What do you think of the current state of independent animation?

The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
What do you think of the current state of independent animation?

There are a lot of interesting independent animation projects on YouTube: Helluva Boss, Murder Drones, Lackadaisy, Long Gone Gultch, the Hazbin Hotel pilot, the Amazing Digital Circus. RWBY would have been independent at one point, but is now owned by Warner Bros.

Now some of these are only pilots and may not get a series, but Helluva Boss and Murder Drones are series and Hazbin Hotel got picked up for a series at Amazon. But most of them have pretty good animation and hired good voice actors. It's pretty interesting to have these projects exist outside the traditional industry system.

The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
Eh, none of those above listed shows are my particular cup of tea personally, but I'm still glad to see creator driven animated series thriving somewhat somewhere.

Well, you have to admit some of these series are taking chances the big corporate animation studios are not taking, the Amazing Digital Circus has extensionial horror and something like Lackadaisy is pretty out there in terms of concept.

I have seen vidoes praising indie animation on YouTube:



Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
Well, you have to admit some of these series are taking chances the big corporate animation studios are not taking, the Amazing Digital Circus has extensionial horror and something like Lackadaisy is pretty out there in terms of concept.
Good on them for being able to do the kinds of shows they want to do; I'm glad folks seem to be digging these shows, they're just not for me. I'm not into existential horror, I just plain don't get Lackadaisy (a Prohibition-era action drama starring cartoon kitty-cats for no reason? What??), and I'm really tired of how now every cartoon has to have an overarching plot of some kind. A lot of these shows just reek of pretentiousness to me, like they're coming from arthouse hipsters who think every idea they have must be brilliant, like they're in a race to see which one can get on a Hot Topic T-shirt first.

(shrugs) But that's just me. I admit that I'm a very strange person with unique, eclectic tastes, plus I'm old, so a lot what's considered "cool" just doesn't interest me, but as an artist I want every artist to get the chance to turn their visions into castles, and if they can do so without execs breathing down their collective necks or censoring them left and right, and they can get their works out there to an appreciative audience, then more power to them. I want every good, talented artist to succeed, even if their stuff isn't my thing.


Mar 1, 2011
United States
I really think in the next 5-10 years Hollywood is going to begin to notice to indie animation and offering to buy studios or make movies based on indie franchises. (Just like in the video game industry). It's already happening in some extent.

They're stuck playing the safe route with a world of remakes and reboots and executives not willing to take risks so YouTube provides a proving ground for new IP to become mainstream. Instead of putting money trying to make popular what people might like just buy something already popular from the internet.


Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
Sep 1, 2023
The Nether Regions
I have some agreements, some disagreements with the above posts. Yeah, overarching plot is really cool and amazing if done right, but most of the time are done really wrong in such series (looking at you Helluva). But I do enjoy such shows coming out of indie artists, they do more with their ideas than a lot of shows in their demographic won’t.

On the other hand, yeah sometimes there is a ton of controversy surrounding these projects. If it’s not how they manage money, it’s either the creator, the actors, the artists doing or saying something controversial, or that the show becomes so popular it over saturates itself into a meme and then “hate” starts to surround it. Which is rather pathetic if you ask me.
I rather enjoy crazy ideas like these. But I’ve never been a fan of Vivzies shows. Too gross for me. Digital Circus was amazing. Lackadaisy….I’ve never understood it either. The comics I’ve tried to read but they always give me headaches for various reasons. The short was amazing but I’ll never understand the contents.

One indie animation series I highly recommend is Monkey Wrench. It’s funny, beautiful animation, great cast of characters and voice actors, and the overarching plot doesn’t distract you from the episodic episodes, it’s mostly in the background. The next episode will be up soon and the creators are actively looking for donations to continue the series.

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A Little Meatwad
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL
My opinion on the current state of independent animation is that the creators did an amazing job expressing their creativity in a new way for a whole new audience. Unlike certain traditional kids networks, at least their projects were able to released to the world with so much creative freedom without dealing with constraints and executive meddling.

However, just because I do respect indie animation, that doesn't mean I have to like every project out there. I do respect Vizziepop, but I couldn't get into Hazbin Hotel. I tried Helluva Boss, but it's just not for me. The cats in Lackadaisy are cute, but it's not my cup of tea. I heard some good things about Digital Circus, so maybe I'll check it out.

Honestly, the only indie animation I do like was Ollie and Scoops, and that's about it.

Yeah, they're kinda hit and miss with me, but hey, at least I'm happy people enjoy them and the creators finally given creative freedom for a long time. Take notes, geriatric executives.

The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
Good on them for being able to do the kinds of shows they want to do; I'm glad folks seem to be digging these shows, they're just not for me. I'm not into existential horror, I just plain don't get Lackadaisy (a Prohibition-era action drama starring cartoon kitty-cats for no reason? What??), and I'm really tired of how now every cartoon has to have an overarching plot of some kind. A lot of these shows just reek of pretentiousness to me, like they're coming from arthouse hipsters who think every idea they have must be brilliant, like they're in a race to see which one can get on a Hot Topic T-shirt first.

