What happened to Ms. Marvel? (X-Men: TAS)


The Greatest American Hero
Sep 14, 2002
City Of Dakota
Don't know why but it always bother me that Rogue put her in a coma and basically didn't pay for her crime but whatever happened to Ms. Marvel did she ever get out of the coma Rogue put her in and if so did she get her powers back?
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Wing Commander
Jun 2, 2010
Don't know why but it always bother me that rogue put her in a coma and basically didn't pay for her crime but whatever happened to ms.marvel did she ever get out of the coma rogue put her in and if so did she get her powers back?
I don't think X-Men TAS ever touched on it again after that episode. If it means anything to you, Ms. Marvel has long since returned to the comics and Rogue is back to just having her absorption power.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2007
She never appeared again, I don't even think she was mentioned again either.

If she woke up she'd still have her powers as Rogue doesn't steal them when she touches someone.


What up, dog?
Jun 4, 2007
Cartoon Country
Don't know why but it always bother me that rogue put her in a coma and basically didn't pay for her crime but whatever happened to ms.marvel did she ever get out of the coma rogue put her in and if so did she get her powers back?

"A Rogue's Tale" was Ms. Marvel's only appearance in X-Men:TAS. At the end of the episode, it was hinted that Carol was about to wake up from her coma, but she was never seen or referred to again in the series. However, it's worth mentioning that Ms. M is presently very much active in the comics with her powers restored and now Rogue only has original mutant power (absorbing powers and memories), and also currently, Rogue is in complete control of her powers. She no longer has the "I can't touch anyone" handicap.


Lord of the Vindaloovians
Mar 18, 2005
Funny thing is, people still want her to have the Ms Marvel powers because they say she's useless in a fight otherwise...


Wing Commander
Jun 2, 2010
Funny thing is, people still want her to have the Ms Marvel powers because they say she's useless in a fight otherwise...
Depends on whose power(s) and/or skills she absorbs.


Amalgam Universe Overlord
Staff member
Sep 13, 2002
Funny thing is, people still want her to have the Ms Marvel powers because they say she's useless in a fight otherwise...

Depends. Perhaps the biggest problem would be fighting Sentinels as she can't absorbs their abilites. But if she has been shown to work out (to put herself in decent fighting condition), then dismiss my comment.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2009
Ontario, Canada
I'm pretty sure that one of the later episodes of the series has Rogue making a passing comment about Ms. Marvel, but it is really just a one-liner.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2002
Depends. Perhaps the biggest problem would be fighting Sentinels as she can't absorbs their abilites. But if she has been shown to work out (to put herself in decent fighting condition), then dismiss my comment.
Not to get off-topic, but do they even still have Sentinels in X-Men comics?


The Greatest American Hero
Sep 14, 2002
City Of Dakota
Thanks for the heads up guys i'm glad to hear she is back(at least in the comic) and rogue doesn't have her powers anymore.It would have been cool to have gotten another epsiode about ms marvel in the tas though.Thanks again.


Lord of the Vindaloovians
Mar 18, 2005
Depends. Perhaps the biggest problem would be fighting Sentinels as she can't absorbs their abilites. But if she has been shown to work out (to put herself in decent fighting condition), then dismiss my comment.

Seeing how easily destroyed Sentinels were until the last few years, this isn't much of a problem. She just needs to bring a weapon with like a laser gun or something.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2002
Seeing how easily destroyed Sentinels were until the last few years, this isn't much of a problem. She just needs to bring a weapon with like a laser gun or something.
I would so love to see Rogue going into battle with a 90's comic book style BFG.


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
Thanks for the heads up guys i'm glad to hear she is back(at least in the comic) and rogue doesn't have her powers anymore.

Correction: Rogue doesn't have Ms. Marvel's powers anymore. Those were never her actual mutant powers; she acquired those extra abilities via her natural mutant power: absorbing the memories, energies, special skills and abilities and powers (if any) of whomever she touches skin-to-skin.


