Why was society so vapid and shallow in the early 2010s?


Jun 10, 2014
I was just a young idealistic college student back then and most students as well as wider society seemed more interested in reality shows, materialism, and partying.

Society also lost interest in sci fi and space.

Why We Need More Space Adventures

The Death of the Space Opera? - Ricochet

I look back and find it appalling how vapid it was.

Why did society felt they had to choose between popularity and intelligence? Why did society stopped being encouraged to push themselves intellectually?

Why not be athletic, fun loving, and smart? Like those badass Apollo astronauts?



Time to get my "Game face" on
Jul 20, 2003
Tucson, Arizona
It's funny that you say we need more space adventures.. over in a community of 500,000 players I have realized one thing.. Space Can be reached only if we put our mind to it.. and it can be in the form of a game.. that now just turned 10 years and next year we will get something even better!: Just watch...and become part of the experience of space flight..:


★ No One's Dream Anymore ☆
Jan 19, 2009
New York City
I think some would argue that American culture has been "vapid" and "shallow" for more than just a decade lol

If you remember, though, back then we had a huge technological revolution with smartphones, and we were really beginning to shift towards more accessible entertainment. While it may seem mundane now, we were being bombarded with different companies and services competing for our attentions that had become more accessible than ever now that we could carry little computer in our pockets. Computers much better at engaging online with than the Sidekick or the Razor or the Blackberry, all of which were popular a few years prior.

I think that it's a mistake to assume there was a sudden increase in vapidness back then. The issues that you think were there were always present and were just, if anything, easier to see now that people could just access things in a more convenient manner.


Sep 20, 2006
Right here
I think some would argue that American culture has been "vapid" and "shallow" for more than just a decade lol

If you remember, though, back then we had a huge technological revolution with smartphones, and we were really beginning to shift towards more accessible entertainment. While it may seem mundane now, we were being bombarded with different companies and services competing for our attentions that had become more accessible than ever now that we could carry little computer in our pockets. Computers much better at engaging online with than the Sidekick or the Razor or the Blackberry, all of which were popular a few years prior.

I think that it's a mistake to assume there was a sudden increase in vapidness back then. The issues that you think were there were always present and were just, if anything, easier to see now that people could just access things in a more convenient manner.

Everything just seems to be in your face now. It's become easier to get bored of things more quickly. But maybe I'm just getting older. I don't know if it's just that, or if there's more to it.


★ No One's Dream Anymore ☆
Jan 19, 2009
New York City
Everything just seems to be in your face now. It's become easier to get bored of things more quickly. But maybe I'm just getting older. I don't know if it's just that, or if there's more to it.
Definitely an effect easily consumable media made to be consumed in shorts bits but continue keep you engaged for as long as possible. I think it would affect anyone overly engaged with the big social media platforms.


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(cricket noises)

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