"Swamp Thing (DC Universe)" Season One Talkback (Spoilers)

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Jul 13, 2003
Use this thread to discuss the 1st season of Swamp Thing now available on the DC Universe streaming platform!


SWAMP THING follows Abby Arcane as she investigates what seems to be a deadly swamp-born virus in a small town in Louisiana but soon discovers that the swamp holds mystical and terrifying secrets. When unexplainable and chilling horrors emerge from the murky marsh, no one is safe.

Episode 1 "Pilot"
Debut - May 31st, 2019 - New episodes debut every Friday on DC Universe

Synopsis: Something unnatural is happening in the swamps outside Marais, Louisiana. When a mysterious illness strikes the town, CDC investigator (and former Marais native) Abby Arcane is sent to investigate.

Starring: Crystal Reed, Virginia Madsen, Andy Bean, Henderson Wade, Derek Mears, Maria Sten, Jeryl Prescott, Ian Ziering, with Jennifer Beals and Will Patton, with Special Appearance by Kevin Durand


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1972 comic book series

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Yes, have some.
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Jul 13, 2003

Episode 2 "Worlds Apart"
Certain that Alec's disappearance is more than an accident, Abby and Matt venture into the swamp, where she encounters Swamp Thing. Scientist Jason Woodrue comes to Marais.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Swanp Thing "Pilot"

Wow, what an amazing ending. The rest of the episode was a bit drab but that climax was a knock-out.

The special effects are SO good. They must have cost a mint. Probably why the show was canceled.

Always good to see Tim Russ getting work.

I'm excited for what happens next. ****.

Swamp Thing "Worlds Apart"

That was superb. I love the horror motifs and the spooky visuals of the swamp. But what really sets this series apart is the quirky moments with the human characters such as with Woodrue and the Japanese tree. And the idea that the guy swings his golf clubs in the swamp in his backyard says a lot too.

Virginia Madsen (still quite attractive in case you were wondering) sleeping with her daughter's decaying corpse says exactly how damaged these characters are under the surface, and how desperate they are to have their wishes come out right. That many of their wishes are ghoulish is something that is going to make great drama in the weeks ahead.

This series shows great promise, so of course DC Universe immediately canceled it while greenlighting a second season for that abortion Titans. That's about DC's speed about cancellations. ****1/2.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

Episode 3 "He Speaks"
When her friend and co-worker is stricken with the green flu, Abby searches Alec’s lab for a cure, but instead finds the latest supernatural reanimation from the Rot.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Swamp Thing "He Speaks"

Jennifer Beals looks far too young to be the deputy's mother. She probably isn't, but Beals as an actress looks far younger than her age of 55. She could pass for someone in their early thirties.

Jason Woodrue is creeping me out right off the bat.

Love the Virginia Madsen Candyman callback.

It amazes me how effective the Swamp Thing make-up is. It's hard to believe it's practical. That being said the actual visual effects are amazing too. I can see where the huge budget went.

This was a cool episode. ****.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2002
Troy NY
Commenting on the first two episodes:

I like how they've updated the story into the here & now. Abby's a researcher for the CDC, which is pretty cool, so don't expect her to be a damsel in distress all that much.

I get that Alan Moore, who gave Swampy his elemental powers in the 80's, wants nothing to do with DC anymore, so he misses out on being credited for his contributions. His loss. Adding mental telepathy? I don't know if that was also Moore, or if Verheiden did that.

Oh, and that scene where Munson was impaled & quartered? Until a friend mentioned it, I didn't know Moore did stuff like that. I do remember Michael Fleischer's Spectre in the 70's specialized in bizarre death scenes.

Tim Russ hadn't been seen much since Voyager ended. I'd be interested in seeing him return.

Rating: A.

Road to Gotham

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2003
Commenting on the first two episodes:

Adding mental telepathy? I don't know if that was also Moore, or if Verheiden did that.

Rating: A.

Martin Pasko wrote a SWAMP THING story in which a girl name name KAREN was mentally linked to Swampy.
Starts in SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING #1 and runs to #13.

I have liked all the episodes so far. Lots of atmosphere.
Very good effects. Swampy himself is well render.
And the plots are interesting.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2002
Troy NY
I remember having read that story arc. Stopped getting the book right at the time Moore took over, since I didn't think there was anything wrong with Pasko, who was a great writer in his own right, better known mostly for Superman, and some TV work.

Karen ended up turning on Swampy toward the end, winding up changing, getting a bug's head replacing her own. There was a link, but I was thinking in terms of Swampy controlling plant life the same way Aquaman commands marine life.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

Episode 4 "Darkness on the Edge of Town"
While Swamp Thing senses a growing darkness within the swamp, Abby’s return dredges up her dark history with the Sunderlands. We learn more about the mysterious Dan Cassidy.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Swamp Thing "Darkness On The Edge Of Town"

I can't believe Abby went to Woodrue for help. Every word out of that guy's mouth is the definition of a red flag.