Sep 5, 2008
Troy, Ohio
And now Rogue is completely uninteresting since she lost those abilities she got from Ms. Marvel. Her iconic green/yellow uniform is gone in favor of some boring green/white motorcycle racing uniform (complete with scarf and all). God, there are so many people at Marvel I'd love to see fired for what they have done to X-Men in general. If I could just have 15 minutes to voice my utter disgust at whoever is responsible for X-Men's destruction at Marvel. :mad:

Rogue still has (or had) her cool abilities in the X-Men Forever comics before Chris Claremont decided to puke on the entire team in that title since they were based too closely on the far more successful 90's version of the team. Wolverine died from a simple lightning bolt (who was fired by Storm who has been working undercover the entire time as a "bad guy"). Beast just bit the big one as well (I'm assuming anyone with pointy hair is doomed...Feral and Wolfsbane better say their prayers because Mr. Claremont is out on a mission!) Jean Grey is now a tramp who is in love with any male on the team. Shadowcat now is becoming a new Wolverine (complete with one shiny new adamantium claw!). And Rogue and Nightcrawler now switched powers so she looks like Nightcrawler, whereas he now looks normal (I'm assuming with Rogue's powers). According to Professor X, their mutant powers are no longer "gifts" but rather a disease that is quickly dooming them all. Gambit now looks like he works for the U.S. Secret Service and Nick Fury now leads the team since he believes the X-Men are apparently too incompetent to do it themselves (and based on Mr. Claremont's current vision of the X-Men, Nick Fury is correct). I suppose next Mr. Claremont will decide to "shock" us even further by revealing that Gambit was really born a woman and just had surgery to become a man. It'd be no less ridiculous than anything else he has recently done. :shrug: It boggles my mind as to why my fellow X-Men fans are not OUTRAGED by what is currently going on at Marvel right now. At least the cartoon Wolverine And The X-Men was based on a far more desirable version of the X-Men than what the comics currently have to offer. A cartoon based on the current team in comics would be lucky to survive 5 episodes before being canceled. Anyways my blood pressure is high enough right now so I am going to stop my rant on Marvel's modern day massacre of the X-Men.

As far as the topic goes, I was under the impression as well that Rogue somehow returned just enough of Ms. Marvel's lifeforce to allow her to begin recovering.


Mar 10, 2010
United States of America
And now Rogue is completely uninteresting since she lost those abilities she got from Ms. Marvel. Her iconic green/yellow uniform is gone in favor of some boring green/white motorcycle racing uniform (complete with scarf and all). God, there are so many people at Marvel I'd love to see fired for what they have done to X-Men in general. If I could just have 15 minutes to voice my utter disgust at whoever is responsible for X-Men's destruction at Marvel. :mad:

Rogue still has (or had) her cool abilities in the X-Men Forever comics before Chris Claremont decided to puke on the entire team in that title since they were based too closely on the far more successful 90's version of the team. Wolverine died from a simple lightning bolt (who was fired by Storm who has been working undercover the entire time as a "bad guy"). Beast just bit the big one as well (I'm assuming anyone with pointy hair is doomed...Feral and Wolfsbane better say their prayers because Mr. Claremont is out on a mission!) Jean Grey is now a tramp who is in love with any male on the team. Shadowcat now is becoming a new Wolverine (complete with one shiny new adamantium claw!). And Rogue and Nightcrawler now switched powers so she looks like Nightcrawler, whereas he now looks normal (I'm assuming with Rogue's powers). According to Professor X, their mutant powers are no longer "gifts" but rather a disease that is quickly dooming them all. Gambit now looks like he works for the U.S. Secret Service and Nick Fury now leads the team since he believes the X-Men are apparently too incompetent to do it themselves (and based on Mr. Claremont's current vision of the X-Men, Nick Fury is correct). I suppose next Mr. Claremont will decide to "shock" us even further by revealing that Gambit was really born a woman and just had surgery to become a man. It'd be no less ridiculous than anything else he has recently done. :shrug: It boggles my mind as to why my fellow X-Men fans are not OUTRAGED by what is currently going on at Marvel right now. At least the cartoon Wolverine And The X-Men was based on a far more desirable version of the X-Men than what the comics currently have to offer. A cartoon based on the current team in comics would be lucky to survive 5 episodes before being canceled. Anyways my blood pressure is high enough right now so I am going to stop my rant on Marvel's modern day massacre of the X-Men.

