Rank Phase Four MOVIES In The Marvel Cinematic Universe (SPOILERS)

What Is Your Favorite Phase Four Movie?

  • Black Widow

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shang Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eternals

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Doctor Strange And The Multiverse Of Madness

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thor: Love And Thunder

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All of them are Equally Great

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
You know now that we have officially ended Phase Four at least in terms of film (in a week and a half Phase 4 will officially end with the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special) I think the time has come to look back and see exactly how good or how bad this phase turned out being. Now Phase 4 was always going to have a lot against it because this was the phase coming out after Infinity War/Endgame which to many felt like the perfect stopping point for the Marvel movies. The thing is that a lot of people forget how many special events and huge epic crossover stories the comics have done and they still come up with stuff for their heroes to do after. The movies have the advantage of being able to introduce new heroes and fully retire old ones while getting to introduce brand new elements most of the comics probably wouldn't regularly touch. And though yeah Phase 4 isn't my particular favorite, I still feel it's second only to the third Phase. I guess Phase 4 doesn't have an Avengers pleasing spectacle to end it like most others but even within film it still had a lot of positive qualities and IMHO no outright terrible film. Still not every film was a winner so I wanted to give my thoughts on the seven films in this project and talk about them and hope in turn those of you who read this will give yours as well. So with that said onto the list.

7. Eternals - I do feel this film gets a bit of a bum rap. I don't think it's the worst Marvel movie or heck even worst MCU movie (the first Thor I still feel is the most forgettable and bleh) and there some things that really work. Be it from some of the supporting characters to some of the pretty epic ending fights (especially everyone having to take on Ikaris) and admittedly the mid credit teases of Eros/Starfox and Pip the troll along with a vocal cameo of Blade are probably the coolest and best teases of new projects in this entire phase. However even if you can like me buy the reason we haven't heard of these guys in the last 3 phases... yeah this was a story with wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too many leading characters. The teams in previous movie worked because you were mostly introducing one main lead and like 4-5 leads around them so... at most there really should have been 6 Eternals and the tone shouldn't of tried going as much for the introspective nature of some of the early DCEU films. Or if it did focusing on more interesting character because wow is Sersei is easily the most boring lead in one of these films. People dunk on Carol Danvers but she's someone I'd much follow in a story then Sersei with how she's written here. Really is some members were dropped and the tone was more interesting I could see this idea really working but as is I get why people dislike it. Again I don't think it's as bad as others say but that doesn't mean it's really that good either.

6. Doctor Strange And The Multiverse Of Madness - This is probably the movie that fell the most for me upon thinking about it. I still don't feel it's bad and there are some things I do feel that propel it over the first Doctor Strange movie, that being this is much more it's own story not just doing some basic copy paste elements from Iron Man or other origin stories and much more embracing the mystical side of the MCU. I appreciate the looks into various worlds, there being some pretty cool fight scenes and I actually do quite like Strange's arc of realizing maybe he's not always the one with the answer and actually letting America Chavez try figuring out a solution when he can't and hers is to get Wanda to realize the kids she was so attached to trying to be with wouldn't be better off with her and Wanda ultimately sacrificing herself (I mean that's what she should have done there's talk of her coming back but I kind of thought that was the point of the ending but not talking much about that now) to end this threat. So again there are things that work but... man is this the movie I would want to back and totally change and alter a lot of scenes to have them flow better or make more sense. I mean first off this of all the movies is quite honestly supposed to be the one that feels like a continuation and climax of other elements introduced in phase 4 with WandaVision and Scarlet Witch's whole arc and What If and showing various alternate dimensions and how different things can be with one little twist but... that not being properly explored because the writer didn't bother actually watching and knowing about what properly happened in those other stories which sorry is kind of inexusable at this junction. Phase 3 especially in Infinity War and Endgame is a prime example of how knowing the elements of previous story function to have arcs with them in that particular movie worked is a good thing but here it feels like it's making things up whole cloth here which just don't work and yeah feels like a lot of wasted opportunity. Hell if you're getting back a major X-Men actor here for this story with Scarlet Witch as the villain, it SHOULD have been Ian McKellen's Magneto who in the Illumanti's dimension was actually the father of Wanda to actually touch on her arc and have her more directly say she could get over the loss of her parents and brother and even love but losing her kids was the line too far if you want to go that direction but yeah they don't. Also don't make any compelling connections to Supreme Strange despite evil Strange and the obsession with Christie Palmer being things here so yeah though not horrible certainly has issues that do hold it back.

