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  1. zeppelined

    The Archers Quest Ends...EA's Final Post

    Hm. You may have missed the point. What I described (a community forms; it has leaders who are leaders because they have physical ownership over some logistical necessity of the community, ie a server) is exactly what you described. You're still confusing the community with the site. The site is...
  2. zeppelined

    The Archers Quest Ends...EA's Final Post

    This sort of thing happens all the time. I've witnessed it again and again. It's becoming like Internet social anthropology at this point. A community forms. There are leaders of that community, usually in that position because they own the server or pay the hosting costs - they are not chosen...
  3. zeppelined

    How do you think the world would react?...

    To summarize Squadron Supreme briefly, this group was originally created by Marvel as a sort of knockoff of the popular DC characters. They existed in their own universe or dimension (often referred to by people in the 616 MU as "The Squadron Supreme Universe"), however, they frequently...
  4. zeppelined

    How do you think the world would react?...

    There's a long and complex answer to this question, but fortunately, I don't have to write it. It's already been written, and illustrated, in convenient comic book form! And it's called Supreme Powers. :-) Seriously, I think the ongoing Supreme Powers series offers the best look at...
  5. zeppelined

    What's wrong with the DC "heroes" of today?

    This reminds me of how I feel when bands say they are heavily influenced by Led Zeppelin. So many of those "Zeppelin-influenced" metal bands of the 80s and 90s looked at Zeppelin and all they got out of it was high-pitched vocals, loud drums, and wailing guitar solos. They missed out on the true...
  6. zeppelined

    The Scorpion gets re-invented in 'Amazing Fantasy'

    Am I allowed to say, "I told you so?" :-)
  7. zeppelined

    How many times have superheroes used...? (Identity Crisis spoilers)

    There's a fairly major one that seems to go unmentioned: a few years ago (I believe it was 1999), Marvel did a bunch of annuals that weren't tied to any specific title. They were sort of like Marvel Team-Up one-shots. One of them featured Cap and Iron memory gets a little fuzzy here...
  8. zeppelined

    What's wrong with the DC "heroes" of today?

    Not to make a "me too" type post, but I have to say, this is as excellent point. Actually, it's one of the most insightful things I've heard someone say about comic books in a long time. Wow, I didn't realize the movement had a name. It's funny, because you just rattled off a list of all my...
  9. zeppelined

    New Avengers #1-6 Talkback (Spoilers)

    This was a disappointment. I could have let it slide until I got to the letters page. Seeing the writers/editors making sarcastic replies to anyone who wrote in with criticisms was very grating. They seem to be a bit defensive about things, hm? So this is supposed to be the "new" and...
  10. zeppelined

    Post your worst expereince at a comic book shop here.

    I just remembered another one. There's a comic/collectible shop neaby where I used to hang out and play Magic when I was younger. Well, this place offers a big discount on any comics you buy on Sundays. Sweet, right? So I ask the guy, "Do you do pull lists?" He proceeds to launch into this...
  11. zeppelined

    The CBC Action Figure Thread

    I was thinking about this Galactus assembly figure concept, and I'm worried about short-packed figures. Let's say Dr. Strange and War Machine are the ones who are only one per case. There's going to be a whole lot of people who have a Galactus with no legs, either because they simply can't find...
  12. zeppelined

    The CBC Action Figure Thread

    Interesting link here: Their prices are hugely inflated on most figures, but you can see a listing for every wave up to 11. (11!) One interesting thing is, if you go to the listing for wave 8, they're selling the figures from that Spider-Man/Siniter...
  13. zeppelined

    The CBC Action Figure Thread

    I was browsing around on ebay, and there are a bunch of auctions for both the Spidey and FF gift sets with a buy-it-now price of $39.99. Not bad. I don't have *any* of the figures in the Spidey set, so I'm fired up about that one. I got a brown Wolvie the other day at K-Mart, and I picked...
  14. zeppelined

    The CBC Action Figure Thread

    Are you freaking kidding me?!?!? This could be the best wave ever. I would put most of those figures on my "must-have" list, and the rest automatically get put on the, "might as well have since I want to make the giant Galactus" list. Wow! Pretty cool. Has anyone had any luck finding any...
  15. zeppelined

    Hottest, hottest Beefcake from Marvel

    I'd have to go with Colossus, the original big Russian farm boy with a heart of gold we all knew and loved. I think if you go look up Beefcake, there'll be a picture of our boy Petey there. That cover of Astonishing with him and Kitty - sexy stuff. I'll have to ask my wife what she thinks...
  16. zeppelined

    Hottest, hottest chicks from Marvel.