As far as the topic goes, I was under the impression as well that Rogue somehow returned just enough of Ms. Marvel's lifeforce to allow her to begin recovering.

Well, I thought the point of X-Men Forever was so Marvel could let Clarmeont write the X-Men while not messing up any of the current continuity with ideas that are jst getting weirder and weirder as the years go by.

As for the current state of X-Men, as I've said elsewhere, I think this is because the comic book is a sci-fi superhero soap opera. Unlike books like Spider-Man which create soap operas in more conventional ways (Does MJ still want to date me after I missed our date fighting the Shocker? Oh no, Aunt May may see me in my costume!), the X-Men have aliens, deaths & ressurections, and many other things that I don't even full understand. After 30 years, I just lose interest while reading it (and my reading comprehension).

The only version of the X-Men I thought pulled that off successfully was the 90's series and that was only 38 hours of stories. Even then, I still think alot of episodes were too out there for the X-Men.


Sep 5, 2008
Troy, Ohio
Well, I thought the point of X-Men Forever was so Marvel could let Clarmeont write the X-Men while not messing up any of the current continuity with ideas that are jst getting weirder and weirder as the years go by.

But all he is doing is destroying and disgracing the team in any and all ways possible. He did some great classic stories in the past and so Marvel is giving him free reign to do whatever he wants and he's just showing a much faster way to slaughter the X-Men's dignity in faster time than Marvel did on their own. If the direction he is taking the team in in X-Men Forever is truly the direction he had planned for them after Mutant Genesis #3, then him leaving after that issue was a Godsend. I never had a problem with his writing before but I feel he is going WAY too far in X-Men Forever. When that title was initially announced, I was beyond thrilled! I thought "Thank God, Marvel has come to their senses and decided to bring back the perfect version of the X-Men and got one of the best writers in X-Men history at the helm to bring the X-Men back to glory." I had no clue that X-Men Forever was going to just be an outlet to let him destroy the team in record time. The first issues didn't bother me much because at very least, it featured my beloved team in their flawless 90's uniforms and I could recognize the X-Men after all these years of disappointment from the normal X-Men titles. But after the first five issues, I noticed that the X-Men were being made a mockery of with ridiculous 24-like plot twists and gimmicks. The title I had so much hope for the first time in over 12 years has become WORSE than what is in the normal X-Men titles. I see it as a huge missed opportunity on Marvel's part.

The only version of the X-Men I thought pulled that off successfully was the 90's series and that was only 38 hours of stories. Even then, I still think alot of episodes were too out there for the X-Men.

That's my main problem. Only 38 hours of perfection are what the 90's X-Men were given. I felt the animated series did a far better job than even the comics of the same time period. But the X-Men were still very likeable in the comics because they looked, acted and behaved like the characters I loved on tv. There are so many missed opportunities with stories that the 90's X-Men could have been featured in that were never materialized in the comics. That's why X-Men Forever has turned into such an epic disappointment for me. I thought it was going to revive the X-Men to their former 90's glory and allow them to be featured in all new stories that they were robbed of before in Marvel Comics (in fact that's how the comic was promoted when Marvel announced it). But apart from the first 5 issues, the only two ways the X-Men are even still recognizeable in X-Men Forever are by the old, classic "X-Men" logo being used on the cover, and the tiny little picture in the top left corner that (oddly) keeps showing the team members in their 90's uniforms which have long since been replaced by pure crap costumes in the comic itself. Apart from those two tiny details, I feel EVERYTHING else in that comic has been wrong, wrong, wrong.


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