5. Black Widow - You know a lot of people comment on how this movie came too late considering we only got it after Natasha died and kept asking "how come it wasn't in Phase 3" even though it couldn't be because Phase 3's iniital plans were still predicated on ideas argued with Ike Perlmutter and that's a whole other debate not worth getting into here but there is a reason why Black Widow could only come out now. Plus having seen the movie it's pretty clear this is a very apparent passing of the torch moment with the Black Widow we're going to follow in the MCU being Yelena. Who you know I have to say I was worried was going to be annoying based on the trailers but her chemistry here with Natasha and jokes and energy really sold me on the movie and you know I don't have problems with this being a smaller stakes kind of story. And yeah there is a big sort of climax at the end but it's a large climax for a Black Widow sort of movie and still overall fits within the narrative plus I have to say I do like the idea of Natasha having to gather her old spy family to help her with this case and how they all bounce off one another. There are some detractions though that net it as a lower spot. IMHO this is the movie with THE most obnoxious and constant Avengers references in the MCU. Like people complain about this in Iron man 2 or Ant Man how they keep name dropping the team but this one does it and it gets old since I shouldn't be reminded "hey Natasha knows these other characters she's been separated from who would be of great assistance in this caper." They also gave this a pretty pointless and middling ending that as we saw in a deleted scene could have been salvaged but wasn't for... whatever reason. And though I am more charitable about the reveal of Taskmaster then most since I do at least feel it fits THIS particular story it does remind me that there is a huge emotional connection level this movie really could of had if it focused a bit more on Taskmaster and her father to give them more presence instead of trying to build up a mystery. Seriously this isn't as bad as WandaVision but really these series should learn we will always care more for characters then hiding bits of lore. Still this does make a solid enjoyable movie and a fitting for now end of Natasha's tenure in the MCU.

4. Thor: Love And Thunder - You know if you look at the rotten tomatoes and general audience score this is actually considered the section worst of Phase 4 and many consider it the most disappointing movie because yeah no one knew what to make of how Eternals would come out, but people have seen and enjoyed a Taika Watiti Thor movie before, so why wouldn't they do so again? I admit this isn't as funny as Ragnarok and I can see where some people would see there being a tone problem. And yeah as willing as I am to forget about some magical mcguffin not being be all do all plot devices... what was stopping Thor from simply telling Gorr "hey why not use your one Eternity Wish to make sure you, your daughter and your people and hell all the people in the universe are alive and healthy" if this wish could of had the power to get rid of all the gods? But I still actually quite liked it. Honestly I think people are forgetting the reason that Thor is much more wacky and goofy here is that though he got back into more heroic shape and is trying to move forward he's also obviously still struggling with all the losses he suffered throughout Ragnarok/Infinity War and his new station in life and is trying to find himself again which will result in some rather off perspectives and I actually dig a fair amount of his jokes especially his desire to get back with Mjohonir much to the annoyance of Stormbreaker. And though it could have been done better they do a great job starting up Gorr's arc and showing how big a threat he is and you get with how callous a lot of gods of the marvel cinematic universe is. And quite honestly I actually quite like Jane's arc in this story. I mean a lot of people complain about it but... this is following the whole Mighty Thor story from the comics; Jane gets cancer and top notch medicine can't fix it so actually tries magic and becomes Thor but loses the ability to go on anymore anytime she's in a fight and ultimately makes the final sacrifice for the sake of what's right. They I feel play it seriously enough and show the struggle and though she tries making light of it is shown as deadly and again there are consequences but the theme of "we will loose things in life and it hurts but it's better to feel pain and not numb yourself from it and go on and make new connections is a good one" and Thor ending the movie with his new family I feel works and gives him a good arc here that compliment's Jane. Ragnarok is the better movie because it does have better jokes and better scenarios and bits but I still liked this one and feel it does get a bit too flagged on. Then again I also like Thor The Dark World so maybe even the even number Thor movies I don't have the hatred for most others do.

3. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - So yeah this is obviously the pick with the most recency bias considering I did just view it last week and haven't had as much time to let it sit but I think it makes sense to have placed so high. Sure it does take some time to get going and yeah it's not as amusing as some of the other movies (heck a fair amount of jokes in this movie don't really work. Like anything Riri says in T'Lokan is pretty cringe. Pointing out the cliche and still doing it isn't a joke Marvel stop it with that) but it makes up for that in scope and overall emotional weight. A lot of phase four are about characters grieving about losses and having difficulty coming to terms with their heartache and pain but I think this is the project that throughout the majority of the film captures it the best. It starts right up with how Shuri feels and that arc of her anger boiling yet still trying to find the right way forward which gets thrown out the window losing her only other link to her family with her mother and fully embracing vengeance until being reminded by her mother spirit what she believes in paralleling T'Challa's own arc from Civil War is great stuff. And you know some people criticize the first half too much for "not having a main character" but the point is that a lot of the cast feels lost and desperate and are vulnerable thus why Namor and his people are able to strike so viciously so I feel it fits really well. And yeah Namor really works as an antaognist. Is he as good as Killmonger? Not really (and Killmonger does have a great cameo here) but he's a different kind of character because Erik was just rage who trained to get a chance to be at the top whose plan was taking out his righetous fury on the rest of the world. Namor is actually someone who HAS a people and a family line and something to actually protect and actually having the government and CIA constantly after the vibranium shows why he is now desperately trying to make a move against Wakanda to not expose and subject his people to what happened to them and then tried shifting into an alliance at the end for the sake of further goals along the road. Just some very oslid stuff that even if it isn't the first movie still works well. Though yeah when it comes to being the best of it's series the only who really achieves that of MCU films in this phase would have to go to...

2. Spider-Man: No Way Home - Which is not only the best MCU Spider Man movie, but THE best Live Action Spider Man movie. Arguably to me in fact the only thing that keeps this from being better then Spider Man: Into The Spider Verse is the action in that movie did flow better and though I do appreciate the workaround reason as to why MCU Petey no longer has his social system anymore it does kind of feel annoying they found a reason for him and MJ not to be together but eh, there have been worse reasons... like even in the other movies. Which yeah I don't get the people who claim this is just a nostalgia trip banking on the other Spider Man movies acting like those previous series had better entries when they didn't. Since first off there's nothing actually WRONG with a nostalgia trip when actually implimented well. In fact Jurassic World Dominion and Ghostbusters Afterlife are example of those being used poorly not even having proper interactions and moments between the new and old casts that are worth experiencing. This movie has tons of them (though isn't just reliant on that) with all the various villains and having them properly used as antagonists but also feeling sympathy in their conditions which connects with how they were previously and yeah the other two Spider Man as Tobey and Andrew's take clash well with Tom Holland with a lot of heart but still a good amount of drama. Also this isn't a movie that's overly crowded or constantly switching out focus and themes on a dime but also always has enough going and isn't just rehashing what we've seen in other spider man movies. Honestly before this the best Live action Spider Man movie was Homecoming which had the fun with a bit of unique drama that felt in spirit with the character but this lays on more heart and weigh and honestly earns all of that because of how properly it's been built up. And this comes even from someone who wasn't the biggest fan of Far From Home but they made Mysterio's lasting revenge have much better payoff then I was expecting and just made for a fun time. Honestly besides personal hang ups (as I could have done with a ton more interaction with the Spdeys. Hell would of at least loved Tobey recognizing J.K Simmons's role on screen and saying something like "Man and I thought my Jonah was a pain" and Andrew going "yeah I only ever got texts from the guy and I could tell he's a jerk" or something like that) I guess it's sort of that downer ending that brings it down slightly to me and yeah that's the intent I know but it does cost it some points. Plus there's just another entry I like that perfectly fits in with the MCU and adds to it while at the same time totally being it's own unique new thing we haven't seen before which is of course...

