Spiderman 67 and Marvel Superheroes 66 shows

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Nov 28, 2009
Winterville, NC 28590
This may not get much response but here I go anyway: Does any have music copies of the 1967-68 1st season or 2nd season "Spiderman" music scores: (Ray Ellis/Bob Patterson/Trevor Duncan: 1st season: Spiderman) or (KPM music library: second season)?

Does anyone have copies or captures of Trevor Duncan's music from the 1966 "Marvel Superheroes" Graytray-Lawrence animation out of Canada?

Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
I wish. There's one particular bit of music from Marvel Super heroes that i wish i could get my hands on . It would play in the background during very dramatic scenes.


Aug 13, 2009
spiderman 67

Interesting question. You can always pull the music from the existing program. The entire series is available in a multi CD Box Set. It has "some" remastered programs. The entire series is there and nothing else. They were going to do a documentary as well but as usual, the "powers that be" would not pay anyone for their time or participation. They did purchase some production stills but the doc never was completed.
E. Cowan

This may not get much response but here I go anyway: Does any have music copies of the 1967-68 1st season or 2nd season "Spiderman" music scores: (Ray Ellis/Bob Patterson/Trevor Duncan: 1st season: Spiderman) or (KPM music library: second season)?

Does anyone have copies or captures of Trevor Duncan's music from the 1966 "Marvel Superheroes" Graytray-Lawrence animation out of Canada?


Aug 6, 2003
They were going to do a documentary as well but as usual, the "powers that be" would not pay anyone for their time or participation.

Mark Evanier stated that they DID film interviews for a documentary but they wanted to release the DVD set in time for Spider-Man 2 so they ran out of time and did not finish it. One can assume that was the same reason some episodes were not remastered.


Aug 13, 2009
Box Set

They did a couple of Interviews, however, the principles who they wanted to Interview would not participate without "some" compensation. The producers would not pay anything, not even transport to the location. I believe their response to compensation was,"wouldn't your grandchildren like to see you on TV?" That being said, the Doc was scrapped because they didn't have material. The producers just didn't "get it". How do I know? Because I was one of those who said no.

E. Cowan

Mark Evanier stated that they DID film interviews for a documentary but they wanted to release the DVD set in time for Spider-Man 2 so they ran out of time and did not finish it. One can assume that was the same reason some episodes were not remastered.


Aug 6, 2003
They did a couple of Interviews, however, the principles who they wanted to Interview would not participate without "some" compensation. The producers would not pay anything, not even transport to the location. I believe their response to compensation was,"wouldn't your grandchildren like to see you on TV?" That being said, the Doc was scrapped because they didn't have material. The producers just didn't "get it". How do I know? Because I was one of those who said no.

Oh, I think the producers "get it". How many extra copies of the DVD set do you think the interviews would have sold? Very few, I'd wager. Heck, I'd wager less than a few hundred copies. So ANY cost they spend on interviews and the documentary are lost dollars. They were producing the documentary (i.e., spending lost money on it) out of respect for the material. IF they started paying people for interviews, they'd be losing even more money.

Frankly from Mark Evanier's statement, I think the documentary had to be scrapped because they ran out of time. They already had interviewed Stan Lee for it and he would have been their biggest draw from a sales standpoint. They could have had used that footage and made a small feature/documentary with just him. (They've done it before on other releases.) To decide not to use footage of Stan Lee means, to me, that they ran out of time to get it done.


Aug 13, 2009
Actually, you're wrong. They had Interviews set-up, they had done a couple already. They would not pay so they could not get the principles to come to the location. Because of these and other reason, the Doc. wasn't completed and used. How do i know....for several reasons - eg.
1: I was one of them
2: I sold them some images that they were going to use
3: I was in contact with the producers and heard the reasons

As far as lost money. Please! Any true fan of something would like to see and hear from those who made it happen. It would have added great value to the box set. When you can watch something everyday on TV you need some incentive to buy the DVD. A documentary included would be one such thing. Also, in the case of Spider-Man 67 series, they have made a fortune on it over the years and have not had to pay a cent in residuals. Truth be told...they just did not want to pay.

E. Cowan

Oh, I think the producers "get it". How many extra copies of the DVD set do you think the interviews would have sold? Very few, I'd wager. Heck, I'd wager less than a few hundred copies. So ANY cost they spend on interviews and the documentary are lost dollars. They were producing the documentary (i.e., spending lost money on it) out of respect for the material. IF they started paying people for interviews, they'd be losing even more money.

