"TNA iMPACT!" June 3, 2010 Talkback (Spoilers)

The Penguin

Mod of Fowl Play
Staff member
Dec 20, 2001
South Dakota
Oddly generic preview this week. TNA Wrestling comes your way at the top of hour as we continue towards Slammiversary.


Every Thursday night, TNA Wrestling presents two hours of Total Nonstop Action with "iMPACT!" at 9/8c

The broadcast features all of your favorite TNA Superstars, including World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam, Hulk Hogan, "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair, "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles, Sting, "The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy, Desmond Wolfe, Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle, the sexy TNA Knockouts and so many more!

Don't miss this week's "IMPACT!" as the road to the June 13 "Slammiversary" Pay-Per-View continues!

A Four-Way Main Event for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship will take place on Thursday's "iMPACT!" as Rob Van Dam defends the gold! Plus, the Knockouts Division expands!

Jin Kazama

Staff member
Jun 26, 2002
Somewhere Around Here..
So, apparently Bischoff can only book tag matches. He can make a tag main event, but has to consult Hogan because he "doesn't have the authority" to change it to a 4-way.

Come to think of it, that would make for an awesome on-air character. Two singles wrestlers get into a brawl, and Bischoff comes out saying "Oh, if there were two more of you, I'd so put you in a match right now!" :)


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
TNA started out well but as it progressed it got boring.

Anderson's crew and their name has already gotten annoying. I'm no Mr. Anderson fan but the way he was checking out Christy Hemme was funny to me.

I just want to say that even though Rosie (think thats the name of the women who fought Roxxi) is out of shape, face wise she is pretty.

Shame Desmond Wolfe lost this week, and what was up with his jacket? Anyways that mini arguement he had with Orlando Jordan and Chelsea was funny, its to bad Abyss had to interrupt it.

Kenny E. McCall

We fight like cats!
Aug 3, 2002
Bennettsville, SC 29512
I actually like Rosie Lottalove. Sure she may be outta shape and pretty, but she's no Awesome Kong! On the other hand, if Awesome Kong were to come back in the future and Rosie's still there, Kong could put her back in shape and those two big girls could be a potential tag team.

Now, I'm pretty sure I've seen this girl before on a site for the Wrestlicious promotion that she wrestles for also (Lacey Von Erich also wrestles for that promotion as well), but as Sister Ophelia.

Here's the link:

Kenny :cool:


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2002
Troy NY
Rosie's another protege of Team 3D, but looks like an American Bertha Faye. Not my idea of a good date. ;) :p :D

KJ Styles

The Instant Classic
Aug 27, 2009
Norwalk, CT
I don't know why so many people knock this show, I thought it was throughly entertaining and did a great job of hyping Slammiversary (which was their main objective anyway).

The 4 way main event was good, the Hardy/Storm match was good, and most of the promos cut were awesome! I like most of the matches announced for Slammiversary thus far, and if the rest of the card shapes out to be what I think it's gonna be like, then I may end up buying it.


Data Dog
Jun 1, 2002
Greeley, CO
I don't know why so many people knock this show, I thought it was throughly entertaining and did a great job of hyping Slammiversary (which was their main objective anyway).
I'm not knocking it anymore... I feel like they're rebounding in recent weeks, and if I had a friend nearby who liked wrestling, I'd be saying "let's go in together on this next ppv"... I can't remember the last time I was enjoying the product enough as a whole to say that.

KJ Styles

The Instant Classic
Aug 27, 2009
Norwalk, CT
I'm not knocking it anymore... I feel like they're rebounding in recent weeks, and if I had a friend nearby who liked wrestling, I'd be saying "let's go in together on this next ppv"... I can't remember the last time I was enjoying the product enough as a whole to say that.

Yeah, the only other time in the Hogan/Bischoff era that I've strongly considered buying a TNA PPV was Against All Odds. I ended up passing on it, but I did rent it on DVD and thought it was a good show save for Team 3D/Nasty Boys. I also rented Lockdown because of hearing how good the Angle/Anderson match was. That show was average overall though.

Slammiversary looks good on paper. Unless the NBA Finals that night have the series tied 2-2 (Next Sunday will be Game 5 if neccessary) then I'll more than likely order Slammiversary.


Data Dog
Jun 1, 2002
Greeley, CO
Well this is interesting....

Slammiversary 2004 -- AJ Styles vs Mystery Challenger -- courtesy of TNA wrestling

OMMFG!! It's the surprise debut of Jeff @$#! Hardy! Don and Mike sound like they've just wet their pants!