    I guess it depends who's drawing who, but Rogue, certainly. Personally, I always thought Psylocke was intriguing *before* she became a ninja. You know, when she was still an English girl? Much more subtle. And while we're on a mutant kick, Jean Grey and Storm have certainly had their "hot"...
  17. zeppelined

    Anyone have this pic in desktop wallpaper size?

    I had an extra minute, so I made two versions. The first is with WW at the original size, the second, I blew her up to fill more of the screen, but she gets a little blurry.
  18. zeppelined

    Post your worst expereince at a comic book shop here.

    There's a shop near my house where the exceedingly fat clerk (looks like he listens to lots of Limp Bizkit) always ends every sentence directed toward me with, "Bro." I actually walk *past* this shop another 10 blocks or so to go to a different one because I can't stand this. "No, all out...
  19. zeppelined

    Thunderbolts Return

    Captain Marvel fought alongside the team in #1, but he's...gone now. Also, former villains Blizzard and Speed Demon have joined up (Speed Demon not until #2). And despite Radioactive Man being on the cover of #1, he still hasn't made an appearance. No sign of Fallout Boy either. :cool...
  20. zeppelined

    Thunderbolts Return

    Can I get away with saying I spelled it that way on purpose, just to see if someone would catch it? Really. Honest. I swear. I just wish they'd bring back the old Ringo armor....
  21. zeppelined

    Thunderbolts Return

    The why is easy: because they are (and were) the best superteam in the M.U. up until Marvel decided to screw up the series with that 'Fight Club' nonsense. :-) As far as what's going on, here's the short version: Mach-1 (formerly the Beatle) has rebuilt the team in the wake of the group...
  22. zeppelined

    Expert help needed for girl with no comic book experience

    Hm - this is an era I am a fan of, but nothing is coming to mind immediately. I'll give it some thought though...maybe a quick look through the collection later on will spur my memory. :-)
  23. zeppelined

    The Scorpion gets re-invented in 'Amazing Fantasy'

    Their awkward and incorrect use of the pronoun "their" would lead one to believe the new Scorpion will be female.
  24. zeppelined

    Iron Man #1 - 6 "Extremis" Talkback (Spoilers)

    The biggest problem with nonsensical revisions of continuity like this one is that they're not needed "to make any sense today." Time in the Marvel Universe has never passed at the same rate as it does for the readers. Depending on who you ask, only 15 to 20 years or so have passed since the...
  25. zeppelined

    Avengers #500-503 Talkback (Spoilers)

    Nice breakdown. These are all things my wife and I have said to each other over the course of reading this arc, but I didn't have the patience to write it all down. :-) Awhile back, my wife and I were *****ing to our comic shop owner about the lack of continuity between Marvel titles...
  26. zeppelined

    Iron Man #1 - 6 "Extremis" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Is it a reboot? A limited series? Who knows. I want to hear what everyone thinks. But first you get to hear what *I* think. Overall, this issue was kind of interesting, with two separate plot lines coming together at the end to set up the next five issues. I am intrigued by this strange...
  27. zeppelined

    Avengers #500-503 Talkback (Spoilers)

    This was a giant steaming turd of a comic book, which only added to the pile Marvel's been spewing lately. The only good thing was how hilarious it was after seeing the "Avenger's Disassembled Re-enacted by Toys," plus Spidey's line. "Plus, she married a robot." That whole sequence was...
  28. zeppelined

    CBC's Fresh Question #33. What is the scariest comic you have read?

