Should they have Howard The Duck be in Spider-Man 3?

Feb 18, 2004
Socorro, New Mexico USA.
I was thinking for the next Spider-Man movie, Howard The Duck, Marvel Comics's underappreciated character should get a second and better movie starring chance than his 1986 movie and i think Spider-Man 3 or Spider-Man 4 should be the perfect place for him.

There should be a better more belivable plot for Howard's story than the last movie of his. It should be like this: it all started as him as a alien duck ( Feathers, Beak and Ducktale with Duckfeet but has silver alien spacesuit) who was cruising around the galaxy then lands on the moon for a place to rest and to explore, he sees a group of astronauts including Eddie Brock exploring the moon and drilling into it to bring some moon stuff for scientific research including some mysterious black goo in a jar they found in the ground. The duck accidently stows away on the rocket to Earth, on Earth when the rocket lands, the creature escapes to discover he is in a world he never made, exploring the allies of New York then being attacked by gangs, Spider-Man saves his life and Spidy is curious about the creature and offers him shelter. Peter Parker gives him a name and names him "Howard" after looking at a magazine article, he teaches him about the cultures of Earth, the foods, human words, languages, and sometimes on the streets he learns how to smoke cigars and drink beer just like he sees other people doing that stuff. He also gets better clothes than the old silver spacesuit and joins forces with Spider-Man to battle Venom.

If the new Punisher movie was an improvement over the Dolph Lundgren dud and if Fantastic Four next year will improve over the Roger Corman movie, maybe there should be a better second chance for Howard The Duck and making him more of a realistic water fowl like the kind you see at the ponds than a plastic-looking duck from the old movie plus he should be voiced by Bruce Campbell.

So how about Howard to star in Spider-Man 3 or 4?


Active Member
Aug 29, 2002
this ... really doesnt' warrant much of a thoughtful, insightful response.

sorry. but that's not going to happen, that howard the duck thing.

Shawn Hopkins

TZ Member of the Year 2013
Mar 13, 2002
Winner's Circle
No. I want Spider-Man 3 to be good.

And my objection is made considering I'm almost certainly a bigger Howard the Duck fan than you, because I would never consider screwing up his origin like that. Howard the Duck should be at least similar to the Steve Gerber comics or there's no point.

Also, why does everyone insist on having Venom in the movie. Unless they totally drop the Harry as Green Goblin stuff, that would make it a two villians movie like the last bat releases. And those sucked.


Oct 25, 2001
Ya great idea! And then in the end all the new york heroes can team up! The Ghostbusters, Ninja Turtles, Howard, and Spider-man will all fight the Power Rangers who are under the mind control of Cobra Commander!!:evil:

Eddie G.

Former Wolf/Writer.
Sep 1, 2003
I think it would really be cool if they had Howard on TV as a cartoon character. It would be a really cool refrence like the Dr. Strange refrence.


The Man Without Fear
Jul 13, 2002
Tampa, FL
ShawnHopkins said:
Unless they totally drop the Harry as Green Goblin stuff, that would make it a two villians movie like the last bat releases. And those sucked.
The reason the last Bat movie sucked was the poor plot and acting, among other things, not the amount of characters. The X-Men movies have even more characters than that and are 10 times better than even Batman '89, which only had one villain.

Donald Duck 12

Heaven Bound- Happy Easter!
Jul 14, 2004
Howard would be perfect in the Silver Surfer movie. SS could try to save his planet from Galactus or something and Howard ends up joining him. Just to make things interesting (as if it wouldn't be interesting already) I'd have the Watcher narorate (is that spelled right?) the whole thing.

Shawn Hopkins

TZ Member of the Year 2013
Mar 13, 2002
Winner's Circle
I didn't mean the last bat movie sucked. I meant the last two, and for the most part Batman Returns. And one of the major reasons the plots are so incomprehensible, and the movies unwatchable as anything but a collection of set pieces, is they try to cram two A storylines, two villians, into one movie. Is Batman and Robin about the tension Poison Ivy causes in the dynamic duo's relationship or the madness Mr. Freeze's grief causes? What the hell is Batman Forever about?

The first X-Men movie had one major villian with some minions, who are collectively the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. It didn't try to give equal screen time to every villian's motivations and backstories. The second one just developed this story further using the millitary angle and Weapon X.

Cramming a Venom (or other villian) origin and plot into a movie that still has Harry as Green Goblin stuff to clear up will only hurt Spider-Man 3, in my opinion. That doesn't mean there shouldn't be other villians, but in the interest of a focused story there should be just one major antagonist.


Iron Fan
May 4, 2004
Buffalo, NY
Besides, Venom can't show up until Peter and MJ are married. Leading up to it, with Brock's disgrace at the Bugle, it could be an amazing cinematic moment to recreate that scene where Mary Jane comes home to a darkened apartment and finds who she thinks is Peter sitting there. One of the great "chillers" of all time. I think that was McFarlane's first Spider-Man issue. Used to have it.

I'm not even going to dignify the Howard the Duck thing with a response. This is one thread that deserves to be hijacked by Venom in Spidey films debate. :)


The Man Without Fear
Jul 13, 2002
Tampa, FL
ShawnHopkins said:
I didn't mean the last bat movie sucked. I meant the last two, and for the most part Batman Returns. And one of the major reasons the plots are so incomprehensible, and the movies unwatchable as anything but a collection of set pieces, is they try to cram two A storylines, two villians, into one movie. Is Batman and Robin about the tension Poison Ivy causes in the dynamic duo's relationship or the madness Mr. Freeze's grief causes? What the hell is Batman Forever about?

The first X-Men movie had one major villian with some minions, who are collectively the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. It didn't try to give equal screen time to every villian's motivations and backstories. The second one just developed this story further using the millitary angle and Weapon X.

Cramming a Venom (or other villian) origin and plot into a movie that still has Harry as Green Goblin stuff to clear up will only hurt Spider-Man 3, in my opinion. That doesn't mean there shouldn't be other villians, but in the interest of a focused story there should be just one major antagonist.
Very true, although I actually think BR was good, as was BF, not great, but not bad. Although I'm not particularly for it, I do believe you can make a film work with 2 villains, but somebody has to be the main one or their stories have to be intertwined somehow, kinda like how Scarecrow and R'as Al Ghul will be in Batman Begins.
Even though Crane doesnt have an origin in it, he's still a major player in the film, who is involved indirectly with R'as, and in the end he is overshadowed by R'as.
But anyway, focus in Spidey 3 should be on Harry as the Green Goblin, with maybe the Lizard as a minor villain, and a big suprise at the end ala Spidey 2 where the seeds for Venom's story are laid out. Just my personal opinion.
Mar 12, 2004
Believe it or not, A Howard The Duck movie relaunch is being considered: Though not NEARLY the way you've described. The writer and director of Man-Thing has stated that if Man-Thing can get more films, he'd love to throw Howard in there. I believe he's going to do Jennifer or Korrek first, though.

I think a Howard film could be fantastic, as long as it was handled correctly: Make Howard CGI (and give him a MUCH better appearance: Steve Gerber suggested many ways around the Disney contract) and leave directing duties to someone known for humorous social commentary. I vote Trey Parker and Matt Stone.:D


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