Why is the Ocean dub of DBZ so hated?


Oct 24, 2002
During the beginning of the Android saga, the UK stopped airing the Funimation version and started airing there own version which fans called the Ocean Dub. Canada would start to air this version as well starting will the Cell saga. To this day on youtube, there's still debates on youtube about which is better and the Ocean Dub always seems to be hated.

I'm in Canada so I saw the Ocean version. I really like it alot. I saw the Funimation version and the Ocean version so I know what both are like. Now, neither dub is perfect, both the Ocean and Funimation dubs have problems and things that I don't like but I just prefer the Ocean version more.

Not only that but I just love the voices. I prefer them so much more than the Funimation voices. The Ocean Dub really did a good job. Again, just like with everything else in the dub, they were not too good when the dub first started but over time, the actors improved greatly and really did a great job just like they did on the original Ocean dub from 1997.

There seem to be some misconceptions about the Ocean Dub as well, mainly from people who don't have the Ocean Dub in there country which is understandable. It's very difficult to get proper facts about something if you don't have access to it. I want to clear up some misconceptions about it.

1. All the music is recycled from Mega Man.

This was only true in the very beginning. The very first saga, the Android Saga had nothing but Mega Man music but this did not last. Soon after, music from Monster Rancher as well as original music written for the dub was added shortly after and by the Buu Saga, there was alot more variety in the music. Yes I agree completely that it's lame that they recycled any music at all, but for me I don't care if it's recycled, I just care if it sounds good and I loved the Ocean music so much more than Bruce's music from the Funimation Dub. I just could not get into that techno style of music, I tried to but I just couldn't like it. Another thing that the Ocean Dub did was use actual silence. There were scenes were there would actually be no music playing just like the Japanese version which is pretty cool.

2. The Ocean Dub is severly edited compared to the Funimation version.

This is almost 100% wrong and it needs to be corrected. The actual Ocean Dub didn't cut any more scenes than the Funimation version did. What happened was, when Cartoon Network UK aired the Ocean Dub on there channel, they made there own cuts and edits to trim it down. The actual Ocean Dub itself is not edited because when YTV in Canada aired the Ocean Dub, they pretty much kept all the cut scenes in that were taken out of the Cartoon Network UK airings. If Cartoon Network UK had continued to air the Funimation version, they probably would have cut stuff out of that version too.

3. The dialogue is censored.

Now this one is definitely true for most of the series. They did not use words like "death", "die", or "kill" and instead used other words that were more child friendly. About half way through the Buu saga, they stopped doing this and starting using these words again just like the Funimation version. But this problem is exaggerated alot. It's not like they edited out all violence. They still showed the exact same amount of blood that the cut tv version of the Funimation dub used.

Overall, if you like the Funimation version more, that's wonderful, I respect that, I just don't understand why there's so much mocking towards our Ocean Dub.


Lesser spotted Brit
Staff member
May 6, 2001
In fairness, DBZ in the UK at that time was a mess. Basically, some European company saw that DBZ was becoming popular, remembered they had the UK rights and so pounced on it. They were TERRIBLE, especially on the merchandise front. No store could move the toys of early Buu Saga characters or mini figurines of movie-only characters. I'm still not even fully sure what happened on CN's side, because they seemed to have FUNi's dub too. They even played clips from that version when they were putting out teasers for the ending of the Buu Saga.


Feb 12, 2009
Odd, I see more hate on the FUNi dub then the Ocean dub in youtube.

Anyways, I find it pointless to fight over FUNi vs. OCEAN! And (So far I know and seen) about every OCEAN dub fans are...Well, lets say...,Hardheaded. I mean, they attack FUNi dub a lot. Heck, I remember some crazy OCEAN dub fan spam the living day lights out of FUNi channel in youtube.
And that crap was going on for 1 week. Maybe that's why many fans hate the Ocean dubs.

I don't know, these debates of “This vs. that” is fun, but going at a personal level is pointless.

Personally, I only like Goku's voice in the OCEAN dub. It sounds a little bit more friendly. But if I'm going to pick a dub that's not english, I'm going to the spanish dub. LOVE IT!


