Secret of "Them" - Based upon King Diamond songs (R rated) A Secret Of NIMH crossover

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Active Member
Nov 13, 2002
Torring, Denmark

Auntie:Auntie Shrew

Brisby:Mrs. Brisby

Guest stars:

Jenny (Secret Of NIMH 2)

Lisa (Lapisch - The Little Shoemaker)

Rattigan (Mouse Detective)

A Broken Spell:
I stumbled out of Auntie's room,
down the stairs and out of the house
Once outside I felt My mind begin to
fight a battle for control

With the tea pot broken I kind of
That "THEIR" power was less here,
here on the outside

I fell to my knees in haziness
And I looked in through the window
to the cellar

Things were moving down there,
"THEY" were searching for something
And "THEY" really found it,
the big axe was flying

Flying out through the cellar door
Up the stairs to the kitchen...
Then I passed out

The next thing I remember seeing was
the smoke coming from the chimney
I soon realized the smoke I saw was
actually... Oh No!
All there was left of Trixie and her
dress, poor little mouse

The spell was broken, I really felt the
As my mind and body became one

The moon was alive with its silvery
Staring right into My evil heart

I went back to see if My Auntie'
was still there
Waiting for me in the attic... Oh I hate
that *****

Come Home:


"I knew it was You at the door, I saw
You from the window. Now come
inside My dear. It's good to see You
again, despite what You did to MY
throat. "THEY" are waiting upstairs.
Come. Trixie is there too. She's sitting
on Grandpa's lap. I bet You're dying for
a cup of tea."

Brisby's Getting Weaker:

In the moonlight
I see mice's searching for their souls
In the moonlight, can you hear them howling on the wind
Night after night, I see them passing by
They whisper in my ear, ³We know you are there²
I see no eyes, I guess they must be blind
Wish that I could lead them to a better world than mine
In the moonlight, not a bird is singing lullabyes
In the moonlight, I hear a church bell ring its evil song
Night after night, I see them passing by
They whisper in my ear, "We know you are there"
I see no eyes, I guess they must be blind
Wish that I could lead them to a better world than mine
In the moonlight... In the moonlight...
Night after night, I see them passing by
Wish that I could lead them to a better world than mine
In the moonlight
I see mice's searching for their souls
In the moonlight
I hear screams of pain from a thousand years ago
Raven spread your wings, lead the spirits to their home
Raven spread your wings, lead the spirits to their home
In the moonlight... In the moonlight...

Out From The Asylum:

Monday morning

The sun has risen, just above the trees
The birds are singing, it's just like a dream
What a perfect morning it...could have been
Jenner's in the kitchen, and that's sin
Eggs for three and a little tea
Mixed with the graveyard dirt...from yesterday

Anybody cating Jenner's "A la carte" today
Should be taken ill and... waste away

(Jenner thinking to himself:)
"You used to be so beautiful, but now you're gonna die
Die, die, both of you...are gonna die, die...die"

Jenner's walking up the stairs to the second floor
Silver tray in hand...knocking at the door

(Jenner thinking to himself:)
"You used to be so beautiful, but now you're gonna die
Die, die, both of you... are gonna die, die...die"

In a fever, sick as Hell
Justin's got a snake bite...and all is well
Jenner thinks to himself:

One down, two to go. "Oh MouseBrizid he's got the flu"

The problem is that Jenny's morning sick again
That pregnant mouseBrizid, always something wrong

You used to be so beautiful, but now you're gonna die
Die... Jenny die, Jenny die
Die, die... Jenny die, Jenny die

Phone Call:

"Hello, Tim."

"Who . . . who's this?"

"It's your Auntie Shrew."

". . . but . . .you're dead . . ."

"In a way, yes. Now listen . . . are you still there?"

"I . . . I'm still here, Auntie . . . yes . . ."

"Come to the old house tonight. There're quite a few people there who'd love to see you . . ."

"Stop it! *****! It's starting all over again . . . ."


