"Star Wars Visions" Season Two Talkback (Spoilers)

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Star Wars Visions "Sith"

The animation is gorgeous. Admittedly, Lola looks a little too Uncanny Valley, but the animation on the backgrounds and objects is eye-popping and dazzling.

I am a sucker for any Star Wars story where characters decide to choose their own destinies. Those stories are few and far between.

I like that she's an artist. That's a believable reason to want to give the Sith life up. I also love that the little robot has more firepower than we expected (and we are all relieved she managed to repair him at the end too).

Very cool. ****.

Star Wars Visions "Screecher's Reach"

For a short starring kids, that was a shockingly bleak ending.

The cartoony character designs were nice, but it's really amazing how fluid the animation is. You don't ever really see animation that great with those kinds of designs anymore.

I loved the little kids repeatedly saying "arse" in an Irish accent too.

Major props must go to the fact that the design of Screecher is genuinely scary. It is VERY hard to nail a design that is frightening all by itself. Scorpius from Farscape qualified, but that's the only one off the top of my head. The great animation DID do some heavy lifting as well, but so did Wayne Pygram, so the comparison is still apt.

Really shockingly hopeless short. ***.

Star Wars Visions "In The Stars"

I can't decide if that was stop-motion or CGI simulated stop-motion like The Lego Movie. I'm leaning towards the second thing because I don't think TRUE stop-motion ever looks that good.

This short is a good reminder of all of the wanton misery and destruction the Empire inflicted on innocent worlds incapable of fighting back. I think we always think of the Empire only as the bad guys who took out the Jedi but in reality, they made every part of the galaxy worse.

The little kid was TOO precocious. Which is another word for annoying.

Still, that was a visual feast. Trying to figure out if it was real or not. The credits didn't say for sure either way. ***1/2.

Star Wars Visions "I Am Your Mother"

Aardman does Star Wars? HELL. YES.

This IS stop-motion and believably so because it's not TOO amazing. And I love that the humans have the Aardman teeth.

The episode title is a gas too.

The best part of this show is the variations in tone. A goofy family comedy plays equally well as some of the more horrific stuff.

SO great. *****.

Star Wars Visions "Journey To The Dark Head"

I am not what you would call a big Anime Guy. But whenever I DO see it, I can totally get the appeal.

The story wasn't such of a much, but oooh, pretty! ***.

Star Wars Visions "The Spy Dancer"

Even for a series with NOTHING but great animation, that was bananas. The dance sequences alone need to be seen to be believed.

I liked the short going for the Big Drama and Big Hurt by making the Imperial the Spy Dancer's kidnapped son. And by the end even he doesn't know what to think. Things seem so up in the air (and we'll never see the resolution) but I still found that a bit of a hopeful note to go out on.

One last thing: the dialogue in the short is very believable and naturalistic. This is usually a problem for Star Wars, so when stuff like this and Andor have realistic sounding characters, I take notice and approve.

Pretty great. ****.

Star Wars Visions "The Bandits Of Golak"

Weirdly I didn't much care for the animation in this one. Like "Sith" the humans look too Uncanny Valley. Unlike "Sith" the rest of the visuals aren't beautiful enough to make me forgive that.

The action sequences are exciting enough I suppose (although I object to the techno beat in the background of the light saber duel) and the script is pretty good. Best of all the soft-spoken blue dude is obviously the same species as Thrawn. The character animation in the short was subpar. Except for him. The evil expressions on his face were quite excellent.

All right, but didn't exactly set the canon on-fire. ***.

Star Wars Visions "The Pit"

I thought the end was too sad and the "Follow The Light" thing more cringe than inspiring.

But still, this episode is a good reminder, that despite the fact that Andor saw fit to muddy the political waters, the truth is the Empire has no redeeming qualities. I have always argued that the reason the Republic fell in the first place is because it DESERVED to fall. Centuries of cronyism and corruption made a Separatist Movement necessary. When someone as completely unqualified as Jar-Jar Binks is gifted a Senate seat for being friends with Padme Amidala you know the corruption is thick and the organization NEEDS to be burned from the ground up. What's amazing here is all of the good will the Empire could have potentially gained from the wider galaxy at large for cleaning up that corruption immediately went into the crapper, and they instantly became far more corrupt and evil than the Republic ever was on its worst day. It's took centuries for people having enough of the Jedis crap. The Empire made creating a Rebellion to topple it a necessity in pretty much record time.

I liked how the animation LOOKED. But I didn't much like how it animated. It was choppy, which is a choice in anime styles, but I've never dug it.

The tag with the graffiti was nice though. No lie.

So-so. **1/2.

Star Wars Visions "Aau's Song"

More stop-motion, I think real, dealing with puppets instead of clay figures, like the old Rankin Bass specials. The plush characters are especially cute and appealing.

The story is quiet, slight, and more than a little boring. Also Aau's father always trying to get her to stop singing was annoying because I saw the ending coming a mile away.

I liked the music in the short very much. Just for the record.