Frankly from Mark Evanier's statement, I think the documentary had to be scrapped because they ran out of time. They already had interviewed Stan Lee for it and he would have been their biggest draw from a sales standpoint. They could have had used that footage and made a small feature/documentary with just him. (They've done it before on other releases.) To decide not to use footage of Stan Lee means, to me, that they ran out of time to get it done.


Aug 6, 2003
You didn't answer my question: How many extra copies of the DVD set do you think the interviews would have sold?


Aug 13, 2009
I have no idea exact numbers, however, I can assure you, they would have sold many many more box sets than they did and they would have more than recouped their investment. They could have included, interviews, photographs of the sessions, "working" scripts, lost audio etc. Don't tell me that would not have been of interest. Why do you think they add 5hrs of features on Movie DVD's, because that's how they sell....some insight for the viewer.

You didn't answer my question: How many extra copies of the DVD set do you think the interviews would have sold?


Aug 6, 2003
I have no idea exact numbers, however, I can assure you, they would have sold many many more box sets than they did and they would have more than recouped their investment.

That is naive. You are welcome to go to TVSHOWSONDVD.COM and read about how all of the various DVD sets can not make money off of special features. They do not add enough sales incentive to the purchase to justify their cost. Look at the DVD sets for The Mary Tyler Moore Show (which is a much more logical comparison for the 67 Spider-Man cartoon than it was to compare it to new movie releases). The first set of The Mary Tyler Moore Show lost a TON of money because they spent so much on the special features. The show's DVD releases were cancelled because of it. And only because Oprah Winfrey had an entire episode devoted to the show did the studio finally decide to start releasing it again...this time without special features. It is common place now for DVD releases of older TV shows to NOT have special features because they aren't worth the expense. I challenge you to find a DVD set released within the last couple of years that had a TV show of 30 years or older with special features that were made for it. Special Features for older TV show releases aren't happening much anymore, if at all, because their is no sales incentive for it.
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Aug 13, 2009
Sorry, you are naive. How naive will take too long to explain however, one point I will make is this. In the Mary Tyler Moore scenario you have used, ALL of the principles are being PAID residuals for their performances in the programs in the sales, rentals etc of that DVD Box Set already. The producers have a cost to the actors in that Box Set which is also considered. That set HAS to sell as to not loose money.They are getting paid for the reruns of the program all over the world too. In the Spider-Man scenario, NONE of the principles are getting a nickle for their performances in the episodes that are in the Box Set nor in reruns of the program which air daily around the world. In this case the costs don't compare and to ask these performers to participate in a Doc which would be used to enhance sales of something to which they are getting NOTHING for, is also insulting. In today's world, performer contracts INCLUDE participation in "behind the scene's" Doc which are being produced while the productions are being created to be used later in the DVD's.

Shall I go on....

That is naive. You are welcome to go to TVSHOWSONDVD.COM and read about how all of the various DVD sets can not make money off of special features. They do not add enough sales incentive to the purchase to justify their cost. Look at the DVD sets for The Mary Tyler Moore Show (which is a much more logical comparison for the 67 Spider-Man cartoon than it was to compare it to new movie releases). The first set of The Mary Tyler Moore Show lost a TON of money because they spent so much on the special features. The show's DVD releases were cancelled because of it. And only because Oprah Winfrey had an entire episode devoted to the show did the studio finally decide to start releasing it again...this time without special features. It is common place now for DVD releases of older TV shows to NOT have special features because they aren't worth the expense. I challenge you to find a DVD set released within the last couple of years that had a TV show of 30 years or older with special features that were made for it. Special Features for TV show releases aren't happening much anymore, if at all, because their is no sales incentive for it.


Aug 13, 2009
Obviously you have no idea what I am talking about, so having said that...enjoy, and make sure you're home when the street lights come on.

Yes. Find one comparable DVD release of a TV cartoon that is 30 years old or older with special features that has been released in the past two years.

Zorak Masaki

Well-Known Member
May 6, 2002
Yes. Find one comparable DVD release of a TV cartoon that is 30 years old or older with special features that has been released in the past two years.

All New Super Friends hour had 3 documentaries total made for both releases. And while we're at it, how about the saturday morning cartoon sets and their documentaries? I dont think getting interviews with people like Jerry Beck comes cheap.

James Harvey

The World's Finest
Staff member
Apr 23, 2001
Obviously you have no idea what I am talking about, so having said that...enjoy, and make sure you're home when the street lights come on.

And with that unnecessary and disrespectful comment, another thread comes to a close. When this topic can be discussed in a civilized and proper manner, it can be reopened. Until that time, this thread is closed.
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