Shiloh Otter
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  • I am very much looking forward to the premiere of Primos next month.
    Shiloh Otter
    Shiloh Otter
    One of the show's storyboarders was actually calling out the show's blind haters last night. He said that he as a Mexican American who felt disconnected from his family highly relates to the main character, and says it's super fun and he can't wait for it to finally air.

    And I always thought it looked super fun too, from the getgo. I'm sure people will hate watch it but it's best to ignore them.
    I'm still giving Primos a fair chance because I don't think it looks that bad, but I'm still not looking forward to the backlash. It spooked me to this day.
    I'm just hoping the show will be actually decent to watch.
    there are many parts of my childhood I wish I could erase from my memories. so much bullying. I was mentally, emotionally and physically traumatized. really, my current personality is me trying to reclaim that part of my life.
    Sorry you had to go through that. I feel the same way. I have gone through struggles and emotional trauma when I was a child. I always hope and praying to God that I want peace and healing for a long time, still is to this day.
    Me too. The American public school system is really nothing more than taxpayer-funded daycare, IMO.
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    I've watched a few more episodes of Yuru Camp since I first posted about it. It's definitely great and it might end up becoming one of my favorite anime series ever.
    Today I found out there is a new PBS Retro FAST channel available on The Roku Channel. I also learned that I can access it when I thought I wouldn't be able to. PBS Retro has a lot of great shows I never thought I'd see again. Awesome!
    Peter Paltridge
    Peter Paltridge
    Like what? How retro are we talking? I go WAY back. Ruff Ruffman isn't gonna satisfy me -- I want Square One.
    Shiloh Otter
    Shiloh Otter
    So far, the oldest shows are Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood and Reading Rainbow. I assume more stuff will be added down the line.
    It currently airs Zoboomafoo, Kratts Creatures , Mr. Rogers, Reading Rainbow, Thomas and Friends. I was hoping for Zoom, or the Electric Company or something.
    the sports junkie in me really loves playing Sports Reference's Immaculate Grid games. nice way to start off each morning.
    I watched the first episode of Yuru Camp this morning on a whim, though I did have slight influence from a Twitter friend who really likes it. Can't believe I waited until now to give it a shot, because I really enjoyed it.
    I love Yuru Camp, I have to watch the new season that's coming out. I wish it had come out in winter again, like the last two seasons, it felt comfier that way, but yeah. That kind of anime is one my favorite genres.
    Shiloh Otter
    Shiloh Otter
    I obviously have some catching up to do, but hopefully that won't take too long. I already love Nadeshiko as a character. Dunno, I just love silly pink-haired girls.
    I hope you enjoy it, Nadeshiko is fun.
    Aiko's outfit is the biggest reason she's the first character I've gone with for my celebration of Magical Doremi. It's something I would totally wear, and it would be super easy to cosplay.

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    Aiko had such a great voice in the Japanese version.
    Shiloh Otter
    Shiloh Otter
    @aegisrawks ah, I've never seen the original version, only the 4Kids one. I usually don't watch anything with subtitles because I have a hard time following along. I can't read them and watch at the same time. I've broken my rule a couple of times and I will again in the future, but i mostly can't.
    Am I the only person here that is obsessed with concert setlists? For some reason, I just really enjoy keeping track of what bands and artists play live on a regular basis. My obsession did earn me a mod position on a long time ago, which I will always be proud of.
    I wish the internet would quit pushing sites like Temu and Shein onto me. I can't stand them, for numerous reasons.
    Y'know what, while my celebration of Magical Doremi officially starts in May, we're close enough to it that I'll go ahead with the pfp change now. Aiko / Mirabelle is up first.
    Do you have a favorite character from it?
    Shiloh Otter
    Shiloh Otter
    @LinusFan303 hmm... probably Doremi herself. But I've used her recently, so I do want to give other characters a chance before I go back to her.
    Starting next month, I will be going back to using Magical Doremi profile pics for a while, because I want to honor the first magical girl series I ever watched.
    Random music fact:

    "Mr. Jones" by Counting Crows was written about how lead vocalist Adam Duritz wanted fame in order to feel loved. He then got fame and had a breakdown soon after; he has since done an altered version live, where he warns about how getting famous was a mistake.
    Something that really annoys me is when people refuse to give a show a shot just because they think they're "too old" for it.
    @Fone Bone Can you explain your comment a little more? Did the adult males do something questionable in the conventions?
    Fone Bone
    Fone Bone
    They are there. They shouldn't be. It's messed up and ruins things for the little girls who were excited to go there. Controversial stance on my end, but grown men dressing in pony costumes in public is creepy. And it probably weirds out the little girls present.
    Fone Bone
    Fone Bone
    You can love Friendship is Magic. Talk about your love online with other adults. But man, stay in your lane, and stop ruining things for the target audience in public. It's not about you.
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