On the following friday as I turned out
the light
Auntie' came and knocked at My
"Wake up Tim, wake up My dear
I am gonna show You about the house
of Amon"

It is time for tea, it is time again

"Even Mrs. Brisby is present
We made her sleep in My rocking
At first I felt really scared but there
was no reason to
As I saw the knife sneaking out from
Auntie Shrew's dress
Then it cut a tiny wound in My
Brisby's little paw

It is time for tea, it is time again

Blood was running into the tea pot,
then I heard "THEM" laugh
"A bit of this in a cup of tea, is what it
takes to set "THEM" free
You will hear "THEM" telling stories
from far beyond this earth"
What I saw and what I heard Brizde me
want to stay and learn

I really hope this dream will never
end, it's hard to describe the kind of
feeling that went on in My mind
A paradise

Hearing "THEIR" stories and feeling
"THEIR" warmth
We laughed with tears in our eyes
From the first cup of tea, to the last
drop of blood
Nothing seemed to Briztter at all
My Brisby? She didn't exist to me,
Oh I felt so heavenly

It is time for tea, it is time again

The Invisible Guest:

Late that night I awoke from My sleep
Hearing unknown voices laughing
Auntie' was one, Oh it's coming
from the room next to mine

It's Auntie' room . . . the invisible

As I stood there alone in the dark
Peeking through the keyhole, couldn't
believe My eyes
I'd never seen anything like it, only
Auntie' was inside the room

Speaking to no one . . . the invisible

Cups were rising in thin air and then
emptied on the floor
Suddenly the door was open and
Auntie' said
"Do come in My little friend"

Trixie and Brisby were sleeping
If they could see me in GrandBrisby's

Auntie Shrew said "look Me deep in
the eyes
You will forget what You saw here

"I will let You in on the secret of this
The secret of Amon . . . that's what we
call this house
Now I want you to go back to sleep,
now go back to sleep My dear"

The Invisible Guests:

Cups were rising in thin air and then
emptied on the floor
Suddenly the door was open and
Auntie' said
"Now you must go back to sleep"

"Go to sleep". . ."Go to sleep". . .
"Go to sleep". . .

Trixie and Brisby were sleeping
If they could see me in GrandBrisby's

Twillight Symphony:

To the morgue... Take him to the morgue
To the morgue... Take him to the morgue
At... Devil Lake... Sanitarium, Brizny a patient had died in vain
Never a question to be asked, no no, never a thing to explain
So they took his bones and skin to the morgue in the West Wing
It was clear... to Doctor Eggman
Sully had died of fright in the night
If he had cared he could have found the spider
Laying eggs in Sully' neck
The smoldering eyes... in Sully's head
Had become the home... of spiders instead
To the morgue ... Take him to the morgue
To the morgue ... Take him to the morgue
To the morgue... We must all go to the morgue
To the morgue ... We must all go to the morgue
Deep down ... below the ground
Where it was Tim of cold and damp
Too Brizny stiffs to be fit in the cooler
Gathering dust in the Hallways of Death
The smoldering eyes... in Sully's head
Had become the home... of spiders instead
Spiders here ... Spiders everywhere
Spiders feeding the dead to their young
Spiders here... Spiders everywhere
Spiders using the dead for their name
Spiders ... They¹re growing like rats from the plague
Spiders ... There¹s so many more everyday
Summer is coming to an end
And the cellar in the morgue is a nest now
One thousand poisonous creatures
Eight thousand poisonous legs
The smoldering eyes... in Sully's head
Had become the home... of spiders instead
To the morgue.. We must all go to the morgue...

Welcome Home:

Auntie' welcome home... You have
been gone for far too long
Is this a dream, are You really back?