1. Shang Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings - Yeah upon reflection I actually do like this movie more then No Way Home. Granted there are a couple of eh jokes in Shang Chi from time to time but... that's really the biggest complaint I have of it now thinking back on it as so much of it works. I really enjoy all the action scenes. Like a lot of people say "oh the bus one is the only really good one and from there they get projectively worse and less realistic" but this is a movie that opens up talking a warlord gaining immortality finding magic arm braclets that lead him to nearly conquering the world until finding this alternate dimension where he fell in love with the guardian protector and having a family with them; it's not trying to really be that realistic and grounded and embracing some of the most out right fanficful elements and it does those really well and you know I actually like the climax of Shang and his sister and Katy coming together to all take down that dragon with help of their family's dragon and find that really cool and you know I really like the characters introduced here as well. Unlike Eterenals this doesn't bother trying to feed a huge load of them on us and focuses mostly on a couple that are either really important or actually sprinkles some faces we've seen before. I LOVE that this is what Trevor's whole arc in Iron Man 3 and then that Marvel Short was building to when connecting him to the real mandarin of the MCU and hey the real Mandarin of the MCU is easily one of the MCU's best villains. IMHO this is actually Wanda's story from Multiverse of Madness actually done right; you have someone who already had awful intentions and malicious intent actually find love and redemption but thanks to losing that love becomes harsh and bitter once more and you have that harsh bitterness being dragged along by these outside forces but still keeping his own rationale without like being considered just going crazy or whatever. I also really dig too this movie is willing to go the extra layer by unlike some like Peter or T'Challa who are for the most part clean actually say 'oh Shang actually did take out that guy responsible for his mother's death and that left him hollow and desperate not to be a part of this family anymore" as a reason why he wouldn't go over the edge again. Plus this one ties into other elements so well and sets up a lot of stuff that could be elements in itself you'd really want to see that just yeah impressed me the most of anything this phase at least on the big screen.

So yeah those are my picks hope other people can give theirs.

Well those are all my opinions (or will be when I have more time to upload them) Please share yours below on ranking these phase 4 films.
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New Member
Nov 17, 2022
South-East Asia
Phase 4 has mostly been a dud for me. They just weren't stellar films for me for one reason or another (Monica calling Wanda's monstrous brainwashing of entire families a "sacrifice," Sam telling politicians to "do better" without offering any solutions nor understanding the complexities of the broken American political structure, just to name a few). The TV side's mediocrity has largely convinced me not to bother with the movie side, especially with what I've been hearing about them.

I've only seen Eternals, MOM and No Way Home, and ironically, Eternals was the only one I remotely liked. I felt that, conceptually at least, it tried to do something unique and the story did feel unique, the generation-spanning examinational at the worth of humanity from the eyes of god-like beings. For all its flaws, I liked what Chloé Zhao brought to the table (and okay, I might've been a little bit biased because she's a Chinese like me; it's nice to see an Asian filmmaker lend her voice).

No Way Home... oh boy, no. Once the hype wore off, I saw it for what it was: nostalgia-grab, with the seals in the audience clapping everytime a punchline came up. As a piece of entertainment, it works. As a story and a narrative, it's hollow. It's like one of those movies Vought from The Boys universe would come up with, along with all the checkboxes ticked off by a boardroom committee. Really didn't help that they mocked Dr. Octavius' name, which was such a childish thing to make fun of to begin with.

MOM... oof. I did really want to like it, as Raimi was behind it, and I'm an unapologetic Tobey-Spidey fanboy. But it felt just... kinda... okay. I loved the horror elements, what available ones there were, and I even liked Strange's storyline seeking happiness during the first-half of the film before it trailed off to "TO BE CONTINUED" with Charlize Theron's character. I don't know. Maybe by that point, I was just tired of the MCU, and I liked it enough. Hawkeye didn't even show up even though he was pretty close with Wanda on both occasions (Age of Ultron and Civil War). When Wanda went rogue because of her traumatic experiences with her children, someone who's practically a mentor to her didn't even show his face. It just feels like Wanda's storyline was kinda undercooked, which makes sense, considering MOM was supposed to be released before No Way Home, and I heard there were major rewrites and stuff. Yikes.