(shrugs) But that's just me. I admit that I'm a very strange person with unique, eclectic tastes, plus I'm old, so a lot what's considered "cool" just doesn't interest me, but as an artist I want every artist to get the chance to turn their visions into castles, and if they can do so without execs breathing down their collective necks or censoring them left and right, and they can get their works out there to an appreciative audience, then more power to them. I want every good, talented artist to succeed, even if their stuff isn't my thing.

That's fair, not everything is for everyone, but it's always good to wish artists well, even if you don't care for the final product.

I have some agreements, some disagreements with the above posts. Yeah, overarching plot is really cool and amazing if done right, but most of the time are done really wrong in such series (looking at you Helluva). But I do enjoy such shows coming out of indie artists, they do more with their ideas than a lot of shows in their demographic won’t.

On the other hand, yeah sometimes there is a ton of controversy surrounding these projects. If it’s not how they manage money, it’s either the creator, the actors, the artists doing or saying something controversial, or that the show becomes so popular it over saturates itself into a meme and then “hate” starts to surround it. Which is rather pathetic if you ask me.
I rather enjoy crazy ideas like these. But I’ve never been a fan of Vivzies shows. Too gross for me. Digital Circus was amazing. Lackadaisy….I’ve never understood it either. The comics I’ve tried to read but they always give me headaches for various reasons. The short was amazing but I’ll never understand the contents.

One indie animation series I highly recommend is Monkey Wrench. It’s funny, beautiful animation, great cast of characters and voice actors, and the overarching plot doesn’t distract you from the episodic episodes, it’s mostly in the background. The next episode will be up soon and the creators are actively looking for donations to continue the series.

Eh, I think most of this so called controversy is hot air spread by bad faith actors online for clicks.

Clownfish TV made a couple of anti-Vivziepop videos, but I don't trust that channel at all.

I think some of the controversy is about these indie animated projects not being as slick as something from Disney and people being able to see more flaws in the production that are smoothed over with Disney.
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What up, dog?
Jun 4, 2007
Cartoon Country
My main complaint about independent animation is why do they always have to deal with subject matter that's dark and unpleasant? I'm not grooving with Digital Circus at all. What's enjoyable about existential horror? I don't like mysteries either. The lead character doesn't know how she got there or why she's there, but as the series progresses, we may gradually find out. No, I don't want to do that. Just entertain me. Maybe it's just me or it's not my generation or something, but I prefer something like Uncle Grandpa or even Secret Mountain Fort Awesome over Digital Circus.

Why can't someone make an indie cartoon that just fun, or is that something that only kid's cartoons are allowed to do?

In any case, it's like @Silverstar already said: I'm glad that these independent artists are able to make the kind of art that they want to make without having to succumb to the forces of the big networks, even if I have yet to see one of these cartoons that appeals to me personally.


Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
Sep 1, 2023
The Nether Regions
Eh, I think most of this so called controversy is hot air spread by bad faith actors online for clicks.

Clownfish TV made a couple of anti-Vivziepop videos, but I don't trust that channel at all.

I think some of the controversy is about these indie animated projects not being as slick as something from Disney and people being able to see more flaws in the production that are smoothed over with Disney.
I don’t mind the latter really. But as for “controversy” I will admit I’ve seen my fair share of videos talking about this stuff. Not clownfish because yes, clickbait, but from other channels. I will say it does mean something to me. I just mention it here because it’s the topic of the conversation so I felt it relevant to mention. I won’t mention more because that would invite discourse about specifics, esp around Vivzie. What I will say is that I don’t enjoy her content.
My main complaint about independent animation is why do they always have to deal with subject matter that's dark and unpleasant? I'm not grooving with Digital Circus at all. What's enjoyable about existential horror? I don't like mysteries either. The lead character doesn't know how she got there or why she's there, but as the series progresses, we may gradually find out. No, I don't want to do that. Just entertain me. Maybe it's just me or it's not my generation or something, but I prefer something like Uncle Grandpa or even Secret Mountain Fort Awesome over Digital Circus.

Why can't someone make an indie cartoon that just fun, or is that something that only kid's cartoons are allowed to do?

In any case, it's like @Silverstar already said: I'm glad that these independent artists are able to make the kind of art that they want to make without having to succumb to the forces of the big networks, even if I have yet to see one of these cartoons that appeals to me personally.
The Digital Circus thing more so speaks to a lot of the Millenial gen who grew up with playing poorly made 3D computer games that rather leaned into uncanny valley, and the short leans into it while also delving into some favorite character stereotypes. Kids like game horror nowadays thanks to rise in video game streaming and Five Nights at Freddys. Also just a general interest in continuing story lines and mystery ala Gravity Falls. There’s just something about existential doom that is popular right now.
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The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
My main complaint about independent animation is why do they always have to deal with subject matter that's dark and unpleasant? I'm not grooving with Digital Circus at all. What's enjoyable about existential horror? I don't like mysteries either. The lead character doesn't know how she got there or why she's there, but as the series progresses, we may gradually find out. No, I don't want to do that. Just entertain me. Maybe it's just me or it's not my generation or something, but I prefer something like Uncle Grandpa or even Secret Mountain Fort Awesome over Digital Circus.