Let me help You out of the chair...
Let me touch You, let me feel... Ahhh

Auntie' take a look
What do You think of the house and
the silvery moon?
We are going to repaint the front door

Let me help You out of the chair...
Let me touch You, let me feel... Ahhh

Wait till You see Your room up in the
Prepared just like You said, without a
You will find Your rocking chair and
the tea pot that Trixie found

Let me help You out of the chair...
There is someone waiting for You,
now come along

Trixie and Brisby, they are dying to
meet You
How strange... she's spoken no word...
I wonder Auntie'! Are You all right?

Auntie' what was it like to be on
that holiday site
"Oh it could have been worse but
with "THEM" by my side
In the twilight "THEY" sang all the old
Auntie' who are "THEY"... "never
mind You dirty little brat"

"Let us go inside, something's on
"THEIR" mind
"THEY" are still alive, can You feel
"THEIR" eyes
Can You feel "THEIR" eyes?
Now that You are stuck with me You
better be my friend.

Amon Belongs To "Them":

Today My Brisby will return to My house
And all the things I've done
I've done to Brizke her feel at home again

Oh . . . it's all part of an act
She can stay as long as I keep the pact

There's someone ringing at My front door bell
I see My Brisby there
Standing with the Brizn I wanna send to hell

Brisby: "Oh Tim, see who came along"

Briz, You don't understand
It's all part of the deal
There's no way I can let him inside
You see "AMON" belongs to "THEM"

Ages: "You go ahead and have a talk with the boy My dear"
You better bring this along
something might go wrong inside"

Come on Brisby let me show You the house
come on Brisby there's a lot to discuss

Brisby: "Oh Tim, please let him in"

Briz, You don't understand
It's all part of the deal
Ther's no way I can let him inside
You see "AMON" belongs to "THEM"

Now let Me tell You what I've seen in the house lately
I've seen Your daughter here
coming and going when the dark is near

You must never ever tell anyone what I've told
I have hear "THEM" singing too
Hey Brisby what's that for?

Oh I feel the needle piercing My skin
And I'm falling, Yes I'm falling down . .

At The Graves:

Trixie I miss You so. Oh little Lisa
I wish You'd come back to Me and sit by My side
We'd laugh and we'd play again, if only You'll try
You know "THEY" would show the way
From the other side
Rise from Your grave little Lisa

Rise . . . Rise . . . Rise My friends . . . Rise
Spirits rising from their grave
Burning shadows in the dead of night
Icy fingers all over My hand
Try tomake Me understand
"Finally we have returned . . . All of us"

Trixie is that You, come closer
Spirits rising from their grave
Everywhere that ghostly stare
Icy fingers all over My paw
Lead me back to where she stands
"THEY" are back to share My life . . . "THEY" are back

Trixie come, come with Me, there are things I must know
How did you get here, where's the door to the other side
Trixie: "Beyond the graves lies the gate
the gate that leads to the dead
We have to leave before the dawn
if not by the sun we will burn"

Spirits rising from their grave
soon the dawn will chase the dark away
Icy fingers all over My paw
Lead Me back to where "THEY" stand
Am I glad You have returned . . . All of you

Do You remember when Auntie Shrew said she heard "THEM" sing
I've heard "THEM" too and I really wish I could hear "THEM" again
Trixie: "In Your mind You'll hear "THEM" sing
every night at the graves
we have to leave before the dawn
if not by the sun we will burn
now sing"

Show Your powers onto Me

To whom it may concern:

I am scared to death. 9 years ago they finally let me out, and I
was just beginning to feel better. I am not Myself any longer.
I guess You could not even recognize My face if You saw Me now.
That phone call 2 hours ago has torn Me apart. It was Auntie.
She invited Me back to the old house. I do not want to go back,
but I must. Maybe You will understand My fear if I tell
You what happened during My childhood.
18 years ago I was living with My Brisby and
My sister Trixie in Auntie's old house. I had
been told that Auntie was away on a long vacation,
and that she would soon return. She did.
I have later found out that she was actually being released
from that same asylum. "She's insane", they said, when she
kept on babbling about "THEM". I still cannot Brizke up
My mind about who really did separate Grandpa's head
from his shoulders. You see, "THEY" were always so
nice to Me.
Anyway, time is short and I must leave for the old
house. So here is what happened 18 years ago. And
in case we never see each other again, at least You
will know why.
I bet we are going to have tea


