R.I.P. Jason David Frank (1973-2022)


Active Member
May 1, 2012
According to his personal trainer via Facebook, Jason David Frank has passed away. Rumors are saying that he committed suicide.


If you know anything about Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, you know who this person is. I grew up watching him through his various incarnations as a Power Ranger and as a kid, I thought he was one of the most awesome TV characters ever.

I'm in disbelief that he is gone. Hug your loved ones if they need it. Rest in Peace.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Confirmation. Damn it.

I rag on Power Rangers all the time but knowing there would be occasional appearances by Tommy Oliver was the only reason I watched it. Frank was literally the only good thing on the show. Scratch that. Tommy was a GREAT thing.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I...I'm just shocked. Honestly and genuinely shocked. I can barely even process this coming so soon after Kevin Conroy's death.

Power Rangers was such a huge part of my childhood and shaping me as a person, watching season after season, but the saga of Tommy Oliver and his journey and how that impacted the history of the franchise always kept me engrossed and he was part of so many memorable moments of the franchise and seemed to love and care for the show and the fans so much.

RIP Tommy. RIP Jason David Frank.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
This is incredibly tragic news. I was shocked to see this thread's title when I checked the site this morning. I only vaguely remember watching the original Might Morphing Power Rangers seasons, but I do remember liking Tommy. He was the most popular character, but I think I remember thinking that he was cool. He was why I decided to watch the Dino Thunder season despite not really keeping up with the franchise by that point. I would catch reruns on ABC Family back in the day for the heck of it though. My only other memory from watching those early seasons was playing with a Megazord figure.

From what I've seen, Jason David Frank seemed pretty nice. He seemed to enjoy appearing on Power Rangers whenever he could and he enjoyed spending time with fans too. I watched a video where he talked about meeting up with fans just about a year ago. I remember reading that he had his own project in the works and there were rumors that maybe he wouldn't come back to Power Rangers after Hasbro bought the franchise, although I don't know if that was confirmed. He was so young, not even fifty yet, and he had children, which makes this even more tragic. The fact that multiple people who contributed to shows from my childhood have passed away this year really stings to put it lightly.

I hope that Jason David Frank is at peace and his family and friends will be okay.

Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
How the heck is this real? I hate this so much right now.

I always get a little miffed that I lost the autograph I got at a signing in Harlem as a kid, and now that is a forever irreplaceable memory. Tommy Oliver was like the Kobe Bryant franchise player of the Power Rangers and it really, really sucks to see him gone so soon. I would joke with a buddy about being a Jason guy or a Tommy guy and I usually side with being a Jason guy but of course, I loved Tommy. You can't love Power Rangers without loving Tommy. Just the other day, I was randomly discussing Sweet Valley High and remembered JDF's run as one of the twin's boyfriends. This is an inevitable part of life but he was still way too young for this to be reality right now.

He will be missed for sure.

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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Tragic deaths this month. I grew watching Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. Green Ranger. White Ranger. Loved both of those eras. I heard he kept making guest appearances over the decades but finally retired the role this year. Feel bad for his ex-wives and children. I think in some of the articles they mention his daughter just graduated high school. So saddening but it's even worse that he was going through so much on the inside leading up to this. RIP.
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Staff member
Jul 14, 2010
My hopes that this was a hoax became less and less likely throughout the day until it became very, very clear it wasn't a hoax at all.

Like many 90s kids, I thought he was just about the coolest guy I'd ever seen when he arrived on the scene. I'd like to say he inspired me to take up Martial Arts or something equally cool, but I wasn't cut out for that, but he did inspire me to start wearing green tank tops.

Not to make this all about me, but in 1994 I 7 years old and was in the last year of my first school, my best friend was a boy named Sam and my on screen hero was Tommy Oliver. By the end of 1995 I was attending a completely unrelated school with none of my previous schoolmates, and had (I'm pretty sure) stopped watching Power Rangers. I occasionally caught Power Rangers here and there throughout the years since (watched Dino Thunder on Netflix last year; pretty good!), and within a couple of years I lost contact with Sam. A couple of weeks ago I found out unbeknownst to me Sam died before he turned 30, and now this. So I'm now looking back on that era on my life with a sadness that may never truly fade.

But again, this isn't about me. R.I.P. Jason, and my thoughts are with your family, friends, and the colleagues and fans that worked alongside you or followed you over the past 30 years.


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