Active Member
Feb 14, 2009
Pallet Town
I recall last year some rabid Ocean lover actually managed to get Funimation's YouTube channel suspended for two weeks.

Anyway, most people who dislike the Ocean dub do so because it was rushed, poorly produced, and censored. As far as the music goes, sometimes the audio omitted the sound effects.

Mad Mod 49

Active Member
Jun 2, 2004
United States
Three words: the next dimension!

Basically, the only great thing the old dub had were good voices. I always thought the Funimation dub (a pretty damn good dub) was the one that was ridiculously hated myself.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2004
Oh god, we're bringing this up again? I feel like I'm back in 1998!

Anyway while I did like some of the old voices, the actually edits and dub script was pretty awful.

The refusal to admit death, editing out the violence, and Tien's famous, "I can see their parachutes, they're ok!" lines speak for themselves.


Active Member
Feb 14, 2009
Pallet Town
Oh god, we're bringing this up again? I feel like I'm back in 1998!

Anyway while I did like some of the old voices, the actually edits and dub script was pretty awful.

The refusal to admit death, editing out the violence, and Tien's famous, "I can see their parachutes, they're ok!" lines speak for themselves.
I don't think the OP was referring to the original Saban dub. He was referring to the Ocean dub that made in 2002.


Apr 26, 2009
Chicago, IL
I'm a huge Dragon Ball Z fan. I have seen both FUNimation's and Ocean's versions, and I'd have to say that I like FUNimation's version more. As for the FUNi vs. Ocean fights, yeah, they're really annoying. I mostly see the Ocean fans attacking the FUNi dub. They're quite... aggressive. I even seen them make YouTube accounts with names like "deathtofunimation," "funisucks," "oceandbzrulesandfuniblows," etc. etc. etc.

I like FUNi's version more because to me, the voices sound like they have way more emotion put into them, and they just seem to fit better. Ocean's Cell voice was... erm, terrible. I mean, come on? It was such a joke. Though, I did like Krillin's and Vegeta's Ocean voices. Though I didn't think Brian Drummond's Vegeta fit very well after the Freeza saga. It was better for Vegeta when he was smaller. I think Chris Sabat's Vegeta suits him perfectly from beginning to end.

I also like how FUNi is attempting to clean up the mess they've made with DBZ (like re-releasing it uncut and with the original BGM). Granted, some problems still exist, but I think it's better than the Ocean version. As for the original FUNi dub, I enjoyed Bruce Faulconer's music. The Ocean dub's music just sounded so... plain and... eehhh... I really don't know how to describe it.


Feb 12, 2009
I think it has to do with the fact that they use the same voice pool as the 1997 dub.

That. Or many DBZ fans only knows the Ocean dubs from the 90's. To be honest, I thought fans was playing around with the Ocean dubs. I thought the ppl in the Ocean dubs stop dubbing DBZ and move on. But, I was wrong about that.
May 14, 2006
The Ocean dub of edited episodes 108+ was terrible mainly in part to a tremendous lack of money, as I hear. They were using music from the old Megaman series (which was recorded in the same area, so Ian Corlett and Scott McNeil were in that one), a new set of sound effects, further edited scripts from FUNimations, God awful direction, and several recasts (most notablely Goku and child Gohan).

But if this were YT, you'd be flamed for such heresy.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2002
Queens, New York, USA
The original Ocean dub under Saban was considerably better than the later Ocean dub. The voice acting wasn't nearly as solid later on. Brian Drummond's Vegeta and Scott McNeil's Piccolo in particular sounded flat and uninspired compared to their original performances. While on the other hand, FUNimation's dub improved considerably in later seasons.


Active Member
Jan 4, 2008
I myself am not terribly fond of DBZ, but I think the Ocean Group is disliked because of the bad editing, and really, the voice acting wasn't as good then as it is now. I mean, looking at Ocean Vegeta, I can't believe that same guy is bringing Ryuk to life today.

And I am sorry that a Canadian studio did such a bad dubbing job.


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