Why can't someone make an indie cartoon that just fun, or is that something that only kid's cartoons are allowed to do?

In any case, it's like @Silverstar already said: I'm glad that these independent artists are able to make the kind of art that they want to make without having to succumb to the forces of the big networks, even if I have yet to see one of these cartoons that appeals to me personally.

I don't think it's a generational thing, I grew up in the 80s and big movies back then were slasher films and violent action films and I have retained my love for that stuff well into adulthood.

I think it's more like you don't like certain genres of entertainment, I assume you don't like horror as a genre and I love horror as a genre. Something like the Amazing Digital Circus would not be as violent as the average slasher film, but it is creepy, but it's appeal.

Horror is just a really popular genre, not everyone likes it, but it has its fans. It's good to reflect all tastes in animation.
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Kutubukukartun and sinyal kartun reporter
Nov 30, 2020
How About Ena? Is not a indiependent animation what we know before, is a slice life story with hidden lore about like digital circus. but many fans appreciated about ena because design and character was unique with game concept plot.

i think not indiependent animation turns out become pilot and famous, is realize ena will be fully long video game same like undertale and many thing


"It's against nature!"
Staff member
Aug 4, 2004
Katy, Texas, United State
Big Top Burger often gets lost in the shuffle in these discussions, but it's a literal one-man show putting out some mighty fine stuff.

Someone said that indie animation is in its growth phase, and that's a perfect way of describing it. It's great we've had these handful of big successes, but the real next step is for animators to get funding and distribution consistently, instead of having big haves and little have-nots.


A Little Meatwad
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL
An art commentary Youtuber, Fionapollo, did a fantastic job talking about the state of independent animation in her video. Go check it out.

Recently, she made another video talking about the future of indie animation regarding the success of The Amazing Digital Circus pilot.


The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
Vivienne Medrano did an interview where she shares her thoughts on why indie animation is becoming more popular:

Do you want more indie animation to get distribution deals with big media players like Hazbin Hotel did with Amazon or do you want most indie animation to just stay on YouTube?
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Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
Sep 1, 2023
The Nether Regions
If distributors can throw more episodes into the mix then why not. But…seems to be that companies are now just throwing episodes into the wind and seeing how they do before greenlighting more episodes, which is bad for shows in general. If a show won’t get a green signal even after episodes come down, that means most of the crew are not doing anything on said show for more than a year. Some artists on twitter have expressed insecurity in the industry right now so who knows.

The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
I feel like this thread needs an update due to the fact Warner Bros has dissolved Rooster Teeth. Red vs. Blue and RWBY were two of the first major big indie animation projects of the internet age and now they are being sold off by WB. Vivienne Medrano sold the rights to Hazbin Hotel to A24, but she owns the rights to Helluva Boss and Glitch owns all of its properties.


A Little Meatwad
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL
Sorry for bumping this thread, but The Roundtable recently made a video about why independent animation is thriving compared to mainstream studios.

Ya'll can say any opinion about the jndie cartoons, and your mirage may vary when it comes to shows you dig into or not, but you got to admit, they are very successful of flourishing their creativity to a brand new audience, something you don't really see with mainstream studios anymore.

I've been ranting and raving about the lack of kids 6-11 shows in the past, and while I still stand by them, I can somewhat understand why studios don't want them right now due to everything has been going on, but I do think indie animation does a good job of filling in the gap of giving us great content for all ages can enjoy.

Shiloh Otter

Anxiety in the house
Apr 19, 2004
My main complaint about independent animation is why do they always have to deal with subject matter that's dark and unpleasant? I'm not grooving with Digital Circus at all. What's enjoyable about existential horror? I don't like mysteries either. The lead character doesn't know how she got there or why she's there, but as the series progresses, we may gradually find out. No, I don't want to do that. Just entertain me. Maybe it's just me or it's not my generation or something, but I prefer something like Uncle Grandpa or even Secret Mountain Fort Awesome over Digital Circus.

Why can't someone make an indie cartoon that just fun, or is that something that only kid's cartoons are allowed to do?

In any case, it's like @Silverstar already said: I'm glad that these independent artists are able to make the kind of art that they want to make without having to succumb to the forces of the big networks, even if I have yet to see one of these cartoons that appeals to me personally.
I don't mean to quote an old post, but it's interesting. I hate existential horror but I watched the TADC pilot and I thought it was amazing, just like its name. There are actually a lot of genuinely hilarious moments in the pilot and I really love the main character, Pomni. Even got her official plushie.

The plot of the coming episodes will almost certainly be darker, but as long as nothing bad happens to Pomni in the end, I'm totally on board with it.

I can understand that it's not for everyone, though.


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