Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends "The Vengeance of Loki" Talkback (Spoilers)

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@Cinecrisis on Twitter
May 7, 2002
HB Shows.com
Today, ABC Family airs the episode of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, "The Vengeance of Loki." This episode guest stars Thor and Loki.


Episode #10 - The Vengeance of Loki
Original Airdate - ?

The Spider-Friends team up with Thor to stop Thor's archenemy Loki and his latest plot.​



Active Member
Nov 17, 2002
Ah yes, THE MIGHTY THOR makes his appearance today.

BOFFO subplot between Iceman and Zantara. Loved Icey's reaction to being told he was gonna be stuck there for all eternity.

As mentioned, Thor is in this one, and he makes a good guest hero.

Another quality half-hour of power brought to us by the Spider-Friends. ****.


@Cinecrisis on Twitter
May 7, 2002
HB Shows.com
This episode was done very well in many ways. For example, Thor and Loki's voices were both excellent, Iceman got some spotlight in the episode, and the plot was actually interesting.

The only thing I didn't like about the episode was the fact that Spidey didn't get to say and do very much becuase he and Firestar were stuck in the Twins of the gods. Those vikings that Loki brought back from suspended animation were also wierd and I wasn't interested in their characters.

This series always got great voice actors for the heroes and the villains. Loki is a good example. His very first line in the episode was spoken very well, "I, Loki, steered the iceberg. I shall have my revenge on my half-brother, Thor, god of thunder." Frank Welker does an excellent job at voicing Iceman, maybe I just think that becuase he was Freddy on Scooby-Doo, but he did a really good job.

I also liked the beginning when the Spider-Friends were listening to the radio and they heard, "Wind chill factor zero. Come in, wind chill factor zero," and Firestar and Spidey couldn't figure out what it meant until awhile later.

Overall this episode featured very good voice acting, fight scences, guest characters, writing, and some good information on Loki and Thor.

Final Grade: A-


Aug 6, 2003
Kolbar said:
This episode was done very well in many ways. For example, Thor and Loki's voices were both excellent....
I watched this for the first time in a LONG time and felt like I was watching it with new eyes. Thor fans really should love this episode; it feels more like a Thor cartoon than a Spider-Friends cartoon. Like Kolbar said, the voices were truly top notch. I'm pretty amazed that they went into the mythology of the Norse Gods as much as they did. For an 80s cartoon, I wouldn't think the writer would have been given as much freedom.


Active Member
Apr 12, 2004
Well, that was certainly fun.

I have to agree with most of the comments so far: Thor's voice, the Norse mythology bits, Zerona, and I have to draw attention to Iceman's meeting with Surtur. I know almost nothing about him from an actual mythological point of view, but I could draw on my experience with him as the final boss of Castle of the Winds. And man, you do not mess with Surtur.

Unless, apparently, you're a huge, gorgeous ice woman.

Miyamoto Musashi

Law Enforcer
Nov 18, 2007
I also liked the beginning when the Spider-Friends were listening to the radio and they heard, "Wind chill factor zero. Come in, wind chill factor zero," and Firestar and Spidey couldn't figure out what it meant until awhile later.
This episode deserves high credits, the whole show actually desrves high credits (except "Mission: Save the Guardstar).
I admire the voices in this show and they sure are excellent.
It's really funny after Bobby responded to the message.
Peter: Bobby has a code name?
Miss Lion: Arrrrf?
Bobby: Goodbye Aunt May, we're heading for the "North Pole"
May Parker thinks the kids are just using high imagination.
I'm glad I have the whole episode with no deleted scenes.
Over all: 4.5 stars


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