For some reason I was thinking the six-sided ring was relatively new. Now that I see the six-sided ring has been a part of TNA for more years than the four-sided, it's even more disappointing that it's gone.

Kenny E. McCall

We fight like cats!
Aug 3, 2002
Bennettsville, SC 29512
Here's a match that TNA should really book...

The Beautiful People vs. Team 3D!!!

And at the end, D-Von calls out their secret weapon, and tell her...

Rosie!!! Get The Tables!!! 'Nuff Said!


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2002
Troy NY
Well, she looks like the kind of person Brother Ray (or Buh Buh Ray) would have for a wife!

Somehow I can't picture it. I think Ray's more into the model types.

And you know the kind of girl that would rock my world, Kenny. Shapely, spacey, and all kinds of hot. :D :D :D :D The color used in those last two lines should give you a clue.

The Penguin

Mod of Fowl Play
Staff member
Dec 20, 2001
South Dakota
I went to a TNA house show this weekend which delayed my iMPACT! comments. I'll share a few random thoughts on that in this week's talkback.

I was amazed at how long the opening segment was and how many pieces it had. Sting's "black & white"/"true colors will be revealed" promo was the most he's said since he attacked RVD and pushed Dixie around and none of it seemed to mean anything. I guess we'll see what happens.

While it sounded just horrible to express out-loud, I think we can assume that Bischoff couldn't make a title or a match involving the champion in action without Hogan. It has been pretty much established that Hogan is in charge and Bischoff is there to help him, so I guess this is our first real display of that in an actual decision.

If given the choice between Awesome Kong and Rosy Lotta Love, I'll take Kong without giving it even a second thought. If your introduction to someone is 'last month in her debut, she injured someone,' I'd wait a bit before offering them a contract. Doesn't TNA have enough employees?

I'm enjoying the conflict between A.J. and Kaz over who Ric Flair loves more ( :p ). These two cost each other against Jay Lethal and they may just keep doing it. Didn't really get Flair sending A.J. home, but I guess we'll see what develops.

I can't believe Jeff Hardy was asked "What do you know about tag team wrestling?" Trying to casually dismiss the Hardy Boyz is a joke. Even as a heel who make unfair judgments I can't believe you.

Minus any random swearing, I liked Anderson's promo after Roode used the ropes to beat him.

First Shannon Moore and now Jesse Neal? I said it last week, someone needs to round up the Royal Flush Gang. If someone else is attacked, then we'll know it wasn't them.

Well, tag match or four-way, the main event kept things interesting. I'll be interested to see what they do next week as each week it feels like there are two-three main events where one could be hyped for the next week. Anderson & Hardy vs. Beer Money in two match certainly could have carried the show.

Morgan possibly seeing Hernandez in the crowd was a notable moment. With Super Mex back, I'm hoping we can get rid of the Venom characteristics from Morgan.

Kenny E. McCall

We fight like cats!
Aug 3, 2002
Bennettsville, SC 29512
Somehow I can't picture it. I think Ray's more into the model types.

And you know the kind of girl that would rock my world, Kenny. Shapely, spacey, and all kinds of hot. :D :D :D :D The color used in those last two lines should give you a clue.

Venom knows that you're a Velvet Sky fan, dude! Velvet is one with the symbiote! Just like Madison and Lacey. Now Venom must find Angelina so that we can bond her to the universal symbiote known as Venom!!! Then, the Beautiful People will finally be one with Venom!

A little Spider-Man humor goes a long way, even in TNA!


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2002
Troy NY
Venom knows that you're a Velvet Sky fan, dude! Velvet is one with the symbiote! Just like Madison and Lacey. Now Venom must find Angelina so that we can bond her to the universal symbiote known as Venom!!! Then, the Beautiful People will finally be one with Venom!

A little Spider-Man humor goes a long way, even in TNA!

Kenny, you of all people know better than that!!!! I have 0 use for the Beautiful People!!! The purple typeface means a certain cartoon babe (and you do know who I mean).

BTW, Venom never spoke in the 3rd person in the comics. Matt Morgan knows that, as he has been speaking in terms of "us" and "we" in promos of late, a la Venom.


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Somebody please give me a show that I won't ever regret watching.
Samurai Champloo, $5 on Apple TV. I know the series is 20 years old which is, like, 100 years in anime world, but definitely worth the buy!
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Sparklefan1234 wrote on Classic Speedy's profile.
I just saw this on Reddit and instantly thought of you. ;)

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