Shiloh Otter
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  • I just watched an episode of RBUK for the first time in years. It's still as fun as I remember it. That's yet another show treated poorly by Nickelodeon. It deserved so much better.
    I just watched the first episode of the new FOP series and found it mostly enjoyable. Honestly, the 3D is really the only thing I don't like about it.
    Yeah they do so many shots with 2d drawings and things, it felt like it should have been that. Plus these Nick 3D shows minus Dora seem to go for lower color saturation Big Nate(Which I loved) and Rugrats 2021 had that kind of less lightning feeling going on.
    Shiloh Otter
    Shiloh Otter
    From what I read, they were told to use 3D by Nick, so they didn't have a choice really.
    Toon Guy
    Toon Guy
    At least the 3D works in this series. They did a lot better than previous attempts at translating the FOP characters; a 2.5D style seems appropriate for a show with this particular art style.

    Admittedly, I was a bit mixed about the new style at first (particularly because I'm a 2D fan) but I eventually got used to it because it managed to accurately capture the 2D essence without it looking "off".
    Update: mom's surgery went well. so that's some good news at least.
    in late 2019 my mom was diagnosed with cancer. she's had multiple surgeries and also went through chemo. she's been relatively issue-free since then, but they found something again and she needs another surgery. all I can say is that I despise cancer.
    I really should stop getting really defensive about certain animated movies and shows. I just have some that I love more than others (and I have my reasons why), and seeing negativity about them sometimes gets to me a bit too much. I've had this issue for ages now.
    We all have things we're passionate about, but we have to keep in mind that a) we don't own or control a piece of art by being fans and b) for every opinion we have, there's someone who has the opposite opinion. I can deal with contrary opinions as long as they're reasonable and presented respectfully.
    Yeah, I don’t blame you. I feel the same way. I’m all for differing opinions, but massively crapping on something I like really does spooked me because it felt like a indirect personal attack and I’m a idiot for liking something they don’t.

    I tried my best to get over it, but that’s really hard for me.
    I LOVE My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic it's my favorite cartoon of all-time but I still have episodes

    and characters that I like/dislike that I'm able to discuss with other MLP fans without getting into arguements.
    • Friendly
    Reactions: JMTV
    Just changed my Twitter username. It's now ENTRANSIFY. Kinda like Molly McGee's 'enhappify', but a lot more trans... yeah. It's a lot shorter and more unique than my previous username on there, for sure.
    Back from the gig now. That was really fun. Even if you're not into Spin Doctors, go see Chris Barron if he comes your way. He's a wonderful storyteller.
    I recently decided that I will be covering a really bad children's cartoon that's been on my radar for a while over on my blog. I can't really talk about it on here because of this show's nature, but I'm bored enough and I think someone needs to analyze the show I'm talking about and yank it apart.
    Veronica Taylor posted on Twitter that Rachael Lillis has been ill for a few months, and posted the link to a GoFundMe set up by Rachael's sister Laurie. I will post it here:

    I've decided that I will indeed start doing music reviews soon. They will mainly be on the blog linked in my signature, but certain reviews that meet forum standards will be crossposted to the music forum.
    JoJo Siwa used to have an anti-bullying message that I loved. She has since become a bully herself. I'm not only disappointed at what's come out about her, but I'm legit furious too.
    I wonder if that might be because of how Nickelodeon treated her in past causing her to act out?
    I am very much looking forward to the premiere of Primos next month.
    Shiloh Otter
    Shiloh Otter
    One of the show's storyboarders was actually calling out the show's blind haters last night. He said that he as a Mexican American who felt disconnected from his family highly relates to the main character, and says it's super fun and he can't wait for it to finally air.

    And I always thought it looked super fun too, from the getgo. I'm sure people will hate watch it but it's best to ignore them.
    I'm still giving Primos a fair chance because I don't think it looks that bad, but I'm still not looking forward to the backlash. It spooked me to this day.
    I'm just hoping the show will be actually decent to watch.
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Sparklefan1234 wrote on Classic Speedy's profile.
I just saw this on Reddit and instantly thought of you. ;)

Least favourite cartoon?

For me it's Poochini, I dislike the torment that Poochini goes through most of the time.
It's been 17 years and 17 days since the Problem Solverz pilot for Adult Swim (Neon Knome) was made! Even though I do prefer the final product, I think this pilot would make for a good series on [as].
Episode 2 of The Amazing Digital Circus just crossed the 100 million views mark!

I dont know if CNNickFan is a new member or an old one I didnt notice before but I loved their post on Jamie Kellner. A much needed voice of Reason

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