One extra episode you'd like to have seen in the DCAU?

Ed Nygma

Active Member
Apr 27, 2021
As opposed to big sweeping changes; as much as I want to see the post-RoTJ flashback era after Joker died to transition to the Beyond-verse, the creators made it clear they never want to go near that so it's pointless to conjecture on that kind of thing. But what about one extra episode you dearly wish they had made in the DCAU, now that it's pretty much done and dusted for good? (now there's a sad and scary thought)

I have two- the first one, but it's a big one for me, would be a Two Face "finale" episode, most likely in Batman Beyond where we learn his final fate. I think it was a bit unfair that they showed us the fates of Freeze, Joker and even Bane, but not Harvey. While I acknowledge that we probably don't need to ever know what happened to Penguin or Hatter or Arnie Wesker- they kept at their schtick until they either retired or saw the folly in their sad lives- Harv was the big exception, and I realized why. Unique amongst all the villains of the show he has an actual 'arc' from BTAS that never paid off. It felt like it was always going somewhere based on how they kept ending his episodes, and I think it gave the impression that there would one day be some payoff with his friendship with Bruce and how that resolved itself. In my head I feel like he found out Bruce was Batman, and felt so betrayed he went into full psychosis and never returned. "You were supposed to be my one friend- and YOU were the two faced one!!" Thus completing Bruce's descent into the heartless old gargoyle who ends up alone. Something like that, but it always felt unfair we didn't get some form of closure for their relationship together and its tragedy.

And the other one is a small one but I dearly wish they had done a Riddler episode in TNBA. I was rewatching them recently and despite the brief number of eps, I was surprised at how pretty much all the villains (including Croc and Firefly) basically get 1 and a half to 2 spotlight episodes. But Eddie is relegated to the background the whole time, despite how heavily he featured into the TNBA merchandise. I know the creators never figured him out, but... I don't know, did we really need quite so many Harley and Joker eps? They get a mind melting 9 episodes apiece in the TNBA era, and I would've liked if they had done maybe one or two less and showcased Riddler or maybe Man Bat instead. It gives the illusion of this never ending parade of Joker and Harley; even poor Nightwing only got 4 episodes by comparison! I could've lived without Girls' Night Out (maybe that in place of Unity over in Superman?) or Nygma in the villain role in Old Wounds, to give him a more villainous presence. Anyway those are my few wants, besides ones that we came agonizingly close to seeing but were beyond the creators' control like Nocturna, Story of the Gun, Count and Countess etc.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
New York
For B:TAS/TNBA, I would have liked to have seen a Commissioner Gordon centric episode. The closest we got to one was "Over the Edge."

For Justice League Unlimited, it would have been fun to get a Mxyzptlk vs the League episode.
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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Would have dug another Montoya-centric episode. Something in the vein of Bullock getting a feature in "A Bullet For Bullock".

Another Task Force X episode on JLU, still operating post-Cadmus arc in the final season but maybe having to deal with new overseer e.g. Sarge Steel. Or another Captain Marvel episode but in the final season as a follow-up. Or a follow-up between Superman and Hamilton.

Or one of Static and co. meeting the Teen Titans.

One more episode for The Zeta Project for a more proper finale.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I've always liked the idea of seeing where the other original seven Justice League members were during the Beyond era. We know that Wonder Woman is still around since she was mentioned in that Static Shock and Batman Beyond crossover episode, but we never see her. Obviously, we know that John and Hawkgirl end up together due to their future son, but it would have been nice to see where Flash, J'onn and Wonder Woman were in the future since they played such huge roles in JL/JLU.

Even though I haven't seen it in ages and I don't know how well it has aged, I do remember that cliffhanger for The Zeta Project, so giving it a proper finale would have been nice.


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
I've always liked the idea of seeing where the other original seven Justice League members were during the Beyond era. We know that Wonder Woman is still around since she was mentioned in that Static Shock and Batman Beyond crossover episode, but we never see her.

IIRC, Wonder Woman was supposed to be part of the future Justice League in the Batman Beyond episode "The Call", but couldn't be used at the time because of an embargo that was placed on the character by the estate of Wondy's creator, William Moulton Marston, which stated that Wondy couldn't be used in a movie or TV show unless she was the star or one of the main characters, so the future JL got Big Barda instead.

There used to be a fan site called Super Buddies which featured amazing DCAU fan art; someone did a fan drawing of what Wonder Woman would look like in the Batman Beyond timeline. It looked really good.
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DCAU Historian
Jan 16, 2019
New Jersey
But what about one extra episode you dearly wish they had made in the DCAU, now that it's pretty much done and dusted for good?
OK, allowing myself a suggestion or two for each series (omitting The Zeta Project, since I never watched it):

BTAS: I think an episode with Black Mask would've been fun. I always though he would've fit in well with the other villains they used on the show, and I thought it was a shame they never used him. It also would've been cool to see Batman and Robin going up against the Royal Flush Gang, a version of the Walker family a generation or two prior to the version we saw on Batman Beyond.

STAS: I suppose the one I'd most want to see as an episode is the Mr. Miracle story Mark Evanier wrote that he later turned into an issue of Superman Adventures, where Superman keeps saving Scott Free as he's putting himself in life-threatening situations for his escape artist act. A red kryptonite story would've also been fun.

BB: This is a tough one, as I was fairly burned out on Batman Beyond by the end of the series. I suppose revisiting Derek Powers/Blight would've been a nice way to bring the show full circle, as he was just dropped after the initial 13 episodes.

JL: I guess the obvious choice would be the DCAU version of "Worlds Collide" that helped transition into the new format for Justice League Unlimited. It would've been pretty cool to see this story play out with the Justice League character designs and voice actors.

JLU: I'd like to see one of the characters they never got to use on the show be featured, so I suppose the Spectre, the Phantom Stranger, or the Blue Beetle would be my top three candidates.


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