That scene with the garbage disposal was gruesome.

Avery is a scumbag to use Susie to squeeze money out of Maria. I hate him.

I'm a little surprised food poisoning is used as an acceptable excuse for the sheriff leveling her gun at a roomful of people. Granted, it wasn't actually her fault, but in reality, she'd be fired no matter the reason. After all, the witnesses and potential victims she threatened were probably all rich and connected.

Interested to see where the stuff with Blue Devil is going.

I liked the episode. ****.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

Episode 5 "Drive All Night"
While Swamp Thing struggles to come to terms with his transformation with the help of a Phantom Stranger, Jason Woodrue shares a revelation with Avery Sunderland.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2010
Lackawanna, NY
At first I thought that this episode's 'Phantom Stranger' was Mark Sheppard's Willoughby Kipling transplanted from Doom Patrol (which made a certain amount of sense, since he is a substitute for John Constantine). However, I see that I was wrong and this is a different actor and presumably a new character--perhaps the actual Phantom Stranger.

The show is taking a darker turn with Sheriff Cable than I expected. I did think that she would be smarter than to commit murder with her own service weapon. I guess that she'll claim self-defense. She might even pass a polygraph test to that effect given that Remy drew on her first.
Last edited:

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Swamp Thing "Drive All Night"

Sigh. This series is the last thing I wanted it to be. It's ten episodes long, canceled, and addictive. We're boned.

I feel very strange starting off this review talking about a woman's bare body and judging it. But it DOES amaze me that Jennifer Beals is 55 years old. I don't know what her secret is. But she looks absolutely amazing and gorgeous, which blows my mind.

I like the Phantom Stranger and I dig him. Especially because he isn't afraid of Holland. He’s very chill.

The sheriff being dirty was sort of a shock in the sense that I wouldn't have predicted that before this episode. But seeing her in bed with Avery, and how that scene with the blackmailer was shot, I knew the end of the scene before he did. I am shocked she called it in. The police in that town must suck if she believes that she can fool them after such a completely spur of the moment murder.

Blue Devil stuff is getting interesting too. And he's dead. And we're boned.

For the record, I will NEVER eat turtle soup after seeing that. The idea never appealed to me before but now I think it makes me want to ralph.

What do I think of Abby's flashback? I think that had Shawna died when she hit the water, then Abby would have definitely been at fault. Since it happened afterwards, she bears no responsibility. It kills me she's taking it anyways. It's a burden she shouldn't have to carry and actually owes no debt to Maria whatsoever.

I realize Woodrue is played by Kevin Durand. And even with his name in the credits, I didn't recognize him. Durand is a huge guy who played the thug Keemy on Lost, and was cast as the Blob in one of the X-Men movies. And yet, I don't find Woodrue noticeably large. He seems quiet, and mousy, and thin, and sort of, well small. It's an interesting performance that a big guy can make he think he is much less big than he actually is. Durand has always been an interesting performer in my book, muscles or not. Woodrue just shows he has range.

This show is breaking my heart week by week. I'd actually prefer it if it sucked. Less predictable heartbreak coming. As I said, we're boned. ****.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

Episode 6 "The Price You Pay"
While Swamp Thing finds a new way to communicate with Abby, Matt learns the truth about Alec Holland and Avery pressures Woodrue to deliver results.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Swamp Thing “The Price You Pay”

Honestly? Not my favorite episode. The last moment was quite excellent but the rest of the episode involved both Woodrue and Avery spiraling out of control. Because I dislike both characters, this episode was not enjoyable at all. And honestly? I think most television SHOULD be enjoyable. And I enjoyed the past few weeks. Not this one.

It seems to me both Lucilia and Matt are dirty and crooked because each now has no choice. What's interesting about Matt being angry at her disgust is him pointing out she's actually sleeping with the creep who is blackmailing him. And it is to Lucilia's eternal damnation in my mind that she moves to slap him instead of apologizing like a halfway decent person and mother would do. Maybe him saying that was harsh and tactless. But not only was it true, but she needed to hear it in the context of the mess her son was forced to wade into.

I expect week will be enjoyable again. The last few seconds hinted that at any rate. **1/2.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

Episode 7 "Brilliant Disguises"
While Maria meets with the shadowy finance group known as the Conclave, Lucilia leads Avery out into the swamp under false pretenses.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Swamp Thing "Brilliant Disguise"

Avery sure knows how to burn all of his bridges. That shotgun into the water means that Lucilia is done messing around.

A little annoyed at Abby ignoring Alec's warnings of danger at the beginning of the episode. It's not like he knows this part of the swamp inside and out... Oh wait, it IS! Super dumb.

The episode didn't do much for me but I also didn't really see too much wrong with it. Average. ***.


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