It was cute but nothing special. ***.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

I also loved the animation style on this one and all the use of colors to convey the emotion of the scenes. I believe this one was from Spain. Got pretty surreal at times but I loved the premise of an ex-Sith apprentice using the Force to create art instead of destroying and conquering life. Helps to have a cute droid and cool vehicle to win my vote, lol. Idk what to call it, a motorbike ring. So neat of a design. But of course a Force user can't hide in isolation for long and the past always catches up.

But don't underestimate the cute droid. It was packing, too! Oh ho, made a yellow lightsaber. Compelling that she chose be the master of her own destiny rather than accept fate and become a Sith lord. Oh, snap, it was a double bladed hilt!

"Screecher's Reach"

The work prison on Andor was bleak, but this one takes to another level of bleak because it's children. Yet, despite that, the cast here still are children and wide-eyed, innocents.

Makes sense with this being from Ireland to base the "ghost" on a bit of a Banshee and a Caillech but because it's Star Wars, turns out she's a Sith. And the cave, feels like they took it up a notch from Sith locations we've seen like the place on Dagobah and made it a bit more terrifying.

What a sinister reveal Daal wasn't a future Jedi but actually a Sith, killed the hag with her own saber, and left her friends behind to become an apprentice to a Sith lord. All for "a better life." Wild. Heart breaking.

"In the Stars"

The stop-motion-styled 3D digital animation was pretty slick. As for the story itself, a bleak but necessary spotlight on how the Empire laid waste to countless planets, ecosystems, native species, and families, even wiping out whole species and peoples, and of course you want to root for the natives to rebel and score a win against impossible odds. This one being animated by a studio from Chile has even more resonance as it, too, has a dark past ravaged by colonialism. Dug that this was neither Jedi nor Sith but the sisters and mother and maybe the whole tribe were Force sensitives and interpreted it their own way i.e. those that passed become stars and always watch over them.

"I Am Your Mother"

Ok, the Aardman one. heh heh. That age old chestnut of the child embarrassed by their parent (and social status) only to learn how cool they are and embrace their identity.

lol, they got in some Wookie humor with the baby one and the doll.

The weapon based on a Death Star, omg.

Well-time airbag deployment. :D

"Journey to the Dark Head"

Always intrigued with other groups of Force users being featured. And this one's function is simply to observe and record. And of course, the young member thinks they should be more proactive.

Loved that it was also about the Jedi Tolu and his journey, remaining a Jedi or being corrupted by the Dark Side.

And a natural tie to the Force, there's always going to be a balance of light and dark but the bleak part is that means there will always be war between the times of peace. But the next generation will have the potential to accomplish more, so hope prevails.

Of course, anime. Made by South Korea's Studio Mir which some DC animation fans will recognize are a staple used to animate the more recent DTVs and series, including My Adventures with Superman.

"The Spy Dancer"

A spotlight on the oppressed who have to cater to the enemy. Very much reminded me of the French during World War II and the underground - most likely that's intent as this was a French studio.

"The Bandits Of Golak"

Girl was annoying. This short didn't really do anything for me. Only part that piqued my interested was when it turned out Rugal was a Jedi in hiding. Still a strong season but there always a dud in the bunch.

"The Pit"

Another look at the brutality of the Empire and its exploitation of people as slave labor and then tossing them aside like trash when their usefulness is over. As well as broken people, those that are too afraid to fight back and turn a deaf ear to the plight of those in need. Another bleak layer to the story is, there's no ex-Jedi to help them - one of probably countless places under the Empire's thumb that were on their own. And thankfully, there are a good people out there. A bit preachy but dug the ending with the girl turning out to be a Force sensitive tilted towards Jedi.

"Aau's Song"

I like the idea of exploring other abilities of the Force, and the one in this short was through song was pretty interesting. Moreso that Aau could use it to purify kyber.

Overall, an interesting recurring theme for this season of the next generation choosing their path in life. Bit of a shocker some chose the Dark Side though. But a relief, the majority chose the Light and many fought back against evil.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
"I Am Your Mother" won a Venice TV Award for Best Animation.

"Screecher’s Reach" won an Emmy for Outstanding Production Design.

Annie Awards nominations were announced.

Star Wars: Visions “Sith” – Production Company: Lucasfilm Ltd. – FX Production Company: El Guiri Studios — Jonatan Catalán, Alberto Sánchez, Phoebe Arjona, Virginia Cantaro, Rubén Hinarejos

Star Wars: Visions “I Am Your Mother” – Lucasfilm Ltd. — Laurie Sitzia

Star Wars: Visions “Screecher’s Reach” – Lucasfilm Ltd. — Paul Young

Star Wars: Visions “Aau’s Song” – Lucasfilm Ltd. — Markus Wormstorm, Nadia Darries, Dineo du Toit

Star Wars: Visions “Sith” – Lucasfilm Ltd. — Carlos Salgado

Star Wars: Visions “Screecher’s Reach” – Lucasfilm Ltd. ○ Richie Cody, ACE, BFE

Won only 2 Annie Awards, for Best Direction and for Best Music.
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