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  • To begin November, I decided to make a voice reveal. This was recorded yesterday, when I was playing a GD remake. :)

    Fun fact: I made videos with my voice on my old Youtube channel between 2018-2019.
    Halloween will end in the European region soon, so I reverted my avatar back to normal.
    By the afternoon (also CET), my banner will be also normal for the 1st time (as I've never used a banner before October).
    A new Halloween avatar is here. Electroshocking and bleeding is over - the two being combined for a long time resulted in a colorful variant. Bloo, Number 3, Blossom and Pibby are on the road for the infamous celebration tomorrow.
    Switched to a Hungarian-flagged avatar for a day, due to today being the 1956 Hungarian revolution day.
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    Reactions: Moe
    I maybe from the US but I love to read the history. I read the history about Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and it was saddest history for Hungary.
    Thank you for being a member who was being self-interested in international history. :)
    After using the former name reminder as a sub-text under my name for more than a month, I changed it.
    Oh no! My logo is electroshocked by a lightning strike and is bleeding from the bottom!

    That is because another temporary avatar change happened for the Halloween month.
    Today I enjoyed trying some nostalgic online CN games through the Wayback Machine. Some games didn't work, such as select KND games (DCR files instead of SWF ones) or the Puffy Ami-Yumi games (Dish It Out had Flash Player compatibility issue while World Tour just couldn't start after the controls tutorial).
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    Reactions: JMTV and wonderfly
    Red Arrow
    Red Arrow
    Try Flashpoint Infinity ( It has nearly all old CN games and more. Don't download the Ultimate version unless you want your computer to crash.
    Flashpoint saves don't work. Trying to open any game will result in a BLANK WHITE SCREEN instead of an immediate open. :(
    After I completed the installation, Avast blacklisted one of Flashpoint's files, which I quarantined.
    One of the big downtime's achievements is that some users became untaggable. These include ProtoGentIsDead, Easycore, and even one of my friends - zb1.
    They actually are still taggable if you type their full name. The autofill only works if they logged in somewhat recently, and the people you mentioned have been away too long (downtime or no downtime). This is a thing with XenForo, not us.
    Thanks for the info.
    It's almost 3 months since I started the "videoless era" on Youtube with my new channel.
    With the 3 reasons discussed earlier with my Deviantart journal, this is the video with which I represent how the era began.
    I'm in a bad mood since the fall break, which lasted for a week, started. Minutes ago I got a temperature of 39,2 Celsius.
    I'm afraid that thus I got COVID-ed as well like my mom and twin did months ago.
    In some weeks I will reach the reaction score of 2,002. After that the next goal will be to have 2,002 written messages, which will be in half or a year.
    For me, the new CN USA look sucks, although I do like its logo animation. Even if some users hate RYW because of its epilepsy and the "next" bumpers, I will still retain it. It's part of my branding.
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The first South Park movie is 25 years old today.
New profile pic: Zadie from Work It Out Wombats!
The CSC Channels prior to 2017 were actually amazing. A shame it was all thrown under the bus.
Lesson learned. Never talk to anyone ever.

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