    I have to cast my vote for Dark Horse's Devil's Footprints series. Very creepy stuff...just the cover of issue three was scary! I agree about the early Swamp Thing issues also. That's a great TBP. But there's something I find very scary about the mindlessness of the Man-Thing. To imagine...
  29. zeppelined

    Toronto Comic Con report

    I haven't seen anyone post con reports on this board, but I know I always like hearing about them from people who were there, so here's a quick rundown on my first time at this con. First off, this won't be as interesting as many con reports, since I only went on the last day and I didn't go...
  30. zeppelined

    The state of comics in the 21st century

    Absolutely true. I remember when I was 12 or 13, sometimes when I was bored (or just felt like getting some comics), I'd ride my bike up to Wilson Farms (a corner store type place) and spend some allowance $$ on the comics there. It was so great to be able to just go get comics, and seeing them...
  31. zeppelined

    Three Perfectly Preserved WWI Soldiers Found Frozen in Glacier

    It's all coming together. Now they just need to get the frozen Austrian supersoldier together with the super-strong mutant kid that there was an article on. ( Isn't the world a strange, amazing place?
  32. zeppelined

    CBC's Fresh Question #28. Is there ever a good reason to bring back a dead character?

    I'm very anti-resurrection. And I'm still wondering if the decree at the end of Marvel's "The End" series (which I've discussed elsewhere here), actually had any effect on editorial. There are two reasons a dead character can be brought back: 1). You're a good writer and it's a good...
  33. zeppelined

    Supreme Power thoughts and feelings *SPOILERS*

    It's interesting how many different ways this series can be read. From the beginning, I've been treating it almost like an "Ultimate DC" series. In fact, I think the writing is grittier and more realistic than any of the Ultimate Marvel stuff I've read, plus being on the Max imprint gives it a...
  34. zeppelined

    She-Hulk #1 Talkback (Spoilers)

    Another amazing issue. Funny how an astonishing revelation happened and it was sort of disconnected from the main plot. The Mad Thinker is a robot?!?! That idea alone could propel a sub-plot for months. Who built him? Why? Crazy stuff. I'm picturing an old-fashioned silver age cover, with...
  35. zeppelined

    "X-Men: Days of Future Past" Classic Talkback (Spoilers)

    Do we really need to worry about spoilers for a TBP collection of stories that are almost 20 years old? :-) Seriously though, looking forward to this one. That should fill out a neat little chunk of the Uncanny X-Men back issues. I love that they include the relevant annual as well...
  36. zeppelined

    Avengers/Thunderbolts talkback (spoilers)

    Thanks for the info. As a big T-Bolts fan who was very ticked about what Marvel did to the series (and you should have seen how mad my wife was!), it's kind of nice to feel vindicated by the abysmal failure of that nonsense, and the resurgence of the real Thunderbolts. Now, I already read...
  37. zeppelined

    Avengers/Thunderbolts talkback (spoilers)

    Now that this series has run its course, what did everyone think? I enjoyed the story arc quite a bit, thought the art was excellent, and of course, Busiek's writing was top notch. The pacing was quick (but not confusing), and the story had a nice sense of drama, on both a global scale and as...
  38. zeppelined

    Stan Lee To Script "Spider-Man: The End"

    You might also want to consider the possibility that Mr. Lee's writing has evolved and matured in the last thirty-odd years. I mean, he did invent Stripperella, didn't he? Wait, I said "matured," didn't I? Hmmm....
  39. zeppelined

    Batman vs Spiderman

    Well, I'm imagining a scenario like this: some kind of radiation sickness is affecting the residents of NYC. Batman learns that an antidote can be developed using Spider-Man's irradiated blood. Spidey thinks Batman is responsible for some reason, and won't give up his blood to Bats, thinking...
  40. zeppelined

    Batman vs Spiderman

    Batman wins it, especially if he has "prep" time, but not for the reason most people have mentioned. Remember, he is the World's Greatest Detective. He *would* find out that Spidey is Peter Parker. And if he had a strong enough reason to want to defeat Spider-Man, he'd be pretty ruthless about...

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