They should revive Spider-Man The Animated Series


New Member
Nov 12, 2022
Now that Xmen The Animated Series is getting revived in 2023. It would be best to revive Spider-Man The Animated Series where Madam Web helps Spider Man find Mary Jane. So I’m aware of the canceled sixth season where Spider-Man finds Marry Jane trapped in 19th Century England along with Carnage as Jack The Ripper. Also Richard Fisk was supposed to be The Rose where he frames Ned Leeds for being The Rose. Ghost Rider was supposed to appear in Spider-Man The Animated Series where he teams up with Spider-Man to stop Mysterio who found the time dilation acceleration portal and used it and travelled to Dormammus dimension where both of them team up. Also Norman Osborn was supposed to return and take the Green Goblin equipment from Harry Osborn. Lastly there was supposed be an other secret wars episode where Spider-Man teams up with the Xmen again this time to stop Mr. Sinister.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2012
I have expressed this opinion before once or twice elsewhere, so I try to keep this brief, but I don't think there's much need for a full-blown Spider-Man TAS revival. Not getting to actually see his reunion with MJ is the only seriously dangling plot-thread and it is a major one, not trying to downplay that, but other than that, Kingpin, the main villain of the show, was defeated, Peter's personal character-arc was closed and there was triumph music playing while Web was taking him to see MJ, telling to the audience that he was truly victorious in that moment. He even got to meet and talk to his real-life creator. In comparison to a ton of other action cartoons or just plain other Spider-Man cartoons, that's pretty definitive closure.

A half-hour Disney+ special or the like would be a nice bone to the fanbase, but I'm not sure there's much potential to a multi-season revival of the show.

In comparison, X-Men had ton of loose plot-threads and the show's ending status quo was almost completely open to be explored more. Other than Xavier giving each main character a goodbey speech, nothing about that show's finale felt like an ending.


New Member
Nov 12, 2022
I have expressed this opinion before once or twice elsewhere, so I try to keep this brief, but I don't think there's much need for a full-blown Spider-Man TAS revival. Not getting to actually see his reunion with MJ is the only seriously dangling plot-thread and it is a major one, not trying to downplay that, but other than that, Kingpin, the main villain of the show, was defeated, Peter's personal character-arc was closed and there was triumph music playing while Web was taking him to see MJ, telling to the audience that he was truly victorious in that moment. He even got to meet and talk to his real-life creator. In comparison to a ton of other action cartoons or just plain other Spider-Man cartoons, that's pretty definitive closure.

A half-hour Disney+ special or the like would be a nice bone to the fanbase, but I'm not sure there's much potential to a multi-season revival of the show.

In comparison, X-Men had ton of loose plot-threads and the show's ending status quo was almost completely open to be explored more. Other than Xavier giving each main character a goodbey speech, nothing about that show's finale felt like an ending.
True your entitled to your opinion. But it would be cool to see an episode where Spider-Man found Mary Jane and bought her back to his dimension.

Ed Nygma

Active Member
Apr 27, 2021
Now that Xmen The Animated Series is getting revived in 2023. It would be best to revive Spider-Man The Animated Series where Madam Web helps Spider Man find Mary Jane. So I’m aware of the canceled sixth season where Spider-Man finds Marry Jane trapped in 19th Century England along with Carnage as Jack The Ripper. Also Richard Fisk was supposed to be The Rose where he frames Ned Leeds for being The Rose. Ghost Rider was supposed to appear in Spider-Man The Animated Series where he teams up with Spider-Man to stop Mysterio who found the time dilation acceleration portal and used it and travelled to Dormammus dimension where both of them team up. Also Norman Osborn was supposed to return and take the Green Goblin equipment from Harry Osborn. Lastly there was supposed be an other secret wars episode where Spider-Man teams up with the Xmen again this time to stop Mr. Sinister.
I would love to see a return with them finally given a better animation budget. I said this elsewhere but the reason I am positive it won't happen though, is everyone would loudly complain "why isn't Spectacular getting a revival instead??" And sorry but I can't stand that show and think it being not just fondly remembered but as the BEST is one of those bewildering internet effects where it's been repeated so much that it influences people who would otherwise be indifferent to its middling quality. Just as on the flip side normal people seemed to like the X3 and Spider-Man movies well enough when they came out in person, then the internet narrative swayed everyone into blind hatred of them being the worst movies ever created.

Anyway let's see how X-men goes first, I'm already wary about that one and feel you can't go home again- everyone has fondness for it in terms of nostalgia that can't be replicated or is due to things that were not actually in the show itself all that much. Some of the choices that one is making are bizarre to me, and don't get me started on the too hip/meta for it's own good Ducktales revival... must we try to make everything that was inherently uncool as part of the charm, "cool" for Gen z...


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