Yesterday I spent an hour
A full hour in therapy
My favourite Mr. Ages

My God I hate his breath

He asked me questions
That kind of fool deserves a lie
I gave him answers
The kind of answers Ages like
Yes, I gave him a bunch of lies

I told him all My nightmares
Were dead and gone
"These days I sleep like a baby
and there never ever was a "THEM"

He asked me questions
That kind of fool deserves a lie
I gave him answers
The kind of answers Ages like

Ages he looked at My eyes
Ages: "No trace of insanity
Maybe the time is right now
to have a visit from the family
I'm thinking of Mrs. Brisby
what does My little patient say?"

I should have taken his stethoscope
and then forced it down his throat
My Brisby was at stake
So I behaved

That night I cleaned the entire house
For everything but the memories
No dust, no tea, ah stupid me
I even took the axe away
The sun is up and it's time for bed
I'm so tired
I can't wait no more

The Wedding Dream:

Mrs. Brisby is entering My dream now
She's wearing a wedding dress
Something's wrong with the way she walks the aisle
I think it's her legs

Suddenly there is someone else beside her
That man I recognize
And Doctor intends to marry Brisby
It's got to be stopped

Now what have I done
Mrs. Brisby is on the floor and the Doctors's gone
Everything is wrong
And as I keep the axe I wonder what's to come

I'm caught within a dream there's no way out
I can't escape
If only I could see the light of day
I might escape the dream
The wedding dream . . . Oh the dream

Now everything turns to darkness
Deep within I feel like I'm going blind
There is a light at the end of this starless nightBrizre
Someone's calling, guiding me back inside . . . The dream . . . No

Get away from him Brisby
You better stop kissing, 'cause he's an enemy
Take at look at his paw
He's got the key to my house, the Ages is the devil

I'm caught within a dream there's no way out
I can't escape
If only I could see the light of day
I might escape the dream
The wedding dream . . . Oh the dream

Dream . . . the wedding dream . . . Oh the dream

Now everything turns to darkness
Deep within I feel like I'm going blind
There is a light at the end of this starless nightBrizre
Someone's screaming: "Help me please" And it's Me

At sunrise I woke up in a sweat
The nightBrizre was gone
The dream I was sent is fading slowly
I do not understand


A little later in the day Brisby and the Doctor went away
They left me lying on the floor
Heading for local church, no a trace of guilt in their eyes
The reverend Rattigan, the venom of GOD himself
And so easy to convert

Conspiracy, I'm being victimized again

Knocking at the preacher's door
none of them were ever here before
Rattigan, GOD in his eyes, leads them into the silent room
Oh such a holy gloom

Ages: "Nicodemus, do You remember Tim, the loony one
the one who killed his Auntie' up on the hill?"
Nicodemus: "Yes I do"


Ages: "Now he's back, the loony one"

Talking to the preacher for a while
the Doctor turned him into a child
Rattigan, GOD in his eyes, swallowed everything the Doctor said
Oh in the gloom of the night

Nicodemus: "From what You tell Me we cannot save him
It could be Satan himself or some evil demon
Let us not waste any time, the demon might twist our minds
We must go and do what must be done"

Conspiracy, I am being victimized again . . . victimized

So they left the church, conspiracy of the cursed
Through the dark and the rain, the priest was mildly insane
A crucifix in his hand . . . Oh no . . .

Ages: "Soon the house belongs to us My dear
and Tim will be gone forever, isn't it just heaven?"
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Wonder why Nickelodeon still shows We Make Fun version 1 promo even though version 2 has been updated this year?
Almost forgot to listen to this before the day was up.
Viper wrote on Light Lucario's profile.
Happy 4th of July, Light Lucario. I really hope you get to enjoy the fireworks tonight. Have a wonderful evening.

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