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
(Monica calling Wanda's monstrous brainwashing of entire families a "sacrifice," Sam telling politicians to "do better" without offering any solutions nor understanding the complexities of the broken American political structure, just to name a few).

*Sighs* Okay I don't want to be a jerk to the only person who so far has commented on my post especially when as shown later MegaJack isn't just repeating the same obnoxious rhetoric every online nitpicker usually does but... those above comments do and I honestly HATE how it seems perception has warped most people and believe they are bigger problems to the show, or heck they are EVEN problems when people forget the CONTEXT of those scenes. So allow me to point those out.

Monica wasn't saying that Wanda having to let go of her fictional family in WandaVision a "sacrifice" because she was trying to say "oh you were misunderstood" or "oh you actually did a good thing". Because Wanda even points out to her in her next line "no one else sees it that way" and Monica says "If I had your powers after I lost my mom I would have done the same thing too." She's EMPATHIZING with what Wanda doing knowing more of her mind state of why she would do such a thing and connecting with her (yeah another fail of the writers of Multiverse of Madness not knowing about WandaVision is not knowing about that when they have Maria Rambau in that movie. Hell what if Maria is the only one Wanda sparred of the Illuminati and just knocked her out because she knew a variant of her daughter and didn't want to hurt her which you know would have connected more with the ending of the movie. Seriously Infinity War benefited from knowing what happened in the other movies being able to reference stuff from Guardians 2, Thor Ragnarok Black Panther etc so this movie should as well... but that's going off topic for a rant) even though she knows as does Wanda what she did was wrong but also knows she can't stop her so at least is trying to be on good terms with her. Seriously why do people think having empathy for someone's trauma equals saying they totally forgive their actions and saying others should to?

Sam's speech in Falcon and the Winter Soldier gets twisted because though yeah he does say "do better" that isn't the only point of the speech. The point of the speech was to listen to both sides and try and compromise not just on what's more finanically benefical for one particular party but what does best for everyone especially if people are going to fight back over such decisions and pointing out he knows it will be difficult but it's a step worth doing and he is also painting a target over his back he knows people will have a hard time adjusting to as Captain America. Sam nor the show were solving the very compicated and social/economic issues of the WORLD in the speech just trying to make the first step of writing a better future and the fact everyone just thinks he's just saying "do better" without any context makes it seem like they were only paying attention to ONE line of that entire scene not the rest of it.

Again this is off topic especially since it's talking about the shows not movies but it's an issue that annoys me and I wanted to point out.

Really didn't help that they mocked Dr. Octavius' name, which was such a childish thing to make fun of to begin with.

Uh there was only ONE joke on Octavius's name really made... by the three CHILDREN characters in the movie. I mean Spider Man 2 made a joke about his name as well but no one said J. Jonah Jameson was making fun of Ocatvius by noting the irony of him becoming like an octopus. I guess Tobey MacGuire didn't make a joke about it but... his version of spider man even at the time was criticzed for not really making good or funny jokes in his film. You know Andrew Garfield would have joked the crap out of Dr. Ocotopus if given the chance.

Hawkeye didn't even show up even though he was pretty close with Wanda on both occasions (Age of Ultron and Civil War). When Wanda went rogue because of her traumatic experiences with her children, someone who's practically a mentor to her didn't even show his face.

I mean he wasn't told about it so it's not Clint's fault but that is a solid point though I think it makes sense Strange wouldn't do so at first not getting people's emotional needs really to a problem. He may be a doctor but he's a physical body and is so much about the bigger picture not getting the smaller details. What they really should have done though is having Strange realize America is the one who knows how to solve the problem not just trusting in himself to think of a solution is SHE should have gotten Clint and had him actually talk Wanda down considering he knows more what it's like to have a family and what one would do with them and also how to get over losing one's self in revenge and pain. I like the idea the film had to resolve Wanda but... again feels like that's a "writer isn't thinking of the overall MCU" for the problem when they really should have been.


