit and Harrow's vision of punishing pre-crime was bad. And a child, a great example. Ammit is worse than Thanos. At least Thanos stopped at "half" and at random.
Ethan Hawke gets the perks of being a heroes' opposite number without the drawback of having to wear a costume :p.

Now I'm imagining What If Thanos looking at Ammit's plan and going "Y'know, maybe this is going a little too far..."
Yeah, it seems like there's something more to that murder of the archaeologists. I'm more willing to bet Harrow's people executed them and tried to get the scarab but Marc interfered and it got pinned on him. And Khonsu bonded to Marc.
And Marc was "killed" too before Khonshu showed up :ack:.
One thing I want to know is how is Harrow's cult so ubiquitous even in London and where its resources are coming from. It's not like he's been around since World War II. Or did this Ammit cult exist for a long time and Harrow joined it after he got disillusioned and quit being the Moon Knight then rose up the ranks and made a deal with Ammit and got the cane? Maybe the latter.
If Harrow is Ammit's current avatar, it stands to reason there have been others. Maybe something every Moon Knight has had to contend with :eek:.
Still curious what twist they're going to give us with Steven and Marc. Who came first, Steven or Marc. Or is a yet to be revealed third personality the real person? The fact that Marc's been around so long yet not willing to tell Steven how many years he's been around intriguing.
I think Marc is definitely the main personality and Steven was created through...circumstances, partially from Marc conceiving him as the endgame personality. Marc is the one who became Moon Knight and seems to have a more tangible sense of self even if he gives Steven plenty of leeway.
Off to Egypt. That's pretty fast after 2 episodes. I suspect there's going to be a incarceration episode whether he's captured by the cult or put into an asylum then Steven and Marc duke it out against each other for 40 minutes and come to an understanding then they head off to stop Harrow/Ammit. I suspect Harrow will get a transformation once Ammit takes him as an avatar, maybe then he'll take the name Sun King.
I think the next episode will be Marc trying to stop Harrow, then episode 4 is maybe a flashback episode, episode 5 is where everything comes together, and the finale is the finale. I wonder if they're going to fight Ammit directly or if Harrow will get a final form o_O.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Yeah, Steven kind of botched the one job he had as Moon Knight on his fledgling "debut." I get where Steven's coming from, but they kind of need to work together if they're going to accomplish anything :confused:.
Here's an interesting thought. Steven doesn't WANT to accomplish anything. And why should he? This entire thing is not something he asked for or wanted, or was even made aware of until it was too late. Why SHOULD Steven be cool with this and just get with the program? If I were Steven I'd be freaking furious. Especially because maybe from his perspective, the Egyptian God who gave Mark the powers is taking advantage of his illness and tricking him into doing things he doesn't want to do. If Steven shuts down from this point forward, even if it got his ass killed, part of me will sit back and say, "Good for him."


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Here's an interesting thought. Steven doesn't WANT to accomplish anything. And why should he? This entire thing is not something he asked for or wanted, or was even made aware of until it was too late. Why SHOULD Steven be cool with this and just get with the program? If I were Steven I'd be freaking furious. Especially because maybe from his perspective, the Egyptian God who gave Mark the powers is taking advantage of his illness and tricking him into doing things he doesn't want to do. If Steven shuts down from this point forward, even if it got his ass killed, part of me will sit back and say, "Good for him."
I think he at least realized it was a bad idea for Ammit to get out once he realized what it meant for the world.

Marc seems to be ultimately working towards where Steven won't need to worry about anything, unless Khonshu screws him over.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
I think he at least realized it was a bad idea for Ammit to get out once he realized what it meant for the world.

Marc seems to be ultimately working towards where Steven won't need to worry about anything, unless Khonshu screws him over.
Like Steven is Marc's "retirement" plan when everything is said and done. Perhaps. But I'm still a tad skeptical because they changed up Steven for the MCU so what other twist could they have up their sleeves?
If Harrow is Ammit's current avatar, it stands to reason there have been others. Maybe something every Moon Knight has had to contend with :eek:.
Agreed, this episode opened a couple windows. Like establishing gods can choose a human avatar and bestow their powers and also how supernatural creatures are invisible to normal people.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Like Steven is Marc's "retirement" plan when everything is said and done. Perhaps. But I'm still a tad skeptical because they changed up Steven for the MCU so what other twist could they have up their sleeves?
A third personality :p?
Agreed, this episode opened a couple windows. Like establishing gods can choose a human avatar and bestow their powers and also how supernatural creatures are invisible to normal people.
Technically we already had that with Black Panther and Bast, but this is the first time we've really seen a back-and-forth like this...I wonder if Panther would be able to see the Jackals :confused:?


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Almost forgot to listen to this before the day was up.
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Happy 4th of July, Light Lucario. I really hope you get to enjoy the fireworks tonight. Have a wonderful evening.
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Thanks for the following days ago. :)
Your avatar looks interesting.

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