New Member
Nov 17, 2022
South-East Asia
*Sighs* Okay I don't want to be a jerk to the only person who so far has commented on my post especially when as shown later MegaJack isn't just repeating the same obnoxious rhetoric every online nitpicker usually does but... those above comments do and I honestly HATE how it seems perception has warped most people and believe they are bigger problems to the show, or heck they are EVEN problems when people forget the CONTEXT of those scenes. So allow me to point those out.

Monica wasn't saying that Wanda having to let go of her fictional family in WandaVision a "sacrifice" because she was trying to say "oh you were misunderstood" or "oh you actually did a good thing". Because Wanda even points out to her in her next line "no one else sees it that way" and Monica says "If I had your powers after I lost my mom I would have done the same thing too." She's EMPATHIZING with what Wanda doing knowing more of her mind state of why she would do such a thing and connecting with her (yeah another fail of the writers of Multiverse of Madness not knowing about WandaVision is not knowing about that when they have Maria Rambau in that movie. Hell what if Maria is the only one Wanda sparred of the Illuminati and just knocked her out because she knew a variant of her daughter and didn't want to hurt her which you know would have connected more with the ending of the movie. Seriously Infinity War benefited from knowing what happened in the other movies being able to reference stuff from Guardians 2, Thor Ragnarok Black Panther etc so this movie should as well... but that's going off topic for a rant) even though she knows as does Wanda what she did was wrong but also knows she can't stop her so at least is trying to be on good terms with her. Seriously why do people think having empathy for someone's trauma equals saying they totally forgive their actions and saying others should to?

Sam's speech in Falcon and the Winter Soldier gets twisted because though yeah he does say "do better" that isn't the only point of the speech. The point of the speech was to listen to both sides and try and compromise not just on what's more finanically benefical for one particular party but what does best for everyone especially if people are going to fight back over such decisions and pointing out he knows it will be difficult but it's a step worth doing and he is also painting a target over his back he knows people will have a hard time adjusting to as Captain America. Sam nor the show were solving the very compicated and social/economic issues of the WORLD in the speech just trying to make the first step of writing a better future and the fact everyone just thinks he's just saying "do better" without any context makes it seem like they were only paying attention to ONE line of that entire scene not the rest of it.

Again this is off topic especially since it's talking about the shows not movies but it's an issue that annoys me and I wanted to point out.

Uh there was only ONE joke on Octavius's name really made... by the three CHILDREN characters in the movie. I mean Spider Man 2 made a joke about his name as well but no one said J. Jonah Jameson was making fun of Ocatvius by noting the irony of him becoming like an octopus. I guess Tobey MacGuire didn't make a joke about it but... his version of spider man even at the time was criticzed for not really making good or funny jokes in his film. You know Andrew Garfield would have joked the crap out of Dr. Ocotopus if given the chance.

I mean he wasn't told about it so it's not Clint's fault but that is a solid point though I think it makes sense Strange wouldn't do so at first not getting people's emotional needs really to a problem. He may be a doctor but he's a physical body and is so much about the bigger picture not getting the smaller details. What they really should have done though is having Strange realize America is the one who knows how to solve the problem not just trusting in himself to think of a solution is SHE should have gotten Clint and had him actually talk Wanda down considering he knows more what it's like to have a family and what one would do with them and also how to get over losing one's self in revenge and pain. I like the idea the film had to resolve Wanda but... again feels like that's a "writer isn't thinking of the overall MCU" for the problem when they really should have been.
Meh, I still stand by my sentiment. It's a good time to leave the MCU and superhero shows behind anyway since I'm getting tired of it.

Another gripe of this particular phase; conversations about the shows often led to political arguments of some sort, which I don't bother with since I hate politics. The only politics in Phase 1-3 was with Captain America when some of the lesser news outlets called his views in Winter Soldier and Civil War "un-American."


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